
炼石补天  liàn shí bǔ tiān







  • 中国女神女娲氏都西华,抟土造人,炼石补天,化育万物;
    Chinese Goddess Nu Wa's all West China, Tuan-made soil, rock Lian Sky, all things genesis;

  • 侯村女娲陵寝是炼石补天的伟大祖先女娲最后长眠的地方。
    Hou Wacun nv cemetery is the great Sky-Hole Patching Lianshi Nuwa ancestors final resting place.

  • 就在人类面临灭顶之灾的时候,女娲挺身而出,炼石补天
    On the face of human disaster, Nu Wa to come forward to the Sky rock Lian;

  • 炼石补天———娲皇宫:娲皇宫是一座气势宏大的古建筑群。
    rock Lian Wa --- Sky Palace: Wa palace is a magnificent grand old buildings.

  • 西汉时称古中皇山,相传,女娲就是在这里抟土造人、炼石补天的。
    Western Han Dynasty in ancient emperor said Hill, according to legend, Nuwa Tuan soil is made here, and the Sky-Hole Patching Lianshi.

  • 人类之母女娲,捏土造人、炼石补天,并帮人族收伏许多妖魔,自古为神州人民景仰。
    Human mother and daughter, Wa, pinch-made soil, Lian-Butian, and help people of many ethnic Shoufu devil, the ancient people of admiration for China.

  • 综合各种根据,我们似乎可以有充分的理由向世人宣布:竹山是最有可能的女娲炼石补天处,竹山应该成为女娲文化的重要发源地和中心之一!
    Based on sufficient evidence, we declare to the world: Zhushan is the most credible place where Nuwa refined colorful stones to mend sky, and Zhushan is one of original centers of Nuwa culture.

  • 综合各种根据,我们似乎可以有充分的理由向世人宣布:竹山是最有可能的女娲炼石补天处,竹山应该成为女娲文化的重要发源地和中心之一![关键词]汉水文化;圣母女娲;形象形成;文化英雄;冠名权;
    Based on sufficient evidence, we declare to the world: Zhushan is the most credible place where Nuwa refined colorful stones to mend sky, and Zhushan is one of original centers of Nuwa culture.

  • 炼石补天造句相关
