
初生牛犊不怕虎  chū shēng niú dú bù pà hǔ








  • 初生牛犊不怕虎用英语怎么翻译?
    Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

  • 正所谓,初生牛犊不怕虎嘛。
    The saying is that a bobby calf doesn't fear a tiger.

  • 智慧越多,勇气越少;初生牛犊不怕虎
    The more wit, the less courage.

  • 但刘善文警告说,这是初生牛犊不怕虎
    Still, Liu warns, it's 'a baby calf who is not afraid of a tiger.

  • 韩华: 其实说实话是初生牛犊不怕虎(笑)。
    Han Hua: Telling the truth actually is unripe calf is not afraid of a tiger first (laugh at) .

  • 初生牛犊不怕虎。(年轻人的字典里没有失败。)
    In the dictionary of youth there is no such words as failure.

  • 初生牛犊不怕虎
    Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

  • 初生牛犊不怕虎
    The newborn calf fears not the tiger.

  • 可爱而个性,浑身充满了初生牛犊不怕虎的力量!
    And lovely personality, full of every Chushengniudu not afraid of the tiger's strength!

  • 虽然这是王琳第二次打进超级赛决赛,但小姑娘初生牛犊不怕虎
    Although this is Wang Lin second time enters the super match finals, but the girl newborn calf does not fear the tiger.

  • 刚出社会,他初生牛犊不怕虎,经常陪老板接待客人喝酒如牛饮。
    He often accompanies his boss to give a dinner for the visitors, and often drinks like a fish.

  • 凭着初生牛犊不怕虎的劲头,刘春慧和搭档最终获得了大赛三等奖。
    With a courage that came from her inexperience, Liu Chunhui and her partner breezed through every round of the competition. In the end, they won third prize.

  • 初生牛犊不怕虎没人告诉过麦奇他很小,所以,他总是像大狗一样行事。
    No one ever told Munchie that he was little, so he acts big.

  • 正所谓“初生牛犊不怕虎”,《梦幻西游》正在遭遇面世以来的最大挑战。
    As the saying goes, "Chushengniudu not afraid of a tiger, " "Fantasy Westward Journey" is published experiences has been the biggest challenge.

  • 我们富有朝气、我们的企业充满着生机与活力、我们有初生牛犊不怕虎的胆识。
    We have a vibrant, our business is full of vigor and vitality, we have Chushengniudu not afraid of the tiger's courage.

  • 因为年轻,他们还具备了一种初生牛犊不怕虎的勇于探索的创新精神,正是这…
    Because young, they still had a kind of innovation mind that what calf is not afraid of a tiger give birth to to be brave in to explore first, be this…

  • 你有种,只想抱着初生牛犊不怕虎的精神,我要给你点色彩瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!
    you have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers ! together up !

  • 青春意味着初生牛犊不怕虎,喜爱冒险甚于安逸,即使六十岁的人也常常甚于二十者。
    Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.

  • 初生牛犊不怕虎,每一个年轻人都想要创造历史,而我也希望努力帮助利物浦创造历史。
    When you are young you want to make history and I am here to try and help Liverpool Football Club create more history.

  • 然而,经营足球必须遵照客观规律,目前法希姆做的一切充其量只是算作初生牛犊不怕虎的一种表现。
    However, the management soccer must obey the objective law, at present Faximu does all are only at best calculated that makes the newborn calf not to fear tiger's one kind of performance.

  • 当我第一年踏进社会,初生牛犊不怕虎,凭着自己的性子来,不会承认自己的错误,而是用一两句话搪塞。
    When I set foot in this society for the first year. New-born calves make little of tigers, I was quick-tempered, and did not admit mistakes. I just fenced with leader's criticism.

  • 但是周二晚上,湖人队变回那个冷酷的孩子,在上半场就把初生牛犊不怕虎的矮个子火箭队完全打崩溃了。
    But Tuesday night, the Lakers went back to being the cool kid, absolutely running the gutty little Rockets off the court in the first half.

  • 我们年轻,我们永不停步: 成功并非唾手可得,海萨姆说支撑他们一路闯下来的是‘初生牛犊不怕虎’。
    Young and Restless: Success didn't come easy, but Haythem Haddad says that being young and confident took them a long way.

  • 因为初生牛犊不怕虎,在一开始的失败中他能够谦虚地向对手学习,在这一阶段,他在技术上取得了极大的突破。
    Chushengniudu because of fear of the tiger, at the beginning of the failure of his opponents to be able to humbly learn at this stage, he technically made a great breakthrough.

  • 我最大的优势就是有大学毕业生的初生牛犊不怕虎的拼劲,而且对我选择了的工作会拿出百分之百的热情与努力。
    I biggest superiority has the university graduate's newborn calf not to fear the tiger puts together the vigor, Moreover has chosen to me the work can put out 100% enthusiastic and diligently.

  • 反之,小蛇尤其是刚刚孵化的小蛇较少捕食,因此咬人时注毒量相对较多,而且小蛇大多初生牛犊不怕虎,对人凶狠。
    Instead, Xiaoyi especially the just-hatched Xiaoyi less predatory, poisonous bites at the injection of relatively high, but most of Xiaoyi Chushengniudu not afraid of tigers, the people vicious.

  • 看吴静钰的比赛,总能感受到一股初生牛犊不怕虎的勇猛气势,变换莫测的踢腿方式,让她总能横扫对手,漂亮地赢得比赛。
    Wu Yu-look at the game, always felt a Chushengniudu not afraid of the tiger's brave momentum, and hard to transform the kicks, so she can sweep opponents, pretty to win the game.

  • 虽然在某种程度上,这些策划案的可行性还有待论证,但是这些学生身上的那种“初生牛犊不怕虎”的气魄却令人不能不叹服。
    Although to some extent, the viability of these cases there is a need to study the planning, but these students the kind of "fearless afraid tiger" boldness of vision is a must gasp in admiration.

  • 大学生往往对未来充满希望,他们有着年轻的血液、蓬勃的朝气,以及“初生牛犊不怕虎”的精神,而这些都是一个创业者应该具备的素质。
    Students are often full of hope for the future, they have young blood, the vitality, and "not afraid of the tiger title" the spirit, which are an entrepreneur should possess the following qualities.

  • 而此时此刻,唯一不同的是我少了一年前时的那份“初生牛犊不怕虎”的气势,却多了一份成熟和稳重,这才使我可以更清楚地看到自己真实的位置。
    But at the moment, there is one thing different, that is, I have got less 'bravery' than a year before, but more calm and ripeness, which can just make me see clearly my real position.

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