
党同伐异  dǎng tóng fá yì








  • 二是政党纷争现象比较严重,带有一定的党同伐异倾向;
    Second, the phenomenon is more serious political disputes with a certain Dangtongfayi tendency.

  • 吾邦之军队现在进行之战争,为持两种体系而战矣,一为异端体系,其党同伐异
    The battles waged by our troops are part of a broader struggle between two dramatically different systems.

  • 让我们抵制诱惑,不要回到长久以来毒害我们的政治的党同伐异与不成熟的行为中去。
    Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.

  • 让我们抵御诱惑,不再堕落于长久以来毒害我们政治的党同伐异、心胸狭窄以及幼稚无知。
    Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.

  • 民主党想尽快的展示,他们能够组建高效廉洁,有责任心的政府,与草率腐败,党同伐异的共和党完全不同。
    Democrats want to show, quickly, that they are the party of clean, responsible and effective government, unlike the sleazy, partisan and reckless Republicans.

  • 在名目繁多的写作立场标榜中,存在着一种非此即彼的对立思维模式,形成了一种党同伐异、充满霸气的绝对化言说思路。
    Among various writing positions, there exists a black-or-white thinking mode, with which people discriminate those who disagree.

  • 一个与旧政治党同伐异的部落主义和圈内人主义对着干的候选人将不得不努力接受和改变华盛顿还是在牢牢掌握在其旧主的手中的现实。
    A candidate who ran against the old politics of tribalism and insider-ism will have to grapple with the fact that Washington's power is in the hands of his own party.

  • 很多基督教右翼人士仍旧难以宽恕麦凯恩在2000年参加总统角逐时的讲演。当时,他谴责一些福音派领导人为“党同伐异的代理人”。
    Many on the Christian right had never forgiven the candidate for a speech during his 2000 presidential run, in which he denounced some evangelical leaders as "agents of intolerance".

  • 一个与旧政治党同伐异的部落主义和圈内人主义对着干的候选人将不得不与这样一个事实来抗争——华盛顿的大权现在掌握在民主党(他自己的党)的手中。
    A candidate who ran against the old politics of tribalism and insider-ism will have to grapple with the fact that Washington's power is in the hands of his own party.

  • 党同伐异造句相关
