
流水无情  liú shuǐ wú qíng








  • 就算落花有意,流水无情,真爱依然甜美。
    Sweet is true love though given in vain.

  • 不, 最起码不要像流水般一去不复返,太无情了。
    No, at least not as a water gone, too cruel.

  • 我们就是恋上无情流水的有意落花,中了爱情的诅咒。
    We are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones.

  • 很多时候我们的情感就是这种落花有意流水无情的伤感。
    Our emotions often water is such a sad merciless.

  • 我们这些单相思的人,都是“落花有意,流水无情”的受害者,全都受到了爱情的诅咒。
    Those of us who fall in love alone. We are the victims of the one-sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones.

  • 感怀秋叶的飘零,感触流水无情,淡淡忧伤划过,浅睡于一抹忧伤里的秋意越发浓郁。
    Thanks for the Memories of Falling autumn leaves, feeling the relentless water, across the faint sadness, light touch of sadness to sleep inside the increasingly rich autumn.

  • 历代骚坛亦吟咏不绝,唐代诗人杜牧《金谷园》诗曰:繁华事散遂香尘,流水无情草自春。
    Tan also Yinyong Sao successive one after the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu, "Jingu park, " Shi said: bustling casual thing then Xiangchen, water mercilessly since the spring grass.

  • 郭德纲的话很有大家风范和掌门人气度,但想想其实不过是落花无情流水也无意,一拍而散对双方而言已经是水到渠成的事。
    Guo Degang, then you have style and the head of popular, but think about actually fallen flowers are ruthless, and has no intention of running water, and take a powder on both sides, is already ripe.

  • 就算是落花有意,流水无情,也没什么,阿Q一下无妨,或许这也是对方的损失呢。如果是女孩子的话,要是实在伤心,可以大哭一场来发泄,然后擦干眼泪,快快乐乐的重新开始。
    If it is not the case, it is all right, probably is their lost too. For girls, crying hard maybe one way to vent out your feelings. After that, wishing you step forward and start a new and happy life.

  • 流水无情造句相关
