
面面俱到  miàn miàn jù dào








  • 提供足够的信息或解释,但不要面面俱到
    Give enough information or explanation but without extensive detail.

  • 这部影片做得面面俱到
    This is a movie that gets it all right.

  • 但是做为一个翻译作品,我就不得不面面俱到
    but as I am a translator, I simply cannot ignore it.

  • 我解决有关游戏设计理念方面的问题,但不是面面俱到
    I help with everything that's game design, but not number crunching.

  • 而XML描述符不需面面俱到- 你只要指定感兴趣的部分。
    The XML descriptors do not have to be complete - only interesting portions can be specified.

  • 我们需要的不是政客的口号,而是一个清晰的、面面俱到的政策。
    What's needed is not the sloganeering of certain politicians but a clear-eyed, multifaceted policy.

  • 面面俱到简直不可能,如果这样做的话,我会每件事都做不好。
    It's simply not possible to do it all and I fail at everything if I try.

  • 说实话,在这样多的不同人群当中能面面俱到,不是一件容易的事。
    Let's face it, it's difficult to cater to so many different groups.

  • 大学专门从事他们有比较优势的地方,而不是对所有人都面面俱到
    Colleges will specialize where they have comparative advantage, rather than trying to be all things to all people.

  • 他相信,在本公司提交的申请中,再没有这么面面俱到、无可挑剔的了。
    He believed the application to be as complete and thorough as any ever submitted by the company.

  • 因为对于买房你不能做到面面俱到,因此你需要周围比你更懂的人的帮助。
    Because you can't know everything about buying a home, you need to surround yourself with people who know more than you.

  • 这也许是个不错的辩论战术,但它会让人无比纠结:面面俱到,反倒一事无成
    That may be a good debating tactic, but it leads to mental paralysis: when everything matters, nothing matters.

  • 我知道你不可能同一时间面面俱到,但我很庆幸至少我们中有一个人及时赶到了。
    I know you can't be everywhere at once but I'm glad one of us got here on time.

  • 远企中心办公大楼设备完善,面面俱到,提供先进、安全、舒适的各项设施与功能。
    AIPEI METRO OFFICE TOWER provides a complete range of advanced facilities with emphasis on modernization, safety and comfort.

  • 经理分配任务时不会包括游戏,会计师做长期计划时,应该做到面面俱到,皆大欢喜。
    When managers make commitments, game programs are ignored. When accountants make long-range plans, harmony and order are about to be restored.

  • 经理分配任务时不会包括游戏,会计师做长期计划时,应该做到面面俱到,皆大欢喜。
    When managers make commitments, game programs are ignored. When accountants make long-range pla , harmony and order are about to be restored.

  • 作为园林设计的学习者,设计的思想应面面俱到,对形态的各个因素进行具体的了解。
    As a garden design learners, and should cover the design of the various factors specific patterns understanding.

  • 本书旨在满足商务旅行者的基本需求,故并未对国外旅行时可能遇到的所有情形均面面俱到
    This book is not meant to cover every possible situation that could arise while traveling abroad, just basic needs of business travelers.

  • 文章的分析并不是面面俱到,只是集中分析了作者感兴趣以及读者可能会感兴趣的几个方面。
    The author does not intend to exhaust all facets of each aspect. Instead, she concentrates on what seems to be interesting to her or probably challenging to the average readers.

  • 本文只是对城市化进程中的小城镇景观设计进行了研究,这是一个庞杂的课题,不可能面面俱到
    This paper only studies the landscape design of small towns during the process of urbanization, which is a complex research project and is impossible to be comprehensive.

  • 在美国,抛开“面面俱到”,转向一种更简单、更少注意物质利益的生活方式,已逐渐形成风尚。
    In America, the move away from juggling to a simpler, less materialistic lifestyle is a wellestablished trend.

  • 不要面面俱到:调配好你手头的资源,确保将它们用在最有可能出彩的地方,而且一旦决定就要坚决执行。
    Don't get distracted : Direct your energy to the aspects of the redesign that are most likely to cause a stir, and be prepared to support your decisions.

  • 尽管没有面面俱到,但会作为我们以后要发布的帖子的一个导向,在以后的帖子中我们会详细地讨论每一个话题。
    S. colleges. Although not exhaustive, it will serve as a guide for our future posts, which will address each topic in much greater detail.

  • 由于C语言本身的复杂性,很难面面俱到实现所有标准定义,所以本次设计只象征性的选择部分具有代表性的功能。
    Because of the complexity of C language, it is difficult to achieve all of the standard definition of C language, here we only choose some representative functions to implement.

  • 尽管马英九对于陈云林访台表达了充分的善意,但面对台湾内部复杂的政治形式,马英九也表现得小心翼翼面面俱到
    Ma Ying-jeou, Chen Yunlin to visit Taiwan despite the full expression of good will, but in the face of Taiwan's complex internal politics in the form of Ma Ying-jeou was also careful, exhaustive.

  • 本文没有对国际保理涉及到的法律问题面面俱到地论述,而是针对国际保理商与第三人权利冲突问题进行了比较系统的研究分析。
    This paper focuses on the conflicts of rights between international factors and third parties instead of reaching every aspect involved, .

  • 你已经写的这么详尽细致、面面俱到,除了“写的真好”、“顶”之外,我想不出来还能写些什么。我觉得这么写有点傻、有点无聊,还是走吧。(我不介意嗒~)
    What you write is so complete, that I don't know what to say except good job. I feel silly writing that, so I read and move on.

  • 然而,对政党民主的法律规制,并不是由法律面面俱到地对政党的内部生活作出规定,而是为政党的民主运行提供法律基础,开启并衔接政党运行与法治建设的架构。
    It means that we must build the legal basis for the democratic operation of Parties and improve the relationship between the operation of Parties and the construction of rule of law.

  • 他诈骗的手段并非总是面面俱到——所以他还要好好学着点怎么准备好应急方案——但他天马行空的想像力同立场坚定的意志力往往能够带来天才般的灵光一闪,从而峰回路转、化险为夷。
    His method of grift ing is not always the most prepared - and he's yet to master the art of the Plan B - but his imagination and willpower often bring flashes of genius that save the day.

  • 如果她们不想面面俱到,她们可以就携带一个小小的珠子手袋,�面装有两块手帕——她们可以买一块新的白色手帕,然后从家人那�借一块蓝色手帕,这样她们就“有新”——白色手帕,还“有旧、有借、有蓝” ——蓝色手帕。
    If they don't want to carry numerous items, they may simply carry two handkerchiefs in a small beaded bag--hey may choose to buy a new, white handkerchief and borrow a blue one from a family member.

  • 面面俱到造句相关
