
风餐露宿  fēng cān lù sù








  • 他干这行已经有20年了。风餐露宿,睡在车中。
    He's He's been doing this job, sleeping in his truck, for more than 20 years.

  • 沿着318国道一路风餐露宿,我们终于抵达了通拉山。
    Along State Road 318 Fengcanlousu all the way, we have finally arrived at the pass, sa.

  • 他只好前往王雨生的亲戚家,一路上风餐露宿,差点丧命。
    With no other ideas, he had to go to her relative's home, living outdoors on the way , he almost lost his life.

  • 他们是美国市中心的一个常见现象:无家可归的人,风餐露宿
    They are a common sight in inner-city America: homeless people, living in the streets and going hungry.

  • 在接下来的四十年里,为了养家糊口,我们风餐露宿、疲于奔波;
    For the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family.

  • 寻坡转涧蛇六谷。风餐露宿天水岸。迈岭登山拜仙桃。历经千苦药王归。
    To look for slope Jian Gu six snakes. Fengcanlousu waterfront days. Xiantao al mountain ridge step. After suffering thousands of the Manual.

  • 寻坡转涧蛇六谷,风餐露宿天水岸。迈岭登山拜仙桃。历经千苦药王归。
    To look for slope Jian Gu six snakes, Fengcanlousu waterfront days. Xiantao al mountain ridge step. After suffering thousands of the Manual.

  • 王冕一路风餐露宿,九十里大站,七十里小站,一径来到山东济南府地方。
    Braving the wind and dew, Wang Mian travelled day after day past large posting stations and small, till he came to the city of Jinan.

  • 王冕一路风餐露宿,九十里大站、七十里小站,一径来到山东济南府地方。
    Braving the wind and dew, Wang Mian traveled day after day past large posting station and small, till he came to the city of Jinan.

  • 家非人们所爱的地方,单脚能够离开,口却不能。(责任编辑:风餐露宿
    Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

  • 第三天的那天晚上,夫妻两人风餐露宿地说了半宿话,忽然想到了一个死字。
    The third day of the night, both husband and wife feng can lu shu that the ban lu, then die suddenly thought of a word.

  • 干我们这一行表面上看起来很风光,其实经常风餐露宿、居无定所、日夜颠倒。
    Doing the field seems good, whereas frequently have dinner and have a sleep outsides, resident in no fix place, and reverse the day and the night.

  • 干我们这一行表面上看起来很风光,其实经常风餐露宿、居无定所、日夜颠倒。
    It seems to be envious doing our kind of job, actually we often have to do it in the open air, without regularly living place, with shifted day-time.

  • 干我们这一行表面上看起来很风光,其实经常风餐露宿、居无定所、日夜颠倒。
    Doing this jod, it seems glorious, but we often have to sleep and eat under the open air actually . Working day and night.

  • 我也想帮助所有的流浪狗,让他们有一个温暖的家,不再过那种风餐露宿的生活。
    I would also like to help all the stray dogs, so that they can have a warm home, no longer had the kind of bivouac life.

  • 看着那忽东忽西蜿蜒不绝的长队,看着那些风餐露宿排队的人们,让人心里不是滋味。
    Looking east down West wind that never left the long teams watched the people who worked up, so they do not taste.

  • 信乐团,五个对音乐无比执着的男人,都曾为了音乐风餐露宿,卖血卖琴,受尽磨练。
    Shenleqiu, five very dedicated to music men, in order to have music Fengcanlouqi, Blood sell piano suffer temper.

  • 他常要长途跋涉地远征,吃定量配给的军粮,要风餐露宿,还要面对战争和死亡的威胁。
    He must undertake long marches while living on army rations, often sleeping on the ground, plus the threat of war and its dangers.

  • 就在这时,欧美的学者、汉学家、考古家、冒险家,却不远万里、风餐露宿,朝敦煌赶来。
    At the same time, European and American scholars -- Sinologists, archaeologists and adventurers -- began to travel thousands of miles toward Dunhuang.

  • 不过他们可能与家庭、家人或整个社会有几许不愉快的经历,而甘愿只身在外,风餐露宿
    They just choose to roam the streets instead. Most of them have some bad memories with the concept of home, family or society. Hence they choose to live alone on the streets.

  • 流浪儿童生活在社会的最底层,他们风餐露宿,无人关照,时刻都有遭受来自自然和疾病的威胁。
    Roams about the child to live in society's lowest level, they lived outdoors, nobody looks after, the time all has suffers from the nature and the disease threat.

  • 几乎每一个经济适用房项目开盘,必然会出现老百姓披星戴月、风餐露宿排长龙等候放号的场面。
    Almost every item of housing markets, there are bound to break, worked long queues waiting to schedule the scene.

  • 王冕一路风餐露宿,九十里大站,六十里小站,一径来到山东济南府地方。(吴敬梓《儒林外史》)
    Braving the wind and dew, Wang Mian traveled day after day past large posing stations and small, till he came to the city of Tsinan.

  • 王冕一路风餐露宿,九十里大站,七十里小站,一径来到山东济南府地方。(吴敬梓《儒林外史》。
    Braving the wind and dew, Wang Mian traveled day after day past large pasting stations and small, till he came to the city of Jinan.

  • 摄影家必须能吃苦耐劳,忍受住严寒酷暑的折磨,背着沉重的摄影包,跋山涉水、风餐露宿、披星戴月;
    The photographer must be able to endure all kinds of hardships, whether it's extreme chill or scorching heat. With his heavy set of equipment, he travels far and wide.

  • 值得关注和庆幸的是,今年以来,不少经济适用住房的开发商在放号时开始变招,力图解决认购者起早贪黑、风餐露宿之苦。
    Fortunately concern and, this year, many housing developers in the application of economic got solid start, trying to resolve those technological subscription, site of war.

  • 干我们这一行表面上看起来很风光,其实经常风餐露宿、居无定所、日夜颠倒。起得比鸡早,睡得比鬼晚,干得比牛累,吃得比猪差。
    It seems very nice for our work, but in fact ofter eat with wind, living without house, no fix habitation, day and night alternate.

  • 干我们这一行表面上看起来很风光,其实经常风餐露宿、居无定所、日夜颠倒。起得比鸡早,睡得比鬼晚,干得比牛累,吃得比猪差。
    For our job , it looks like dignity, in fact we often live outside, unrettlbale, day in night. it is getter up than chicken, sleep later than goast. work harder than cow, eat less than pig.

  • 谨以这些琐屑的文字,送给和我一同风餐露宿的“战友”,送给一直在家里牵肠挂肚的父亲母亲,送给那些为梦想而不断努力的可爱的人们。
    To write these peddling words, for my bro. Who braved the wind and dew with me, for my parents missing me all the time, and the cute persons who are trying their best for dream.

  • 在美国的街头生活带来的是居无定所,风餐露宿的生活,当偷窃已经成了街头生活中每天的一部分的时候,特别是当吸毒的人要钱来买毒品的时候,要有吃东西,就像是一场挣扎。
    Street life in America brings hunger homelessness life just to eat is a struggle as stealing is a daily process of street life especially for drug addicts need money to have they're fix.

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