
前言不搭后语  qián yán bù dā hòu yǔ






  • 前言不搭后语地对他表示感谢,好像受到了什么恩惠。
    She thanked him incoherently, as if for a favor.

  • 其他常见的错误包括:文笔单调,前言不搭后语,计划书又臭又长。
    Other common errors include: dry writing, inconsistencies from section to section, and making the plan way too long.

  • “你以为!”公爵喊道,他说话越来越急促,前言越来越后语
    "You supposed, " shouted the prince, articulating with greater and greater haste and incoherence.

  • 用法:抱歉,我前言不搭后语,但是象今天这样的好天气,你还能专心做事?
    Usage: I apologize for my anacoluthon, but how can you concentrate on work on a beautiful day like today?

  • 见到这个可怜的家伙实在太兴奋,说话都前言不搭后语,我就从他颤抖的手中接过了电话。
    Seeing that the poor fellow was so excited he couldn't talk coherently, I took the receiver from his shaking hands.

  • 蓝色调的极地山水跟红色调的石狮子之间的反差和对比,又是一个前言不搭后语的视觉规划。
    Contrast and distinction between polar landscape with blue tone and stone lions with red tone is also a rambling and unrelated visual planning.

  • 我想和你说,我以一定注意前言不搭后语的毛病,只要每句都是实话,就会再发生这种情况了。
    I want to tell you that, I am not going to lie to you any more, from small things to big. You have my word. I hope you can give me another chance, believe in me.

  • 我想和你说,我以一定注意前言不搭后语的毛病,只要每句都是实话,就会再发生这种情况了。
    I want to tell you that, I will certainly pay attention to my problems of the word before and now don't match, as long as every line is all truth , something like that will never happen again.

  • 他的话讲得清楚吗?有没有任何歇斯底里、惶惑安和前言不搭后语的现象?米勒给医生的印象是神智清醒,机敏灵活,对答如流。
    Was the speech clear?Any sign of hysteria, anxiety, wandering?Miller impressed the doctor as being clear - minded, alert and oriented.

  • 杨秀惠解释指当时正好要回家,但孙耀威却称送杨秀惠到她要去的地方,令人质疑杨秀惠是否前言不搭后语,孙耀威也取笑她知是否约见第二个男朋友。
    Yeung Sai Wai explained that she had to go home. But Eric stated that he sent her to the place where she wanted to go. It made us have the query that Yeung Sau Wai was talking incoherently.

  • 前言不搭后语造句相关
