
无所用心  wú suǒ yòng xīn








  • 他的大儿子是个无所用心、挥霍无度的人。
    His eldest son was careless and extravagant.

  • 这些人往往大批涌往城市,固然”,无所用心
    These people will tend to flood the cities, worsening already strained urban resources.

  • 大觉,只是饱食终日,无所用心,吃了 睡 , 睡 了吃。
    Just sleep and sleep, and eat and play and fuss and sleep again.

  • 我们却在睡大觉,只是饱食终日,无所用心,吃了睡,睡了吃。
    Just sleep and sleep, and eat and play and fuss and sleep again.

  • 他们还没有像许多发达国家那样看到对自然资源无所用心地使用所带来的后果。
    They have not yet seen the effects of the careless use of Earth's resources like many developed nations have.

  • 她十分伤心地怀念她父亲家里频繁的社交生活和无所用心、悠闲自在的舒适环境。
    She sadly missed the continual social life and careless and easy-going hospitality of her father's home.

  • 人若能抛开所有大大小小的牵挂,无所用心,无所住心,就能跳出苦海,得大自在云云。
    If someone cut out all the major and minor care, no work, Wu Suozhu heart, you can jump out of Oliver, was comfortable and so large.

  • 作者提出由于电脑计算的方便;就有不少无所用心或漫不经心的分析;失去学术意义。最后;
    Some researchers tend to be careless or Jess thoughtful to do survey data analyses due to very convenient statistical analysis by using packages of statistical program and personal computer.

  • “识”,需要有进取的心态,浑浑噩噩、懒懒散散、饱食终日、无所用心的人,一般不会在意机遇;
    "Knowledge" and the need for aggressive state of mind, Hunhunee, Lanlansansan, eat three square meals a day and do no work, not about opportunities in general;

  • 多数饱食终日无所用心的有钱人则饱受无所事事之苦,难以言状,因为自由的代价是辛苦乏味的工作。
    Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery.

  • 无所用心造句相关
