
金声玉振  jīn shēng yù zhèn








  • 因此,后人把孔庙门前的第一座石坊命名为“金声玉振”。
    As a result, the first stone archway in Confucius Temple is named as JIN SEHNG YU ZHEN by later generations.

  • 谭盾的创作源于中国古老的“金声玉振”的传统哲学理念。
    Tan Dun's creation stems from China's ancient "Jinsheng Yuzhen, " the traditional philosophy.

  • 这引起了他的强烈兴趣,于是赶紧回去寻找“金声玉振”的出处。
    " This has aroused strong interest in him, then quickly go back and look for "Jinsheng Yuzhen, " the source.

  • 金声玉振”是上古礼乐文化中最富有艺术性的部分,在儒家乐论体系中占有重要地位。
    Jinsheng Yuzheng is the most artistic part in ancient ritual and music culture and occupies an important position in Confucian music theory.

  • 后来,他考证到“金声玉振”是中国传统哲学中对于阴阳平衡、万物谐和及天地人和的最高精神境界。
    Later, he verification to the "Jinsheng Yuzhen" is the traditional Chinese philosophy of balancing the yin and yang, heaven and earth and all things harmonic and the highest spiritual realm.

  • 谭盾告诉记者,一次与爱人在上海豫园喝茶时,偶然发现古老的豫园城隍庙上有一块匾,上面写着“金声玉振”。
    Tan Dun told reporters that a wife and Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai tea, occasionally found the ancient Yuyuan Garden Chenghuang Temple has a floor plaques that read "Jinsheng Yuzhen."

  • 金声玉振造句相关
