
英雄无用武之地  yīng xióng wú yòng wǔ zhī dì








  • 我说以前是不熟,不懂,英雄无用武之地
    they have been like "a hero with no place to display his prowess ".

  • 而当市场火爆之时,“跑单小姐”更是英雄无用武之地
    When market unpopular at the time, "Run-Miss" is a hero without a battlefield?

  • 英雄无用武之地,就是说,你的一套大道理,群众不赏识。
    By "a hero with no place to display his prowess", we mean that your collection of great truths is not appreciated by the masses.

  • 猎豹一旦消失,叉角羚在今日环境就显得英雄无用武之地了。
    In the absence of the cheetah, the pronghorn appears "overbuilt" for its environment today.

  • 没有了激奋,失去了激情,这样的时刻,“英雄无用武之地”。
    Did not have be roused to action, lost enthusiasm, such hour, "Hero, the ground of useless fierce " .

  • 约翰逊教授在我们学校,就像是小池里的大鱼,英雄无用武之地了。
    In our school, professor johnson is a big fish in a small pond.

  • 约翰逊教授在我们学校,就像是小池里的大鱼,英雄无用武之地了。
    In our school, Professor Johnson was a big fish in a small pond.

  • 约翰逊教授在我们学校,就像是小池里的大鱼,英雄无用武之地了。
    In our school, Professor Johnson is a big fish in a small pond.

  • 约翰逊“教授”在我们学校,就像是小池里的大鱼,英雄无用武之地了。
    In our school, Professor Johnson was a big fish in a small pond.

  • 她做红烧肉手艺一流,对她来说是英雄无用武之地。据说,红烧肉是苏东坡发明的。
    She does craft of flesh of braise in soy sauce top-ranking, it is a no scope to exercise one's abilities to her.

  • 平时我们可能会担心自己英雄无用武之地,但是一旦你有了用武之地或许就会忙到半死。
    We would peacetime may be worried that their hero no avail, but useless if you have maybe half dead will be so busy.

  • 以往在没有国战的日子里风火英雄们时常都会感觉到自己有力处使,英雄无用武之地
    In the absence of the country in the past days of the war heroes, Wind &Fire will always feel that they have no place to make a strong, the hero of no avail.

  • 在我房里的某个抽屉中可藏着我曾经细心收集的书签,但是现在全都“英雄无用武之地”。
    In one of the drawers in my room lay my bookmarks collection. However, they are all under-utilised these days.

  • 一种人则认为老潘在北京玩不转了,没有更好的土地,老潘那一套也就英雄无用武之地了。
    Laopan in Beijing is that a person could not handle, no better land is a hero without a battlefield Laopan that.

  • 反观专擅“杀价”的买方经纪今日英雄无用武之地,眼观四面、身听八方,就怕吉屋上市,落后一步。
    On page "pare-fare" buyer brokers today heroes without a battlefield, the whole four, who listen P Plus, why Kat estate listing backward step.

  • 它是第一个因为电脑游戏而窜红的技术,但这代表3D绘图是为电脑游戏量身定作,您不玩游戏它就英雄无用武之地
    It was first made popular in PC because of games. Did this mean 3-D graphics was for games only and it was useless if you did not play games?

  • 随着经历的不断丰富,渐渐地,觉得机遇的确非常重要,如果没有机遇,即使你有济世之才,也必将是“英雄无用武之地”。
    As experience enriched, I gradually find that opportunity is indeed very important. Even though you have great ability, you are bound to be a big fish in a small pond.

  • 英雄无用武之地造句相关
