
不知所云  bù zhī suǒ yún








  • 这篇文章条理不清, 使人看了不知所云
    The article is so poorly-organized that I don't know what to say after reading it.

  • 老师不喜欢整天不知所云的学生。
    Teachers do not like students who babble on about nothing.

  • 不管你怎么读,这个句子总是不知所云
    No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn't make (any) sense.

  • 有时候收信人读到我的信,只觉得不知所云
    My letters sometimes convey no ideas at all to my correspondents.

  • 麦克莱伦发言时的[不知所云]可谓无人能比哦!
    Big shoes to fill. Scott McClellan could say nothing like nobody else.

  • 从你最喜欢的话题开始,否则你就会走题,不知所云
    Start a blog on your favorite topic, else you will always run out of content.

  • 来自你家庭的消息将令你震惊:4。10【不知所云】。
    News about your home or family will be terrific: April 10.

  • 可偏偏我只懂得西班牙语一门外语,她说的我完全不知所云
    Unfortunately , I had confined my foreign language studies to Spanish , and i didn't understand a word .

  • 我度假的时候读过一本宇宙学方面的书,几乎完全不知所云
    While on vacation I read a book on cosmology that I almost entirely failed to understand.

  • 类比,大话,点出竞争对手的名字,只会令广告受众不知所云
    Analogies, big words, and naming the competitor confuse people.

  • 大部分的时候感觉这种对话好像很超前,校长们有点不知所云
    Major when feel this kind of dialog is like very lead, presidents have bit of not know what is said.

  • 这样,到处充斥着低劣,糟糕的作品和晦涩难懂而不知所云的批评文章。
    In this way, is full of poor, poor and obscure works and criticism of the article and not knowing what.

  • 在我看起来,极大多数在毕业典礼上致辞的人,都是胡说八道,不知所云
    As far as I am concerned, most people who lecture at graduation ceremonies have nothing important to say.

  • 如果以一幅血管图开始谈论研究结果,那将会枯燥乏味,而且可能不知所云
    It would be dull, and possibly confusing, to start with a picture of a blood vessel and start talking about the study results.

  • 在解释如果创建驱动程序之前我需要定义一个起始平台(不知所云--##)。
    I need to define a starting ground before we begin to explain how to write a device driver.

  • 脱离语境或社会文化背景而孤立地理解语言,往往会笑话百出,甚至不知所云
    Without a specific language context or cultural background, the independent comprehension of a language will be tricky or nonsense.

  • 如果你讲话的速度快得让人感到不知所云,那么就用这种方法来放慢你的语速。
    If you are talking so fast that people find you hard to understand, start slowing down your speech with this technique.

  • 不知道这个“生命能量场”是个什么东西,至于后者,使食物结构崩溃更不知所云
    Microwaved foods lose 60 ~ 90% of the vital-energy field and microwaving accelerates the structural disintegration of foods.

  • 不了解背景知识或者缺乏写作的自信心,就很容易导致一篇文章结构冗长、不知所云
    Without background knowledge and confident writing, it's just too easy to write a long fluffy article that really doesn't say much of anything.

  • 美容美发行业有它自己的语言,顾客听到这些“美丽行话”经常如坠五里云烟不知所云
    The beauty industry has its own language and clients often get lost in the lingo that is "beauty talk".

  • 《汉书》曾载秦陵“下彻三泉…中成观游,上成山林”,其中“中成观游”始终让人不知所云
    "Han History" had contained story "small three-…China into perspective Tour, on a mountain, "which" into perspective Tour "always makes unintelligible.

  • 现在《心理环境通报与评论》杂志的研究表明,反过来也同样正确:开车会让我们变得不知所云
    Now a study in the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review shows that the reverse is also true: driving makes it hard to keep track of what we're talking about.

  • 他没有留下任何资料,只是写了不少书,偏偏那些书除了小说以外,多半内容深奥,读来不知所云
    He left no information but he had written many books. However, aside from novels, the contents of most of his books were very difficult and unintelligible to readers.

  • 撒谎者可能用词混淆,声音轻,而且句子结构和语法的使用也相当混乱。简而言之,他语焉不详不知所云
    Words may be garbled and spoken softly, and syntaxand grammar may be off. In other-words, his sentences will likely be muddled rather than emphasized.

  • 美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德对搜寻伊拉克大规模武器所发表的一个奇异的说法使他获得了本年度公众人物“不知所云”奖。
    A bizarre comment by US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the hunt for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction has been awarded the "Foot in Mouth" prize by Britain's Plain English Campaign.

  • 他产生一种下等错综的心理了,过了一会,你也许会发现他竭力在维护东方文化,态度骄傲,慷慨激昂;可是事实上他是不知所云的。
    An inferiority complex sets in, and in the next moment you may find him the most arrogant, chauvinistic defender of the Oriental civilization, without knowing what he is talking about.

  • 本周二,“简明英语运动组织”年度“不知所云”大奖揭晓,前英格兰国家足球队主教练史蒂夫•麦克拉伦力挫美国总统布什,赢得这一“殊荣”。
    Former England soccer manager Steve McClaren fought off tough competition from US President George W. Bush to win a dreaded " Foot in Mouth " award on Tuesday from the Plain English campaign.

  • 本周二,“简明英语运动组织”年度“不知所云”大奖揭晓,前英格兰国家足球队主教练史蒂夫•麦克拉伦力挫美国总统布什,赢得这一“殊荣”。
    Former England soccer manager Steve McClaren fought off tough competition from US President George W. Bush to win a dreaded " Foot in Mouth" award on Tuesday from the Plain English campaign.

  • 我走向麦克风,为我蹩脚的普通话道歉,并做了一个简短但似乎有些不知所云的致辞:“我是美国人,我的这些朋友是中国人,我们组成了一个乐队。
    ' I stepped to the mic, apologizedfor my bad Chinese and gave a short but rambling thank you: 'I am American, my friends here are Chinese. Together, we are one band.

  • 本周三公布的一项“不知所云语录”调查显示,美国前总统乔治•W•布什名列该榜首位,紧随其后的是阿诺德•施瓦辛格和(美国前国防部长)唐纳德•拉姆斯菲尔德。
    Former US president George W. Bush topped a poll of the worst examples of mangled English released Wednesday, followed closely by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Donald Rumsfeld.

  • 不知所云造句相关
