
文质彬彬  wén zhì bīn bīn







  • 他是一位文质彬彬又讨喜的年轻人。
    He's a gentle and pleasant young man.

  • 那个文质彬彬的丹麦人疯了,他在超车道上开车。
    The urbane Dane drove his car in the inside lane, finally, he went to a quiet country lane.

  • 这个丹麦人文质彬彬的,但是赌博却是他的致命伤。
    This Dane is urbane, but gambling is the bane of his life.

  • 他永远衣冠整洁,头发一尘不染,文质彬彬的令人畏然起敬。
    He was always in neat dress with his hair carefully combed and gentle, respectable manner.

  • 谁都懂得文质彬彬地一笑会使你在任何商店得到较好的接待?
    that a gracious smile will get you a better service in any store?

  • 不见得每个人都懂礼貌,也不见得所有的人天生都是文质彬彬
    Every man is not polite, and all are not born gentlemen.

  • 和以前那个我们所认识的文质彬彬的女孩相比,她已是判若两人。
    She was a far cry from the elegant girl we used to know.

  • 有一天,一位公子前来拜访。该公子文质彬彬,三人谈话甚是投机。
    One day, a handsome man came here for a visit. They talked cheerfully and friendly.

  • 有一天,一位公子前来拜访。该公子文质彬彬,三人谈话甚是投机。
    One day, a hansome man paid a visit to Huang and Zhou. They had a agreeable conversation.

  • 长期浸淫在优美的文化环境中,牛津城内的中小学童也都文质彬彬
    Long seeped in a wonderful cultural environment, even the primary and high school students in the town of Oxford have a civilized look.

  • 那个文质彬彬的丹麦人有一个神秘的理论:老师应该用手杖惩罚学生。
    The urbane Dane has an arcane theory that teachers should publish students with a cane.

  • 那个文质彬彬的丹麦人不喜欢平凡的生活,也不喜欢平淡无奇的图书。
    The urbane Dane doesn't like the mundane life and mundane books.

  • 他面带微笑,文质彬彬,乐于助人,不参加任何派别,和哪一派都处得很好。
    His face brings a smile, gentle, be happy to help a person, do not join any group, be in very well with which one clique.

  • 我想,能进大公司肯定素质高,而且谈吐文质彬彬,少言寡语,一副绅士模样。
    I think big companies that can enter high quality, but quite gentle, left, a gentleman like.

  • 文质彬彬的张先生是一位教社会学的教授,发表过很多很有影响的社会学论文。
    Mr Zhang of gentle is a professor that teaches sociology, had published a lot of very influential sociological papers.

  • 他坐在椅子上,注视着徐华北去给他沏茶。多有意思,瞧华北又变得文质彬彬了。
    He sat on a chair and watched Xu Huabei make tea for him how amusing look how gentle Xu Huabei suddenly is again.

  • 昨天一见面,记者对两人的第一印象是“名如其人”:肖文津文质彬彬,很儒雅;
    Yesterday I met with two reporters for the first impression is that "they were": Xiao Jin Wenzhibinbin, very refined;

  • 蔡总看上去文质彬彬的,却有着十二年的军旅生涯,走南闯北,让他积累了丰富的人生阅历。
    Cai Cheng total looks soft, is a 12-year military career, travel extensively, let him accumulate a wealth of life experience.

  • 那里有白发苍苍的老人,也有活泼开朗的少年,那里有文质彬彬的学者,也有满手老茧的农民。
    Baifacangcang where the elderly, but also the lively and cheerful boy, where Wenzhibinbin scholars, but also Man hands Laojian farmers.

  • 9看笑话: 那天在车上,一个蛮漂亮的女孩忽然冲一个文质彬彬的白净小伙儿大骂:“流氓!”
    9 see joke: That day on board, the girl with a beautiful pretty tongue-lashes to the fair and clear lad of a gentle suddenly: "Be scampish!"

  • 职员们能够和这位准备和安娜贝尔小姐结婚的文质彬彬、模样英俊的年轻人打个招呼感到非常荣幸。
    The clerks were pleased to be greeted by the good-looking, pleasant young man who was going to marry Miss Annabel.

  • 我们在最后的一场足球比赛中把那个文质彬彬的丹麦人打得落花流水,吃了太多的蔗糖是他的致命伤。
    We caned the urbane Dane in the last football match, and eating too much sugar-cane was the bane of his life.

  • 杰森:女人们总是说他们找的对象文质彬彬,知识丰富,可结果看重的全是头脑简单,四肢发达的男人。
    Jason: Oh come on mother! Women always say they want somebody sensitive and intelligent, and then you end up picking some guy with bulging biceps and raw animal passion.

  • 网恋不是请客吃饭,不是做文章,不是绘画绣花,不能那样雅致,那样从容不迫文质彬彬,那样温良恭俭让。
    Cyber love is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery;

  • 纽约-在周日举行的赛季最后一场比赛中,文质彬彬的教师鲍勃克劳利击败了“幸存者”竞争对手苏格和苏珊,成为了最后的幸存者。
    NEW YORK –Bow-tied schoolteacher Bob Crowley beat "Survivor" rivals Sugar and Susie to emerge as Sole Survivor on Sunday's season finale.

  • “今天夜晚,不会更晚。”他轻声说道,他因为能够明确地了解并说明病人的病情而洋洋自得,他脸上露出文质彬彬的笑意,走开了。
    "To-night, not later, " he said softly, and with a decorous smile of satisfaction at being able to understand and to express the exact position of the sick man, he walked away.

  • 我们对主教的印象,总是停留在他是神秘的人,随时闷不吭声的突然从你背后出现。他是个极有纪律,文质彬彬且非常敬业的好教官。
    We are always under the impression that Major Drillmaster is a mysterious person that always pops up from behind us all the time.

  • 恰好在这一刻他的笑容消失了——于是我看着的不过是一个风度翩翩的年轻汉子,三十一二岁年纪,说起话来文质彬彬,几乎有点可笑。
    Precisely at that point it vanished—and I was looking at an elegant young rough-neck, a year or two over thirty, whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd.

  • 伟大领袖毛主席教导我们说:“革命不是请客吃饭,不是做文章,不是绘画绣花,不能那样雅致,那样从容不迫,文质彬彬,那样温良恭俭让。
    The revolution is not a social dinner, a literary event, a drawing or an embroidery; it cannot be done with elegance and courtesy.

  • 这位文质彬彬又才华洋溢的年轻人,非常乐于用自己的音乐恩赐和专业来服事神,他忠心在泥土音乐的音乐会及专辑制作中服事,并参与教会的敬拜赞美团,负责司琴。
    He plays keyboard regularly in Clay Music concerts and participates in our album productions. Calvin also serves in the worship teams of his church in Hacienda Heights.

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