
漆黑一团  qī hēi yī tuán







  • 把 ... 说得漆黑一团
    paint a dark picture of

  • 省级行政管理同样也是漆黑一团
    Above all, the person in charge was on the spot .

  • 它代表黑暗,它要的是漆黑一团
    It is darkness, and it desires chaos.

  • 那场景漆黑一团,令人毛骨悚然。
    It was a dark, brooding scene.

  • 省级行政管理同样也是漆黑一团
    Provincial administration was equally black spot.

  • 这个谜洞对我来说深不可测、漆黑一团
    It was just a deep, dark puzzle to me.

  • 走廊里漆黑一团,我只得摸索着走过去。
    It was pitch dark in the corridor and I had to feel my way along.

  • 外面漆黑一团,天空象被一幅黑色的窗帘覆盖着。
    It is very dark outside, and the sky is covered, as it were, with a black curtain.

  • 屋内漆黑一团,但我凭直觉知道这屋里肯定有人。
    It was pitch black but some sixth sense told me that there was somebody else in the room.

  • 突然火车轰隆隆地驶入一个隧道,四周的一切都漆黑一团
    Suddenly the train roared into a tunnel and everything was black.

  • 倘若我睁开眼睛,我就将永远呆在漆黑一团的不透明体中了。
    If I open and am for ever in the black adiaphane.

  • 屋内漆黑一团,但凭我的第六感觉,我断定这屋子里一定有人。
    It was pitch black but some sixth sense told me that there was somebody in the room.

  • 屋内漆黑一团,但凭我的第六感觉,我断定这屋子里一定有人。
    but some sixth sense told me that there was somebody in the room.

  • 她的灵魂原来漆黑一团,犹如黑夜,如今却象新下的雪一样洁白。
    Her soul, which was black as night, is now pure and white like the new-fallen snow.

  • 屋内漆黑一团, 但凭我的第六感觉, 我断定这屋子里一定有人。
    It was pitch black but some sixth sense told me that there was somebody in the room.

  • 这朵花儿躺在里面,四周是漆黑一团,它正如躺在花球根里的时候一样。
    It was dark around her, dark as in those days when she lay hidden in the bulb.

  • 礼堂里漆黑一团,两家小店里漆黑一团,拐角处的四五所房子也是漆黑一团
    The church was black the two stores were black and the four or five houses at the corner were black.

  • 境况看上去漆黑一团时,我没法儿写信,没法儿告诉她我正在同绝望与死亡艰苦搏斗。
    I could not write when everything looked so black. I could not write and tell her that I was fighting hard with despair and death.

  • 然而,当他急匆匆地消失在漆黑一团,沙沙作响的大街上时,她突然情不自禁地想叫他回来。
    Yet, as he hurried off down the dark, murmuring street, she had a sudden impulse to call him back.

  • 而晚上,杰克从他那漆黑一团的帐篷里望过去,埃尼斯就像是一簇夜火,一星绽放在大山深处的火花。
    Jack, in his dark camp, saw Ennis as night fire, a red spark on the huge black mass of mountain.

  • 我写得非常吃力,天气很寒冷,我非常害怕被发现后关到漆黑一团的地牢里去,因此,我得压缩我的叙述。
    I write with so much difficulty, the cold is so severe, I am so fearful of being detected and consigned to an underground cell and total darkness , that I must abridge this narrative.

  • 在火把的光照下,我们看到漆黑一团的监狱船正停在离满布泥泞的岸边不远之处,好像是一艘邪恶的挪亚方舟。
    By the light of torches, we was the black Hulk lying out a little way from the mud of the shore, like a wicked Noah's ark.

  • 天狗食月:这只天狗在很久之前,常常夜间把明月吃掉,地上漆黑一团,不见五指,可怕黑暗使人们恐惧不安。
    Heavenly Dog Swallowing the Moon:Long long ago, a heavenly dog often swallowed the moon at night, then people had to live in deep dark and felt horrified.

  • 天狗食月:这只天狗在很久之前,常常夜间把明月吃掉,地上漆黑一团,不见五指,可怕的黑暗使人们恐惧不安。
    Heavenly Dog Swallowing the Moon:Long long ago, a heavenly dog often swallowed the moon at night, then people had to live in deep dark and felt horrified.

  • 很久很久以前,天和地还没有分开,宇宙好像一颗很大的鸡蛋,里面漆黑一团,没有天,没有地,也没有日月星辰,更没有人类生存。
    Long, long ago, heaven and earth were not yet separate. The universe was all one, like a giant egg. Inside the egg, all was dark. There was no heaven, no earth, no sun, moon or stars, and no people.

  • 指挥官德里克坐在漆黑一团的房间里,仔细研究着传送来的子空间侦察照片。“锁定350/150区域,进行MMO搜索,”他对计算机命令道。
    Commander Derek sat in the blackened room, carefully studying the subspace surveillance photos being relayed to him. "Home in on 350/150, " he ordered the computer. "Engage MMO search. "

  • 由于存在量子效应,黑洞不断地在放射热量。霍金曾经说过:“黑洞并不是真的漆黑一团,它们像一个发热体一样发光。它们的体积越小,发出的光就会越亮。”
    Hawkinghas said that "black holes are not really black after all: they glow like a hot body, and the smaller they are, the more they glow."

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