
自行其是  zì xíng qí shì







  • 男人自行其是,女人自行其道。
    Man has his will, but woman has her way.

  • 这个人自行其是,从来不请教别人。
    That man's a law to himself; he never asks advice of others.

  • 老板自行其是,那是主动。
    When your boss does the same thing, that's initiative.

  • 我发现很难和他沟通,因他总是自行其是
    I find it hard to communicate with him, because he always has (gets) his own way.

  • 那些不顾客观条件而自行其是的人很难成功。
    Those who, regardless of objective conditions, act as they think fit are less likely to succeed.

  • 你可能曾经注意到,你的阴茎常常自行其是
    You've probably noticed that your penis often does its own thing.

  • 放手,就不要多加评判;而是允许别人自行其是
    To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.

  • 你是个爱自行其是的人,样样事情都要尝试一下。
    You're a maverick and you'll try anything.

  • 特里老是自行其是,他甚至拒绝在学校里穿校服。
    Terry has always been a law unto himself; he even refused to wear uniform when he was at school.

  • 放手,就不要多加评判,而是允许别人自行其是
    To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.

  • 这艘胆大妄为、自行其是的军艇,对周围情况的变化根本不在意。
    A supremely arrogant, self-contained military vessel, a submarine was indifferent to her surroundings.

  • 印度政府多数会自行其是,提交[更加华美,更加误导]的数字。
    the government is likely to turn a deaf ear and instead present its more rosy, more misleading numbers.

  • 但是他们没有,因为他们没有那种放手让他们的造物自行其是的能力。
    But they didn't because they didn't have the ability to let go of their creation.

  • 他是属于认为日本没有什么可以道歉而且日本将自行其是的老派人物。
    He is of the old school which believes that Japan has nothing to apologise for and will follow its own course.

  • 过去这几个月的一大教训是,财政部即使有计划,也不一定能自行其是
    One big lesson of the past few months is that the Treasury, even if it has a plan, doesn't always get its way.

  • 而无论我们何时完成有关自己和我们的世界的独白,世界总在自行其是
    And whenever we finish talking to ourselves about ourselves and our world, the world is always as it should be.

  • 新信徒作出皈依声明后,有关方面切勿就此罢手,任由他们以后自行其是
    After declaration, the new believers must not be left to their own devices.

  • 可是,真的到了见棺落泪的时候,美联储又不敢让所谓的市场原则自行其是了。
    When push came to shove, however, the Federal Reserve didn't dare let market discipline run its course.

  • 一些自行其是的学生是带着职业目标就读MBA的,但他们后来却决定改变方向。
    Some who go it alone enter an M. B. A. program with a career goal in mind -- and then decide to change direction.

  • 如果约翰逊有些自尊的话,他就会要求把那些准备不顾法规而自行其是的警官们降职。
    If Johnson has any self-respect, he will demand the demotion of police officers who decided to act as a law unto themselves.

  • 威斯康星的独立不羁、自行其是、多族裔的特性是于1848年它成为一个州时就牢固形成的。
    Wisconsin's independent, maverick, polyglot nature was firmly established by 1848, the year it became a state.

  • “当领袖们自行其是、所为又深得民心的时候,我们应该感谢他们,”他在一封电子邮件中写道。
    "When leaders do what they believe is the right thing and it is popular we owe them our thanks, " he wrote in ane-mail.

  • 信用违约掉期指数通常与股票一起波动,但现在已开始自行其是,并表现出了对前景更为悲观的基调。
    Credit-default-swap indexes that usually move in line with equities have begun to follow their own tune, one with a more downbeat tone on the outlook.

  • 如今我们所知道的生命依然是终极科技,因为它的自治性——它的自行其是,更重要的是,它的自主学习。
    What we know as life today will remain the ultimate technology because of its autonomy -- it goes by itself, and more importantly, it learns by itself.

  • 如果他选择继续让以色列自行其是,把以色列作为可以凌驾在人类法律之上的国家,我想那是注定要失败的。
    If he chooses to continue with the cost free road, treating Israel as a country above the laws of man, I think we are doomed.

  • 如果听任伊朗自行其是,明年这时,德黑兰可能会跨过原子能门槛,到时就能获得足够的裂变原料制造炸弹了。
    Left to its own devices, Tehran may cross the nuclear threshold during the next year or so – acquiring enough fissile material to produce a bomb.

  • 利用电路扰动和转换物品的运作性质,他让自己变得很放松,物品具备了有自己生命的倾向,他愿意让它们自行其是
    By circuit bending and transmitting object behaviours he triggers himself to become loose. The objects have the tendency to become alive and the he prefers to leave them that way!

  • 所以他们就让他自行其是:吸着雪茄同水手聊天,斜靠在舷墙上凝望水面,用他自己特定的方式使人人觉得他是容易相处的。
    so they let him go his own way, smoke his cigars and talk to the sailors, lounge over the bulwarks and stare at the water, and make himself agreeable to everybody in his own fashion.

  • 美国汽车制造商联合会表示,反对那项提案的原因是,他们希望有一套统一的、在全国范围内有效的监管制度,而不是由各州自行其是
    The group says it opposed the measure because it prefers a single, nationwide set of rules rather than a patchwork of regulations by states.

  • 布莱尔的前公共关系主管阿拉斯泰尔·坎贝尔说,时任首相的布莱尔拒绝解雇布朗主要是因为,这会给议会中工党后座议员席带来一个不受管束的自行其是者。
    Alastair Campbell, Blair's former press chief, says that the then prime minister refused to sack Brown mainly because it would have left him a rampant maverick on the Labour backbenches.

  • 自行其是造句相关
