
再生父母  zài shēng fù mǔ







  • 父母认为,祖先是可以再生的。所以他们给孩子那样的名字。
    the parents think that the ancestor is reborn in the baby. so they give the baby that name.

  • 父母认为,祖先是可以再生的。所以他们给孩子那样的名字。
    people there believe that the name is a part of the child . no strangers can know it.

  • 所以你和你那些再生的自我相异就象你和你的父母,尽管你们共享某些背景和个性。
    You are as different from those reincarnational selves, therefore, as you are from your parents, though you share certain backgrounds and characteristics.

  • 其他许多人可以推迟作父母,直到自己情感成熟、事业成功或经济有保障后再生孩子。
    Many others may postpone parenthood until they have matured emotionally or have achieved some success or financial security.

  • 现在中国的大多数大学生在经济上完全依赖父母,如果再生个孩子,就会给父母增加额外负担。
    Most university students in China are completely dependent on their parents for financial support and choosing to have a baby would place an extra burden on them.

  • 政府官员周一强调,这个县的独生子女家庭的孩子如果发生死亡,重伤或者残疾,父母可以再生一胎。
    Chinese officials Monday emphasized that the country's one-child policy allows families with a child killed, severely injured or disabled to have another child.

  • 尽管她把这位法国总统和他的妻子贝尔纳黛特称为“我的再生父母”,但是,希拉剋夫妇并没有正式收养她。
    She was not formally adopted by the Chiracs, although she describes the president and his wife Bernadette as "my second parents".

  • 尽管她把这位法国总统和他的妻子贝尔纳黛特称为“我的再生父母”,但是,希拉克夫妇并没有正式收养她。
    She was not formally adopted by the Chiracs, although she describes the president and his wife Bernadette as "my second parents".

  • 此前这位尤文前锋表示:“格雷古齐就像我的再生父母一般,不但教会了我如何去踢好球,更教会了我如何去像个男人。
    He was like a second father to me – Raffaele explained - He not only helped me grow as a footballer, but also as a man. He gave me so much advice.

  • 因此,当隋唐时期开始以统一的科举考试来选拔官员的时候,这一新的选才制度对天下的读书人来说,不啻“再生父母”。
    So, in the Sui-Tang period when the information came out that a standardized test would be used to select officials, the scholars all across the country hailed it as the gospel.

  • 为了让数千失去独子的父母减少痛苦,政府已出台政策允许他们再生个孩子,医生们免费为做过绝育手术的人做回复治疗。
    To ease the agony of the thousands who have lost the only children government policy allowed them to bear, doctors are to provide free treatment to reverse sterilisation procedures.

  • 我作为组织者之一,更加踊跃,积极宣传的同时也以身作则,从家里、邻居、父母单位搜集并上交了多种可循环再生的废料。
    As one of the organizers of this activity, I managed to find many useless items in my home, my parents' company, and even my neighbors' home.

  • 报纸说,在过去的5年里,超过11万父母支付1500英镑来储存新生儿的干细胞,以便在孩子患上疾病时用于细胞组织再生
    The Times said that in the past five years more than11, 000parents have paid up to 1, 500 pounds to store their babiesstemcells in order to grow tissue, should their childrenbecomeill.

  • 中国的一胎化政策允许有缺陷的小孩的父母再生一个,但是,有很多像高树峰的女儿,选择不再生了,并且专心照顾他们头一个孩子。
    China's one-child policy allows parents of disabled children to try for another, but many, like Gao Shufeng's daughter, choose not to and focus on their firstborn .

  • 正当值日儿干把姚星宇的名字记到黑板上的时候,他又哭丧着脸对值日儿干苦苦哀求:“我的姑奶奶啊,你是我的再生父母……哦,不,是母……哦,哦,我再给你张贴画。
    Legitimate duty to stem abuse Xingyu Yao's name to the blackboard in mind, he also stem of Duty begging children: "My You are my …Oh, no, is the mother …Oh, Oh, I give you posters."

  • 再生父母造句相关
