
邪不压正  xié bù yā zhèng






  • 当我们还是孩子的时候,教我们邪不压正
    As children, we're taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil.

  • 自古都是邪不压正
    Since ancient times, all evil is not pressure.

  • 任何有一只眼睛和一半判断力(常识)的人都知道邪不压正
    Anyone with one eye and half sense ( common sense ) knows that good prevails over evil .

  • 现在是不压压正了。真让人感觉到一点安全感了!
    is now pressure is not evil, evil is also the pressure. I feel a little less than a sense of security!

  • 任何一个有一只眼睛和一半判定力(常识)的人都知道邪不压正
    Anyone with one eye and half sense ( common sense ) knows that good prevails over evil .

  • 当我们还是孩子的时候,教我们邪不压正。但是我们长大的了,意识到事情并没有这么简单。
    As children, we're taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil.   But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple.

  • 回想孩提时代,我相信在场的大多数人都曾认为义的实现有如瓜熟蒂落般自然,善有善报,邪不压正
    Going back to when we were children, I think most of us in this courtroom thought that justice came into being automatically, that virtue was its own reward, the good would triumph over evil.

  • 我们目前面临逆境,同时也面临一个独一无二的机会,我们必须抓住这个机会,改善我们的文化,通过各种各样的服务和爱心来光复美国人的文化。我坚信:邪不压正
    Shannon, I assure you and all who have lost a loved one that our cause is just, and our country will never forget the debt we owe Micheal and all who gave their lives for freedom.

  • 我们目前面临逆境,同时也面临一个独一无二的机会,我们必须抓住这个机会,改善我们的文化,通过各种各样的服务和爱心来光复美国人的文化。我坚信:邪不压正
    Shannon, I assure you and all who have lost a loved one that our cause is just, and our country will never forget the debt we owe Michael and all who gave their lives for freedom.

  • 邪不压正造句相关
