
拂袖而去  fú xiù ér qù








  • 次优选择则是放弃投票拂袖而去
    Second best option is to abstain from voting on this walk.

  • 但最终的结果是,高盛拂袖而去
    But the final result, Goldman Sachs Walk out.

  • 最早拂袖而去的必定是强者无疑。
    The first must be strong undoubtedly leave in a huff.

  • 这位女士听后觉得心里不快,拂袖而去
    After this lady listens, feel to be unhappy in the heart, go off in a huff.

  • 玛丽一言未发,拂袖而去
    Mary flounced out of the room without a word.

  • 拂袖而去,由于愤怒和绝望而面无人色。
    out of the room white with anger and desperation.

  • 拂袖而去,由于愤怒和绝望而面无人色。
    He flung out of the room white with anger and desperation .

  • 女孩开始厌烦了,每次都是很愤怒的拂袖而去
    The girl starts to get pissed off.

  • 恼羞成怒的斯克里德不得不承认失败,拂袖而去
    The enraged Screed had to admit defeat, and moved on.

  • 如果力拓提议更改这部分条款,中铝很可能会拂袖而去
    The Chinese company is likely to walk away if any change in the package is proposed.

  • 大部分应试者见到题目后拂袖而去,只有3人留下应试。
    Major examinee sees the go off in a huff after the title, only 3 people stay should try.

  • 一家广告商在当晚就拂袖而去,“没人给我们一个说法。”
    An ad business is in that evening with respect to go off in a huff, "Nobody gives us a view."

  • 如果这些菜式是在咖啡馆里供应给你的,你会拂袖而去找另一家馆子。
    If these were the dishes on offer in a cafe, you would leave and find another.

  • 随后发现他的赞助人已经破产,女朋友早拂袖而去,而他的电话和电都被停了。
    his sponsor has gone bust, his girlfriend had left him and his phone and electricity had been cut off.

  • 那么,其他怨气难平的西方公司会开始向中国政府发出最后通牒,拂袖而去吗?
    So, will other companies nursing grievances start hurling ultimatums at the government and head for the exits?

  • 以我平日的秉性在听到这样的话后会毫不犹豫地拂袖而去,但今天心中却感动没铭。
    If not here, I would go back without hesitation when I heart this words, but today, I was moved by him.

  • 奥斯泽格先生现出任奥巴马政府的预算主任,但他可能要从那气派的新办公室里拂袖而去了。
    Perhaps Mr Orszag, now the budget director in Barack Obama's White House, is about to storm out of his grand new office.

  • 我拍案而起,拂袖而去,临走前告诉他我只会买/只会开/中国人自己开发生产的自己品牌的车。
    Before going out, I told him that I would only buy /drive the car developed independently by our Chinese.

  • 此时坐在第二排的这家香港企业代表一边摇头一边摆手,满脸的不满与无奈,两分钟后拂袖而去
    At this point in the second row of the home side of the business representatives on his Baishou sour resentment and helplessness, two minutes later leave in a huff.

  • 当萨柯奇拔掉麦克风,站起来,拂袖而去时,似乎对一头雾水的记者说:「你问了我那个问题。」
    "You asked me that question, " Sarkozy seems to say as he pulls off the microphone, stands up and walks away from the interviewer, who appears confused.

  • 然后他拂袖而去,消失在夜幕中,只在花园中的一个喷泉旁停了一会儿,洗了洗他那满是血污的刀锋。
    Then he left the carnage behind him, and wandered out into the night, pausing only to wash his blades in one of the many fountains in the courtyards.

  • 我很讶异的是,他们告诉我不可以在茶里放任何糖。如果有人在本地的咖啡馆告知你这种事,你会拂袖而去
    I was amazed to be told I could not have any sugar in my tea. If you were told that at a local cafe you would walk out in disgust.

  • 007系列影片从来不缺少公众的关注,尤其是这次史上最帅的邦德拂袖而去,来的却是史上最难看的邦德。
    007 film series has never been a lack of public concern, especially in the history of the best space-age gladiator Bond walk out to the most ugly is the history of the Bond.

  • (我想你最好问问你的好外甥,他会告诉你我为什么在今晚宣布这个婚事的原因。)艾玛王后说完,拂袖而去
    I think you had better ask your good nephew, and he will tell you the reason why I declare this marriage tonight.

  • 至于祂会继续敲门,抑或与主耶稣基督一同进入我们心中,则在乎我们的决定了,祂不会勉强进入,也不会拂袖而去
    Depending on the response he receives he will either go on knocking or else come in, together with the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • 由于染上感冒,他在还差8小时破400天记录的时候下来。随后发现他的赞助人已经破产,女朋友早拂袖而去,而他的电话和电都被停了。
    Suffering from the flu, he came 8 hours shorter than the 400-day record. his sponsor has gone bust, his girlfriend had left him and his phone and electricity had been cut off.

  • 如果工人愤然拂袖而去,那么,雇主也不难以更低的工资找到人来坐他的位子,因为,在动荡的萧条形势下,这对其他工人是很有吸引力的。
    If they stalk off in anger, the employer should have no difficulty in hiring replacements at the lower wage, for in the unsettled conditions of a depression it will be attractive to other workers.

  • 由于染上感冒,他在还差8小时破400天记录的时候下来;随后发现他的赞助人已经破产,女朋友早拂袖而去,而他的电话和电都被停了。
    Suffering from the flu, he came 8 hours shorter than the 400-day record; his sponsor has gone bust, his girlfriend had left him and his phone and electricity had been cut off.

  • 由于染上感冒,他在还差8小时就打破400天纪录的时候下来了,随后发现他的赞助人已经破产,女朋友早拂袖而去,而他的电话和电都被停了。
    Suffering from the flu, he came 8 hours shorter than the 400-record; his phone and electricity had been cut off.

  • 不过,他们要是知道有人利用心理学的方法来影响他们的购物选择,那么“消费者心里会产生强烈的反感,然后什么都不买,拂袖而去。”博士这样补充道。
    But if they did realise psychological methods were being used to influence their choice, "the counteraction can be so huge it can put someone off buying anything at all, " he adds.

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