
卧薪尝胆  wò xīn cháng dǎn








  • 卧薪尝胆, 图谋报复。
    He endured hardships to plan retaliation.

  • 为什么勾践要选择屈服和卧薪尝胆
    Why choose Gou yield and Revival.

  • 卧薪尝胆,图谋报复。
    He endured hardships to plan retaliation.

  • 苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴”。
    The good, you days, the hardships that can swallow a thousand more Wu.

  • 卧薪尝胆”这个成语用来形容刻苦自励,奋发图强。
    This idiom is used to describe inspiring oneself and working hard to accomplish an ambition.

  • 也许,关于亲密,你只能自己定义,靠自己卧薪尝胆
    Maybe the rules of intimacy are something you have to define for yourself.

  • 而世人则看到:卧薪尝胆八年的普京,终于一展雄风。
    But the common people see: Steels oneself for revenge eight year Putin, finally an exhibition strong wind.

  • 卧薪尝胆一年之后,拜仁用一场胜利宣告了自己的回归。
    One year after the hardships, Bayern with a victory in his return declared.

  • 如今,辽宁盼盼正卧薪尝胆,矢志要在新赛季大干一场。
    Now, Liaoning Panpan is Woxinchangdan, determined to be a Range in the new season.

  • 宽松的舆论环境,给了斯科特和保罗卧薪尝胆的时间和空间。
    The liberal media environment, and Paul Scott to the hardships of the time and space.

  • 因为享受国际援助永远比卧薪尝胆舒服,他们彻底放弃了信念。
    And because enjoying assistance is always much easier than enduring hardship, they totally abandoned faith.

  • 京北的玫瑰园命运维艰,梁希森接手之后,卧薪尝胆,大拆大改。
    Beijing North Rose Garden fate Victoria together, Liangxisen over, enduring hardships to accomplish great dismantling changed.

  • 越王勾践卧薪尝胆,于是有了“苦心人,天不负”这样的豪言壮语。
    Yue hardships, they have "good people who live day" such words.

  • 孙悦在发展联盟,其实可以避开很多麻烦,卧薪尝胆,方有一展宏图时。
    Sun Yue in the development of the Union, could have avoided a lot of trouble, hardships, and one side when ambitious exhibition.

  • 经过4年的卧薪尝胆,大起大落的那不勒斯终于回归意甲,并在逐渐复兴。
    After 4 year steeling oneself for revenge, major rises' and falls' Naples returns Yijia finally, and is reviving gradually.

  • 对于这个成绩,领队周继红表示,这是几代跳水人卧薪尝胆、团结拼搏的结果。
    For this achievement, said team leader Zhou Jihong, which is several generations of hardships diver who, united struggle.

  • 但要达到一定的目的,不卧薪尝胆是不行的,所以我还在要付出,付出,再付出!
    But to reach a certain purpose, not WoXinChangDan is not yet, so I must pay, pay in again.

  • 卧薪尝胆」是他近年来的得意之作,使用小米贝壳在三万粒以上,细致处真有如刺绣。
    He is considered particularly outstanding, because the seashells he uses in his art work are seldom as large as grains of rice. Some of them are even smaller.

  • 为了尽早摆脱这一“停滞期”,朝鲜选手卧薪尝胆,不断在国际比赛中磨练自己,积累经验。
    As soon as possible in order to shake off the "standstill period" North Korea's hardships, continue to hone in international competitions themselves and gain experience.

  • 期望藉著校长的卧薪尝胆披荆斩棘,开创学校经营管理的新局,展现学校品牌创新的价值。
    We hope that the principal can undergo self-imposed hardships, create the new school management and unfold the new value of the school brand.

  • 卧薪尝胆的典故被称为中国几千年文明史中经典中的经典,勾践的超人意志或许更有人类意义!
    The story referred to as hardships for thousands of Chinese civilization in the history of classical Chinese classic, Gou Jian of the will of the Superman may be more human sense!

  • 如果奶制品企业能认真吸取此次事件的惨痛教训,卧薪尝胆,或能再振雄风,开辟新的光明前景。
    If the dairy business will seriously draw lessons from this tragic incident, the hardships, or vibration can steer the development of new bright future.

  • 后来人们根据这段历史记载引申出“卧薪尝胆”这句成语,用以比喻刻苦自励,艰苦奋斗,发奋图强。
    Based on this historical tale, the idiom "Sleep on brushwood and taste gall" means to undergo self-imposed hardships or struggle in order to obtain one's goal.

  • 在经过04-05赛季的卧薪尝胆后,科比在05-06赛季展现出了非同寻常的胜利渴望和领导才能。
    After the White House after the 2004-05 season, Bryant 05-06 in the season show the extraordinary victory of desire and leadership.

  • 真正的快乐,不过是发自内心的愉悦的感觉而已,可以是艰苦卓绝、卧薪尝胆,也可以是荆棘遍地、奄奄一息
    Real happiness, but his heart more than the feeling of pleasure, can be arduous, hardships can be a difficult everywhere, on the verge of death.

  • 我喜欢骑士队,也希望他们能卧薪尝胆,反戈一击,但魔术队已经掌控了这个系列赛的主动权,骑士已难逃出局的命运。
    I would love for the Cavs to make a comeback, but Orlando has dictated the series in games the Cavs should have closed out.

  • 周奔驰幡然悔悟,头悬梁、锥刺骨,凿壁偷光卧薪尝胆,立志苦学英语,把英语说得象周润发一样帅,象谢霆锋一样酷!
    After that reflection Zhou Benchi was determined to push himself really hard to learn English well. He wanted his English to be as hot as Zhou Renfa's and as cool as Xie Tingfeng's.

  • 新浪娱乐讯2007年4月,41集电视连续剧《卧薪尝胆》获得第47届蒙特卡洛国际电视节戏剧类最佳电视连续剧提名。
    The 41-episode TV series 《The Great Revival》 won the nomination as the Best TV Series in the Drama Category in the 47th Monte Carlo International TV Festival in April, 2007.

  • 有时,为了成功我们也需要暂时的妥协;如卧薪尝胆的故事,就是在力量弱的时候妥协争取生存和发展的机会,以期待日后的崛起。
    Choosing to compromise does not mean that we have to give up our original belief. On the contrary, we are finding a better way to perfect our belief.

  • 我还听好所了,INTEL为了今天整整卧薪尝胆了六年整,因此我们也应该指定一个长期的计划,现在的关键是我们要马上采取行动,我知道INTEL是从抛弃处理器开始的。
    RULE制度; "I heard INTEL took 6 years to prepare for today. So we need to make a long term plan. but the key point is we have to action now. I also know Intel start from dumping the old processor then."

  • 卧薪尝胆造句相关
