
无所畏惧  wú suǒ wèi jù







  • 美德是勇敢,善良从来无所畏惧
    Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.

  • 面对最后的牺牲,它也无所畏惧
    The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.

  • 如果你无所畏惧,你会怎样做呢。
    What would you do if you weren't afraid?

  • 我曾全心全意的陷入爱里无所畏惧
    That once I dared to be in love alive and whole.

  • 我会知道万能的主与我同在,我无所畏惧
    Jesus almighty are with me… and I have no fear.

  • 我想看到一个无所畏惧的,强大的巴勒莫。
    I want to see a fearless and strong Palermo.

  • 这即是度兰宁男儿!追随荣耀,无所畏惧
    These are the Duranin , ! of honor within and of fear without.

  • 真正的自由是无所畏惧
    Real freedom is freedom from fear.

  • 如今,尽管我知道前路重重叠嶂。但我无所畏惧
    Now we are not afraid, although we know there's much to fear.

  • 无所畏惧,因为没有什么可以诋毁你内心深处真正的美。
    There is nothing to fear. For nothing can diminish the true beauty at the heart of you.

  • 如果你的心里总是有著森林,只要充满阳光,也就无所畏惧
    If your mind is always in the forest, only if you have sunshine, nothing is indifferent.

  • 爱国的人对战斗无所畏惧。-----W。A。巴斯塔曼特。
    Nobody who considers himself a patriot fights with fear. ----W. A. Bustamante.

  • 摒弃忧虑,保持平和。无所畏惧,直面未来。面对压力,放松身心。
    Adventure into new territories. Trade off anxiety for peace. Face the future unafraid. Relax under pressure.

  • 勇敢并不意味着无所畏惧,相反它是觉悟到有比畏惧更为重要的事。
    Bravery is not the absence of fear, it is rather knowing that there are other things more important than fear.

  • 如果我害怕发表演讲,我就想象自己在公众场合无所畏惧、充满信心;
    If my fear is to made a speech, I will imagine myself fearless and with confidence in public.

  • 上帝:面对过去应悔;面对现在应充满信心;面对未来无所畏惧
    God: Face ur past without regret. Handle ur present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.

  • 即便我们在小时候无所畏惧,可到了成年却有许多人变得“回避冒险“。
    Even if we were fearless as children, many of us have become risk adverse as adults.

  • 你们的提升过程必须加快,但因为我们能制定相应的计划,无所畏惧
    There has to be a speeding up of the process taking you to Ascension, but have no fear as we can plan accordingly.

  • 在人生的旅程上,如果你想无所畏惧地走,那么你必须要拥有一支良知之匙。
    In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a good conscience.

  • 一个最困苦、最贫贱、最为命运屈服的人,只要还抱有希望,便可无所畏惧
    So long as a person who is poorest, lowliest and most obedient to fate still holds the hope, he has nothing to fear.

  • 我肯定!现在,你害怕什么东西吗?有什么东西让你害怕吗?因为你看起来无所畏惧
    I bet! Now, are you scared of anything? Is there anything that does scare you? Since you seem so fearless?

  • 队员们的状态是难以自信的,他们从开始便踢得很好。他们无所畏惧,精神令人吃惊。
    The character of the players was unbelievable. They played very well from the first minute. There was no fear and the spirit was amazing.

  • 表示性侵犯,这一姿势可以显示无所畏惧或向女性侵犯的态度;女性也会使用这一姿势。
    It shows *-infringing . It can show the attitude of fearlessness or infringing upon women. Women can take this posture too.

  • 而他最伟大的实力就在于他无所畏惧,这当然也是小天行者的伟大实力,基本上维达也是。
    And his great strength is that he's not fearful, which of course is also young Skywalker's great strength, and ultimately Vader's too.

  • 为了神而去抢救和塑造一代人的人必须是那些衷心的、勇敢的、投入的、无所畏惧的殉难者。
    Hearty, heroic, compassionate, fearless martyrs must the men be who take hold of and shape a generation for God.

  • 要胸怀宽广,心挂虑;要品行高尚,不怨不怒;要身心坚强,无所畏惧;要心情舒畅,远离烦恼。
    To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

  • 我想知道你是否会疯狂地追求心中的爱、梦想和生活中的惊险刺激,即使众人当你是傻子也无所畏惧
    I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

  • 他们看到了一场火箭展示出无所畏惧的气势的比赛,附带一个比赛的介绍,看起来一切只和比赛相关。
    They also sat through a game in which the Rockets never really seemed threatened, and with a game presentation that seemed about everything but the game.

  • 我对你的年龄不感兴趣。我想知道你是否会疯狂地追求心中的爱、梦想和生活中的惊险刺激,即使众人当你是傻子也无所畏惧
    It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

  • 艾莫森说过:「自信是英雄主义的本质。」你们每一个人的心中都有英雄,因此我虽然离去,但我知道这充满了英雄的世界将无所畏惧
    Emerson said, "Self-trust is the essence of heroism. " Inside each of you is a hero. And so I leave, knowing that a word full of heroes has nothing to fear.

  • 无所畏惧造句相关
