
身家性命  shēn jiā xìng mìng






  • 你得给他一个爱你爱得胜过其身家性命的理由。
    You need to give them a reason to want you more than life itself.

  • 其任何方针,及一举一动均能影响全体百姓的身家性命
    Its policy would have influence on all people's fate. The higher the position is;

  • 你想,他并没有一个君主那样的权力可以保护跟随者的身家性命
    As you know, he has no power as emperor to keep his followers and their families safe;

  • 这不是真正意义上的集中投资,把身家性命都压上更象是赌徒的行为。
    This is not the true sense of the concentration of investments, net worth to the lives of all the pressure is more like gamblers.

  • 相反,对于民营企业来:说,贷款利率的提高却是关乎身家性命的大。事。
    On the contrary, for private enterprises to : that the loan interest rate increase is the largest on ill…

  • 在书的开头,邓布利多说他“可以把他的身家性命托付给海格”(PS1)。
    In the beginning of the book Dumbledore said he "would trust Hagrid with his life" (PS1).

  • 你把我的身家性命都押上了。可是你看看他是怎样对待自己的新兵发射组人。
    You're betting my life on that. And look what he's done with his launch group.

  • 我们用尽一切力量反击,晚上回到角落休息时,身家性命全都留在了拳击场内。
    We fought with everything we had and left it all in the ring before returning to our respective corners at night.

  • 雪是无私的。它秉承上苍旨意,遍洒人间,舍去身家性命,抬头望天俯地,无怨无悔。
    Snow is selfless. Our fingers crossed that it will, sprinkle all over the world, sacrificing his life, the rise to look down to no regrets.

  • 我丈夫曾是一个多年来我们用身家性命来尊重、信任的人,他在证券行业也颇受尊敬。
    My husband was the one we (and I include myself) respected and trusted with our lives and our livelihoods, often for many, many years, and who was respected in the securities industry as well.

  • 有一个在铜墙铁壁内运作的组织──联邦调查局──旨在确保百万人身家性命的安全。
    To ensure the safety of millions, one organization works behind thick walls and closed doors─the FBI (the Federal Bureau of Investigation).

  • 如果你是将身家性命都压在股市上,恐怕每一刻的等待都是煎熬,轻仓可能是最好的选择。
    If you are press the lives and properties in the stock market, fears each quarter waiting is the suffering, the light warehouse is possibly the best choice.

  • 如果美国愿意在伊拉克坚持几年,成功还是有望的——尽管那将让更多美国人付出身家性命
    If America is willing to stay the course for a few more years, success is still possible—though the policy will continue to be costly in American lives and money.

  • 股票市场将不喜欢这一想法,因为它们很大一部分的身家性命都倚仗于这些对冲基金的主要经纪业务。
    The stock markets will not like this because they depend for so much of their livelihood on prime brokerage from the funds.

  • 你可能最后损失了一些或没有损失,但是如果你真的把身家性命都搭进去了那么你要愿意接受失去一切。
    You might end up losing little or nothing, but if you're really putting everything into it then you have to be willing to lose it all too.

  • 要将人民的生命财产安全当作你自己的身家性命安全,对于人民生命财产的损失要感同身受,要有切肤之痛。
    Should regard life property safety of people as body home life of yourself is safe, should feel to the loss of people life property with experience, want to have keenly felt pain.

  • 在巴西国内锦标赛上主场连续失利的巴西帕尔梅拉斯队队员不仅夺冠希望渺茫,现在他们甚至开始担心起自己的身家性命来。
    Palmeiras players, fearing possible violence from their fans, are keeping a low profile after successive home defeats effectively ended their Brazilian title hopes.

  • 踏板、栏杆和扶手是楼梯给人最直观的“形象”,它们也是楼梯的最重要的组成部分,实实在在地关系到我们的“身家性命”。
    Footplate, baluster and armrest are stair gives a person the most intuitionistic " figure " , they also are the mainest component of stair, matter to us really " body home life " .

  • 你想,他并没有一个君主那样的权力可以保护跟随者的身家性命;他也没有什麽财力,以填饱跟随者的肚皮;而且人又长得那麽丑。
    As you know, he has no power as emperor to keep his followers and their families safe; he has no much wealth to support the followers' life; what's more, he is so ugly.

  • 航海是带有极大冒险性的事业,在难以抗拒的大自然力量面前和科学技术不够昌明的年代,人们只能把身家性命的平安寄托于神明的保佑。
    Navigation was very dangerous in ancient times. Confronted with irresistible force of nature, people placed great hopes on the god for protection.

  • 身家性命造句相关
