
机不可失,失不再来  jī bù kě shī,shī bù zài lái







  • 机不可失失不再来
    Missed,missed,would never come.

  • 机不可失失不再来,所以一定要把握时机。
    Opportunity knocks but once,so we must make the most of it.

  • 机不可失失不再来
    The missed chance will not come again.

  • 我们必须抓住时机,因为机不可失失不再来
    We must take time by the forelock; for when it is once past,there is no recalling it.

  • 机会从不敲第二次门。(机不可失失不再来。)
    Opportunity never knocks twice at any man's door.

  • 机不可失失不再来,希望大家能抓住机会创造属于自己的辉煌。
    Opportunities pass and they do not come back,I hope everyone can use this opportunity that can lead to a glorious future.

  • 机不可失失不再来,《》好礼重重送活动正在如火如荼的展开之中。
    Opportunity must not be lost,loses no longer comes,"" likes propriety layer on layer delivers in active like a raging fire expansion.

  • 如果你现在还没有男朋友,那么你得抓紧找一个内江男友,机不可失失不再来
    If you do not have a boyfriend now,then you have to pay close attention to Neijiang to find a boyfriend,missed,missed,would never come.

  • 现在可能是经济不景气的时候,但是我可以明确的告诉你,男朋友的市场也是类似的情况。(机不可失失不再来
    It may be recession time,but I can assure you that the boyfriend market will be the same.

  • 好了!借此机会给大家送上我真心的祝福!如果你也喜欢着某人,就赶紧告诉他/她哟!毕竟,机不可失失不再来嘛,对吧。
    OK. While give my best regards to everyone! If you love anyone,tell him/her please because "take time while time is,for time will be away."

  • 最常见的做法就是建临时性商店,这种店铺会突然涌现在街头某处,快速吸引消费者,经营短暂时间,旋即又消不见,给人一种“机不可失失不再来”的全新感觉。
    One common tactic is to set up "pop-up" stores,which appear for a short time before vanishing again,to foster a sense of novelty and urgency.

  • 机不可失,失不再来造句相关
