
不成体统  bù chéng tǐ tǒng








  • 她在聚会上的举止真不成体统
    She behaved very badly at the party.

  • 舞会上穿短裤不成体统
    Short trousers are improper at a dance.

  • 那年月女的到酒店喝酒可不成体统
    It wasn't quite the done thing for women to drink in pubs in those days.

  • 昨天晚上她在宴会上的行为不成体统
    Her behaviour at the party last night was unseemly.

  • 这乖张世界是那么不成体统
    Now this ill-wresting world is grown so bad.

  • 用电脑太多,我的字写得不成体统了。
    My handwriting has gone down with using the computer so much.

  • 啰里啰唆不成体统,大家将就 看看吧。
    Hello, overelaborate Buchengtitong, we will look at it.

  • 这些游客的穿着在当地人的眼中简直不成体统
    The way these tourists dress offends local standards of propriety.

  • 这些游客的穿着在当地人的眼中简直不成体统
    The way tourists dress offends local standards of propriety.

  • 要清楚一条,没特色便不成体统不成流派不成时尚。
    Want to be clear about, do not have characteristic not to become genre not to become fashion into decency.

  • 这要他的词汇会越来越不成体统,说出话来把人气个半死。
    Or when he accumulates more and more evil words, his words will make you very angry.

  • 他勒马躲到树后面去,随即看出即使是窥伺也同样不成体统
    He reined his horse in behind a tree, then perceived that it was equally impossible to spy on them.

  • 她甚至要给钢琴的腿穿上布裤子,因为她觉得钢琴光着腿是不成体统的。
    She even put cotton trousers on the legs of the piano because she thought bare legs were improper.

  • 她的行为太不成体统……由于不检点,她每到一处都使自己成为众矢之的。
    Her conduct is perfectly scandalous…she makes herself the talk of every place she goes to by her thoughtlessness.

  • 衣红看他们这样闹下去,实在不成体统,她侠义心肠又动了,便站了出来,说:「大法王先生!
    Perceiving the outrageous way they were carrying on, Yi Hong's sense of honor and gallantry once again emerged. Standing up she said, "Mr. First Lord!"

  • 在得到肯定的答复之后,他说:“立刻打发他的副官也随同去吧——这么显要的人物只身独行是不成体统的。
    After getting affirmative answer, he says: "Dismiss immediately his adjutant also be accompanying goes -- so important person does not become decency alone alone all right."

  • 如果他练一练他那个不成体统的投篮,再有点稳定性,你可以预测他将每场多拿下8-12分和场均8-14个板。
    If he developed anything remotely resemblign a shot, and some consistency, you'd see more 8-12 points, 8-14 rebound games out of him.

  • 于是她就说,这未免太胡闹了,太不成体统了。她还说,从此以后,珈伦再到教堂去,必须穿着黑鞋子,即使是旧的也没有关系。
    She said that it was a shocking thing to do, that it was very improper, and that Karen was always to go to church in future in black shoes, even if they were old.

  • 他预计公众对隐私的态度会越来越放纵:“如今”,他写道,“很难想象对隐私的干扰如此之近,以至于冒犯公众,不成体统”。
    He sees a coarsening of public attitudes about privacy: "Nowadays, " writes Lewis, "it is hard to imagine any revelation so intimate that it would offend the public's sense of decency.

  • 而每次说起这个话题,他只是淡淡地笑——这一个长得酷酷的男生,说话时候音色沉静,两眼微微眯起,却有时候露出小孩子狡黠的笑,爽朗得不成体统
    When repeatedly asked about this, he smiles softly -- such a cool guy with decent tone, narrowing his eyes, sometimes let smiles streams like a kid and emits his unparalleled joy and lucidity.

  • 那天下午老太太听大家说那双鞋是红的。于是她就说,这未免太胡闹了,太不成体统了。她还说,从此以后,珈伦再到教堂去,必须穿着黑鞋子,即使是旧的也没有关系。
    And then she confessed all her sin, and the executioner struck off her feet with the red shoes. but the shoes danced away with the little feet across the field into the deep forest.

  • 不成体统造句相关
