
公说公有理,婆说婆有理  gōng shuō gōng yǒu lǐ,pó shuō pó yǒu lǐ






  • 两方面都可以讲出许多道来;公说公有理婆有理
    There is much to be said on both sides.

  • 自己拿不定主意,请教亲友,也是公说公有理婆有理
    Their minds,ask friends and the public that the grounds,said both sides justified.

  • 公说公有理婆有理,谁都觉得自己的权益受到了侵害。
    The public just said,the woman said both justified,no one think that their rights have been violated.

  • 两方面都可以讲出许多道来;公说公有理婆有理
    There is much to be said on both sides.

  • 教育专家公说公有理婆有理,总也闹不清楚,岂不是一大难题?
    This is quite a controversy among educational experts,who cannot seem to come to a consensus.

  • 舆论在谁是谁非论点的探讨最终变成公说公有理婆有理的马拉松式闹剧。
    Who is right and who is wrong in the opinion of the argument that the right to eventually become public,the woman said both justified marathon farce.

  • 争吵了一个多月的房地产业“税收缺失问题”,现在依然是公说公有理婆有理
    over a month of real estate "tax deficiencies problem," now that the public is still valid,that both parties justified.

  • 但在进行学术探讨时,恐怕就得统一标准,否则就会出现公说公有理婆有理的场面。
    But in the academic exploration,I have uniform standards,there is a public right that the public,both sides said the scene justified.

  • 很多事情是公说公有理婆有理?尤其是一个信息化项目实施过程中双方出现分歧时。
    Especially when an informatization project carries out occurrence difference of the both sides in the process.

  • 谷歌究竟能否控制网络广告价格,谷歌与外界的看法可谓是“公说公有理婆有理”。
    Google ad network to control whether or not the price,Google views the outside world can be,"said the public and justify the public,both said that the right woman."

  • 到底过圣诞节,是不是会侵害传统的中国文化,正反两面法是公说公有理婆有理
    There are positive opinions and negative ones about what weather Christmas will harms the traditional culture of China;

  • 对房价走势“公说公有理婆有理”的现象由来已久,“泡沫”之也不是最新断言。
    trend of prices,"said the public justified,said both sides reasonable" phenomenon has "bubble" that is not the latest assertion.

  • 各种经济人物粉墨登场叫唤了多少年了,不过是公说公有理婆有理,各自唱各自的戏,不断炒作而已!
    Economic figures made up beautifully upon the number of years,but the public just said,both sides just said,each singing their own drama,and constantly stir things up!

  • 那我不是中毒了呢,是我的人生阅历告诉我,在公说公有理婆有理的情况下,我必须要相信那个权威的。
    What drives me on is the belief that tomorrow I'll do things better and be a better person than I am today.

  • 至于公说公有理婆有理,谁是谁非我这里就不了,因为每个人的遭遇不一样,答案也不一定会一样的。
    As for the public that the public right,both said that both right and who is not here,not ones who say,because everyone's experience is different,not necessarily the answer will be the same.

  • 而运用这些人的所谓“科研成果”时,会发现要么陷入同义反复的怪圈,要么陷入公说公有理婆有理的争吵。
    Unfortunately,employing what is called "scientific findings",one may find himself either in a sort of circularity,or in quarrels in which everybody assets that he has the key.

  • 如果列下去的话,不知还有多少种法,公说公有理婆有理,就这样,连做中介咨询的人自己都天天云里雾里了。
    out indefinitely if so,I wonder how many versions,the public just said,both sides just said,it is so,even the people themselves are doing intermediary Advisory daily disappearance.

  • 好吧,吧,朋友。我的意思是,就像我们以前那样。公说公有理婆有理。他妈的,我真是一本活的谚语百科全书。
    Well talk,then,friend. I mean,that's all we ever do. A kind word here,a wise saying there. Shit,I'm a walking book of proverbs.

  • 公说公有理,婆说婆有理造句相关
