
骄傲自满  jiāo ào zì mǎn








  • 骄傲自满时,我回忆曾有的失败。
    If I become overconfident I will recall my failures.

  • 骄傲自满是一座可怕的陷阱;
    Proud self-satisfied is a terrible of trap;

  • 在这时期,党内出现了骄傲自满的情绪。
    During this stage, a kind of conceit appeared within the Party.

  • 无所作为和骄傲自满的论点都是错误的。
    Ideas of inertia and complacency are both wrong.

  • 我们不但不能骄傲自满,而且要继续努力。
    We should not be self-satisfied, instead, we should continue to work hard.

  • 骄傲自满是学习的敌人。
    Complacency is the enemy of study.

  • 优异的成绩,是妈妈告诉我不要骄傲自满
    outstanding achievements, Mom told me not to become complacent.

  • 产生骄傲自满情绪时,大家都毫不犹豫地指出来。
    When complacency crops up, people do not hesitate to talk out.

  • 你们固然取得了很大的成就,但还是不要骄傲自满
    True, you have attained great achievements, but you must n't be conceited.

  • 官僚主义也表现在有一些干部有严重的骄傲自满情绪。
    Among some cadres bureaucratism assumes the form of conceit and complacency.

  • 骄傲自满可以使一个人膨胀起来,但永远也不会支撑住他。
    Conceit may puff a man up, but it can never prop him up.

  • 骄傲自满,非但不抵御试探,反而继续实行自己诡诈的作法。
    He was self-sufficient, and instead of resisting temptation, he continued to follow his fraudulent practices.

  • 阿森温格相信在明晚对维哥赛尔塔的比赛中,球员不会骄傲自满
    Arsene Wenger believes complacency will not be a problem for Arsenal when they take on Celta Vigo tomorrow night.

  • 我们时时告诫自己,不能骄傲自满,谷歌的技术开发还刚刚开始。
    We warn ourselves at times, cannot be arrogant and complacent, the google technology development also just started.

  • 相反,骄傲自满的人一知半解,却大肆炫耀,满足于已取得的成就。
    In contrast, a conceited person, while having a smattering of knowledge, shows it off and rest on what he has achieved.

  • 「我觉得大部分演艺圈里的艺人们多少都有点骄傲自满。」燕姿说。
    I feel that most of them (in the industry) are actually a bit conceited, ' she said.

  • 停止的论点,悲观的论点,无所作为和骄傲自满的论点,都是错误的。
    Ideas of stagnation, [] pessimism, [] inertia and [] complacency are all wrong.

  • 执政党的地位,还很容易在共产党员身上滋长着一种骄傲自满的情绪。
    Being the party in power can also easily breed conceit and self-complacency among the membership.

  • 你不要骄傲自满的在大地上行走,你决不能把大地踏穿,决不能与山比高。
    Do not walk on earth proudly, for you can never rend the earth.

  • 我们不能骄傲自满,我们要坚定反恐怖主义的决心,我们绝不能放松警惕。
    We must resist complacency. We must keep our resolve. And we must never let down our guard.

  • 在这种傲慢的外衣下,我们摇摇欲坠—骄傲自满在失败之前总是横行霸道。
    In the uniform of arrogance, we fumble and falter — pride comes and goes before the fall.

  • 然而,尽管神处处恩待他,他后来却似乎行在骄傲自满中,多过行在祷告里。
    Yet after all God's goodness to him, he seemed to have walked in pride rather than in prayer.

  • 一方面我们有理由为已取得的进步感到高兴,另一方面我们决不能骄傲自满
    On the one hand, we have good reason to feel pleased with our progress. On the other hand, we must n't get complacent.

  • 帝国主义故意鼓吹中国的实力,让中国人骄傲自满,然后他们好一个一个收拾我们。
    All imperialist countries and imperialists are deliberately exaggrating our strength and power in order to make us pride of ourselves and lose our way. then they can deal with us one by one.

  • 杨元元在任期间,中国民航当局逐渐开始不再避讳两种威胁:骄傲自满和发展过热。
    Under Mr. Yang, the Chinese aviation authority has been relatively open about twin dangers: complacency and unchecked growth.

  • 股市的发展是日新月异的,任何人如果骄傲自满,就会停滞不前,最终必将被股市所淘汰。
    The development of the stock market is ever-changing, if any room for complacency, it will stand still, will eventually be eliminated by the stock market.

  • 普遍认为,毛泽东晚年犯个人崇拜的错误是由于其在成绩面前骄傲自满,此结论需要重新研究。
    It is commonly accepted that due to his conceitedness and self-satisfaction, Mao Zedong in his later years when facing up to the achievements makes the mistake of personality cult is.

  • 但他因少年得志,又有功劳,便产生了骄傲自满,结果与太仆长荣(长荣是宣帝旧友,最得信任)发生意见。
    Shaoniandezhi, credit and have given rise to complacency, and the results of the Taipu Evergreen (Evergreen is Jiuyou Xuan, was the most confidence) in their views.

  • 你们不要仿效那等人,他们骄傲自满地、沽名钓誉地从家乡出去,并阻止别人遵循真主的大道。真主是洞察他们的行为的。
    And be not like those who started from their homes insolently and to be seen of men, and to hinder (men) from the path of Allah: For Allah compasseth round about all that they do.

  • 30年来,我们取得了伟大成就,但同我们的远大目标相比,同人民群众对美好生活的期待相比,我们没有任何理由骄傲自满、固步自封。
    In the past 30 years, we did make great achievements. But comparing these achievements with our ambitious goal and the people's expectations, we have no reason to be conceited and self-satisfied.

  • 骄傲自满造句相关
