
利害相关  lì hài xiāng guān








  • 我们国家的未来与我们每个人都利害相关
    Each of us has a stake in the future of our country.

  • 利害相关者参与管理。
    The stakeholders participate in the management.

  • 利害相关人包括其管理层、职工、提供商和客户。
    Stakeholders include a company's management, employees, suppliers and customers.

  • 股东方法与利害相关人方法对公司目标的各自的观点?
    What are the arguments for shareholder versus stakeholder approaches to the goals of the firm?

  • 我们都和建设和平与繁荣、疾病和环境退化利害相关
    We all have a stake in building peace and prosperity, disease and environmental destruction.

  • 获取者:自供应者获取或采购产品或服务的利害相关者。
    Acquirer: The stakeholder that acquires or procures a product or service from a supplier. (See also "stakeholder. ""

  • 学习太空事业的历史,利害相关者,和政府的政策法规。
    Students will learn about the history of the space enterprise, its history, stakeholders, and governing laws.

  • 前者以广义公司治理概念为基础,以利害相关者及其联系为核心。
    Japan –style model is based on the broad definition of Corporate Governance with stakeholders as its core consideration.

  • 适时就环保议题对客户、供应商、社区及其他外部利害相关者沟通;
    Communicate with customers, suppliers, community and other relevant parties for environmental topics when necessary.

  • 但要做到这点,就必须使本国人民懂得利害相关所在,赢得们的坚定支持。
    And they can do so only if their peoples understand what is at stake, and firmly support it.

  • 但要做到这点,就必须使本国人民懂得利害相关所在,赢得他们的坚定支持。
    And they can do so only if their peoples understand what is at stake, and firmly support it.

  • 在佛罗里达州警方说,一名男子是他被杀害妻子和5名孩子/儿童的利害相关者。
    Police in Florida say this man is a person of interest in the killings of his wife and five young children.

  • 组织应传达相关法令及其他要求事项予组织控制下之工作人员,及相关利害团体。
    The organization shall communicate relevant information on legal and other requirements to persons working under the control of the organization, and other relevant interested parties.

  • 公司重整作为一个精巧的利益纠纷解决机制,是众多利害相关者的利益平衡协调器。
    Act as an ingenious law system, company reorganization will balance all kinds of contradictory interest well.

  • 除了由公司设立方式决定的设立风险外,一家新设立的公司还需要将其利害相关人考虑在内。
    In addition to establishment risks which are determined by the way in which a company is structured, a new company must consider how it will deal with its stakeholders.

  • 前者保证各个股东之间和各种利害相关者之间权力利益的平衡和所有者对经营者的有效监督;
    The former can guarantee the balance of each stock holder and the manager"s operation under the supervision of the owners."

  • 肯尼迪由于个人的命运同阿尔及利亚革命的结局利害相关,就特别注意阿尔及利亚局势的发展。
    With his personal stake in the outcome or the Algerian revolution, Kennedy followed Algerian developments with special care.

  • 公司制度所产生的代理问题,需藉由会计师提供签证,以消弭经理人与相关利害人间资讯不对称。
    The agency problems in the corporation can be mitigate by attestation information provided by CPAs.

  • 审定机构应将PDD文件公开30天,邀请缔约方、利害相关方、UNFCCC认可的非政府组织发表评论。
    The validator shall make the PDD under consideration publicly available and invite Parties, stakeholders and UNFCCC accredited NGOs to comment on the validation requirements within 30 days.

  • 本研究将环境保护的驱动力之构念分成环境法规的要求、成本和竞争的需求、外部利害相关人的影响等三个构面;
    In this study, environmental protective drivers have three dimensions: regulatory demands, cost and competition requirements, and external stakeholder influences.

  • 公司治理是利害相关者通过一系列内部、外部机制来实施共同治理,从而保证公司各方面的利害相关者的利益最大化。
    Corporate governance comes into being with its target at optimizing the benefits of stakeholders of a certain company by governing the entity via interior and exterior mechanisms.

  • 一个组织如果能够展现出其成功地实施本标准,将可取信于各利害相关者,证明该组织的确具有适当的环境管理系统。
    Demonstration of successful implementation of the standard can be used by an organization to assure interested parties that an appropriate environmental management system is in place.

  • 分别从民营企业家、人才招聘和人才管理三方面论述了如何规范化的问题,剖析了其中对企业利害相关的一系列因素。
    I dissertate how to standardize from private entrepreneurs, recruitment and human management respectively, taking apart some of relevant elements to enterprises interests.

  • 他们可以提供机会为管理者和员工进行一对一的交流并且找到相关利害关系,以及识别并发现培训的需求点和职业生涯的意向。
    They provide the opportunity for the manager to have one-to-one discussions with an employee and find out about any concerns, as well as identifying training needs and discovering career aspirations.

  • 为了使我国人民意识到维护美国民主生活同他们的个人利害休戚相关,已做了很多工作,国家对此十分满意并从中汲取巨大的力量。
    The nation takes great satisfaction and much strength from the things which have been done to make its people conscious of their individuals take in the preservation of democratic life in America.

  • 十月三日,他在写给卫报的文章中表示,由于像中国这样的巨型利害相关者并没有完全融入经济秩序,因此目前的协调体系早已“过时”。
    "Internationally, the problem is even more acute…" he says, since coordinating systems are "outdated, " with huge stakeholders like China not tied firmly enough into the economic order.

  • 在记者招待会上,马表示他希望台湾在国际社会中成为一个“负责任的利害相关者”,并且希望与台湾的亲密盟友——美国,恢复“相互之间的信任”。
    In his press conference, Ma said that he wanted Taiwan to be a "responsible stakeholder" in international circles and to restore "mutual trust" with the US, Taiwan's closest ally.

  • 这也与“有效维护存款人、投资者和其他相关利害关系人的合法权益,并以此促进银行的安全、稳健、高效运行”的我国商业银行信息披露目标是一致的。
    Furthermore, better transparency is consistent with the aim of protecting the interests of depositors and other customers, as well as promoting a safe and sound banking industry in China.

  • 有关核动力安全问题辩论中所表达的观点,主要来自与此问题利害相关的两个方面:一方是联合王国原子能管理局和英国核燃料有限公司,另一方是各种环境保护团体。
    The views expressed in the debate on the safety of nuclear power have come mainly from the interested parties … and the various environmental groups on the other.

  • 后者(科技股)上个月跌后复升, 但随后又像美光科技(美国的一家内存芯片生产厂家)那样出现徘徊不前的局面,这使那些与现代(韩国债台高筑的内存芯片制造商)利害相关或与之结盟的投资者拿不定主意。
    The latter rallied last month, but then hesitated as Micron, an American memory-chip maker, blew hot and cold on taking a stake in or allying with Hynix, Korea's debt-laden maker of memory chips.

  • 利害相关造句相关
