
不管三七二十一  bù guǎn sān qī èr shí yī







  • 您想不管三七二十一原样保留吗?
    Do you want to keep it anyways?

  • 那「不管三七二十一」怎麽说?
    No care three seven two ten one.

  • 那‘不管三七二十一’怎么说?
    No care three seven two ten one.

  • 不管三七二十一,我要给他点颜色看看。
    I no care three seven two ten one, I'll give him some color to see see.

  • 不管三七二十一
    i don't care three seven twenty one.

  • 不管三七二十一
    do not care three seven twenty one.

  • 这时我不管三七二十一冲出去,朝家的方向奔去。
    I come what may at this time rush out of go to , the direction towards is headed for going to.

  • 只要一听到音乐开始召唤,她就不管三七二十一了。
    At the first call of the music, she became irresponsible .

  • 我尖叫一声,扔掉标本,不管三七二十一,拔脚就跑。
    I shrieked, discarded specimens, just-do-, Ba Jiao run.

  • 卡罗尔:挥霍的意思就是不管三七二十一,把钱乱花一通。
    Carol: It means spending you money on whatever you want, whether you need it or not.

  • 他们不管三七二十一,往往先把人干掉再说,尽量不冒险。
    They tended to shoot first and ask questions afterwards and they did their best to take no chances.

  • 小明:“我不管三七二十一就填25下去乐。”妈妈立刻晕倒。
    young Ming: "I give the heck with fill in 25 get down happily."

  • 可是你还是不管三七二十一的留了,结果你看看你现在跟僵尸一样!
    Jack:but you did it anyway, and now you've got a cool Rob Zombie thing going on.

  • 不管三七二十一就取消一批车子的生产--这算是什么盈利思想呢?
    What kind of profit mentality was this-taking cars willy-nilly out of production?

  • 但是,近军队长寻声而至,看见泰勒,也不管三七二十一,把他绞死。
    However, the captain of the guard, hearing a noise, found Taylor and hanged him without any more ado.

  • 政府官员应该依靠自己的判断而不是不管三七二十一的遵从人的意愿。
    Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carrying out the will of the people whom they serve.

  • 人们经常不管三七二十一先排进去,然后再问前面的人排这个队干什么。
    People would join one and then ask the person in front what the queue was for.

  • 有一些人,不管三七二十一,连苏联人放的屁都是香的,那也是主观主义。
    Some people are so undiscriminating that they say a Russian fart is fragrant. That too is subjectivism.

  • 他们''。'不管三七二十一'。'',往往先把人干掉再说,尽量不冒险。
    They tended to shoot first and ask questions afterwards and they did their best to take no chances.

  • 他伸手抢了一块绷带,不管三七二十一就往伤口上一贴,返身就又奔回客厅里。
    He grabbed a piece of hand bandage, bu guan san qi er shi yi Jiuwang a wound, and Ben Hui Fan Shen on the living room.

  • 只见一条赭红砂痕蠕行蠉动,已经游到面前,裤白不管三七二十一,举棒就往地下一刺。
    He spotted a wriggling trace in the reddish-brown sand right in front of him. Without further ado, he raised the gun and plunged it into the ground.

  • 而且,你也知道,如果大家觉得这样还不够,那就不管三七二十一,不要投票支持他好了。
    And you know, if that's not enough for people, then heck, don't vote for him.

  • 妈妈问是什么题呀,宝贝儿子说:有一道题问3乘以7得多少,我当时不管三七二十一填了15。
    His mother asked what title you, baby son, said: there is a question by a3 multiplied by the number 7, I was the same regardless of the twenty-first seven Triyana fill 15.

  • 还有少数“冲动型”买房人,看到售楼现场火爆,就不管三七二十一也挤进队伍,可一回家就后悔了。
    "impulse type" buy one, see the scene unpopular sales, but also squeezed into force winds, a home on it.

  • 我和我的妻子昨晚可真是毫不留情地谈了一谈,把我们婚姻方面所有问题不管三七二十一都说了出来。
    My wife and I had a real no holds barred talk last night about all the things wrong with our marriage.

  • 我和我的妻子昨晚可真是毫不留情地谈了一谈,把我们婚姻方面的所有问题不管三七二十一都说了出来。
    eg. My wife and I had a real no holds barred talk last night about all the things wrong with our marriage.

  • 我和我的妻子昨晚可真是毫不留情地谈了一谈。把我们婚姻方面的所有问题不管三七二十一都说了出来。
    My wife and I had a real no holds barred talk last night about all the things wrong with our marriage.

  • 我和我的妻子昨晚可真是毫不留情地谈了一谈,把咱们姻缘方面的所有疑难题目不管三七二十一都说了出来。
    My wife and I had a real no holds barred talk continue night about all the stuff wrong with our marriage.

  • 而接受了这些偏见的人就自然而然形成了一种偏执,不管三七二十一,咬定这就是对的,那就是错的,都咬定自己眼中的都是真相。
    And those who accept that spontaneously become bigoted. No matter what is the real fact, they assert that this must be right and that must be wrong, and insist whatever they see is the truth.

  • 接受(容纳)----与其抗拒眼前这一刻的实实在在的生活,倒不如不加标签不做判断不管三七二十一地接受它。“让它为其真实…使你超越具有其阻力模式的思想”。
    Acceptance – Rather than resisting life as it actually is in the present moment, one accepts it for what it is, without labelling or judgment.

  • 不管三七二十一造句相关
