
双宿双飞  shuāng sù shuāng fēi







  • 他们说你和土耳其女孩 象鸟儿一样双宿双飞
    They say you and the Turkish girl are nesting like birds.

  • 报纸是在小珍卡寻求政治避难留在美国时,介入报道他们的故事的,紧接着她和小牛顿就双宿双飞了。
    The newspapers picked up the story when little Zinka asked for political asylum in the United States, and then she and little Newt disappeared.

  • 这样一来,不仅二人能够一偿所愿双宿双飞,而且作为刘博合作伙伴的周强也可以借此得到刘博名下那百分之五十的股份,成为公司真正的老板。
    As a result, only two can be a wish Shuangsushuangfei compensation, and as a partner Liu Bo Zhou Qiang Liu Bo can be to get the name of that 50% of the shares of the company the real boss.

  • 这次金星周转如此靠近火星是非常罕见的──虽然金星喜欢跟火星在一起﹐但是﹐唉﹐它们很少能双宿双飞﹐因为每个行星都在围著你星盘不同的地方周转。
    It is very rare to see Venus orbiting so close to Mars - Venus loves being with Mars, but alas, this rarely happens, as each planet is usually busy on assignment in different parts of your chart.

  • 这次金星周转如此靠近火星是非常罕见的--虽然金星喜欢跟火星在一起,但是,唉,它们很少能双宿双飞,因为每个行星都在围着你星盘不同的地方周转。
    It is very rare to see Venus orbiting so close to Mars - Venus loves being with Mars, but alas, this rarely happens, as each planet is usually busy on assignment in different parts of your chart.

  • 双宿双飞造句相关
