
健步如飞  jiàn bù rú fēi







  • 猫像疯子一样,健步如飞地跑了。
    Cats like a madman, legs and ran.

  • 瞄准感动,思绪在我脑中健步如飞
    Target moved Jianbu thoughts in my mind swiftly.

  • 广州人健步如飞是否为了避免被拦路抢劫?
    Do people in Guangzhou walk fast to avoid being mugged?

  • 健步如飞地往校园赶,否则就要迟到了!
    He quickened his step to school, not wanting to be late.

  • 看看阳光下尙健步如飞的身影,居然无悔。
    Chang look at the sun's shadow Jianbu Ru-fei Surprisingly, no regrets.

  • 所有额外能源,您幼犬将能够休能大增健步如飞
    With all that extra energy, your pup will be able to chase his tail for hours!

  • 而那些单侧肩膀放扁担的选手,挑着箩筐健步如飞
    But these one-sided shoulder puts shoulder pole's contestant, is selecting the wicker basket walk as if flying.

  • 因为梦想,所以飞翔。我不能飞,但我可以健步如飞
    I could not fly, but I can stride vigorously.

  • 因为梦想,所以飞翔。我不能飞,但我可以健步如飞
    Due the dream, to fly, although I can't reach that, with a vigorous strides accordingly!

  • 谁有能力抓住一只能够在悬崖峭壁上健步如飞的生物呢?
    Who could possibly catch a creature capable of climbing steep cliffs and mountains?

  • 我客套一番之后,猛地健步如飞到酒店大堂寻找华尔街日报。
    Feigned familiarity, then bolted to hotel lobby to hunt for The Wall Street Journal.

  • 地上有一个瓶子,它一定是从那个健步如飞的人身上掉下来的。
    And there on the ground is a bottle that must've dropped from the hasty man's gear.

  • 健步如飞现在是减少限制移动效果25/50%而不是抵抗机率;
    Fleet Footed (Assassination) now reduces duration of movement impairing effects by 25/50% rather than increasing resist chance.

  • 首先来看看石器时代,那是一个追求强壮臂腕和健步如飞的时代。
    First came the Stone Age, when life was for the strong of arm or the fleet of foot.

  • 它并非用来驱动,而是用来减压,以便于这种四足机器人能健步如飞
    While not used for propulsion, it does lessen the droid's overall weight, increasing its agility as it travels along four articulated pincer legs.

  • 年青时,走起路来健步如飞,好像天天都有什么要紧的事儿等待我去做。
    When I was young, I walked like I was flying, something is waiting for me to accomplish everyday.

  • 又例如,我的老爸年纪也不少了,但是他还是健步如飞,这也令人看著开心。
    Another example would be my dad, even though he is not young anymore, he is still very fit, and it makes me happy just to look at him.

  • 但是凯萨琳已经开始沿著小径往山坡上走去,她健步如飞,并且叫马克跟上。
    But Kathleen had already started climbing the path that led up the hill. She was walking fast and shouting to Mark to keep up with her.

  • 9看笑话: 第一, 含蓄矜持,谦卑有礼,不得有拍手大笑,健步如飞之行为!
    9 see joke: The first, implicative and missish, abasement and civilized, must not clap laughs, the behavior that walk fast!

  • 英国伟大的科学家培根说过:“跛足而不迷路,能赶过虽健步如飞,但误入歧途的人。”
    The English great scientist Bacon once said: the cripple but not lost can surpass the people who walk fast but in a wrong road.

  • 移动速度是有限制的,但健步如飞本身会最大化你的移动速度而不管其他的恒久加速效果。
    There is a cap on run speed, and Fleet Footed would max out that cap regardless of what else was increasing your run speed.

  • 生理机能变化,幼体逐步发育,肤变颜异,从姗姗学步,到健步如飞,再而拄着拐杖行路。
    Changes in physiological functions, larvae gradually develop, skin changes Yan different, from the slowly learning to walk, to Jianbu like flying, and again leaning on a walking stick.

  • 健步如飞:减少减速效果持续时间25/50%代替抵抗,移动速度还是增加8/15%。
    Fleet Footed: Now reduces the duration of movement impairing effects by 25/50% (instead of chance to resist +5/10%). Speed still increased by 8/15%.

  • 想想,89岁,在现在算什么?看看大街上有些健步如飞的老者,说不定就超过89岁了。
    think, 89 years old, in what is now? Take a look at some of the streets of the old man Jianbu swiftly, perhaps on more than 89 years old.

  • 当时天色已很昏暗,路上也没有街灯,但他们一猜便猜中我们是从香港来的,皆因我们都健步如飞
    Even though it was completely dark out there without any streetlights, they immediately guessed that we were from Hong Kong, judging by the speed at which we were pacing down the hill.

  • 轿夫健步如飞,行了一顿饭时分,停了下来。韦小宝见轿子所停处是座小小的四合院,跟着高彦超入内。
    The bearers set off at quite a pace, and after half an hour or so came to a halt outside a small courtyard house.

  • 千辛万苦,我最终还是走到了大殿。老瓦与大傻就如深山老林中的老和尚看见的漂亮的尼姑,健步如飞
    Finally, we arrived at the Da Temple. DaSha and LaoWa walked as fast as monks saw a pretty nuns in the deep forest, though there was only on old monk in the temple.

  • 只有将中国经济木桶上的“短木板”换成和其它木板一样的“长木板”,中国经济的木桶才能盛满水,才会健步如飞
    Get on Chinese economy cask only " short board " change with other board " long board " , the cask ability of Chinese economy contains full water, ability can walk fast.

  • 新铺就的路面光滑平稳,采用的天然沥青摩擦系数大、降噪功能好,车辆走上去既能‘健步如飞’,关键时刻又能‘站得住’。
    New sleek smooth road paved, a natural asphalt friction coefficient large, Xiangzao function well to both vehicles onto 'vigorous step doing' critical moment can 'valid'.

  • 健步如飞:现在改为减少移动限制技能的效果25%/50%,原来是抵抗移动限制效果的几率增加5%/10%。速度增加仍然是8%/15%。
    Fleet Footed: Now reduces the duration of movement impairing effects by 25/50% (instead of chance to resist +5/10%). Speed still increased by 8/15%.

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