
狗急跳墙  gǒu jí tiào qiáng








  • 兔子急了也会咬人。/狗急跳墙
    Even a hare will bite when it is cornered.

  • 兔子急了还会咬人呢(狗急跳墙)。
    Even a hare will bite when it is cornered.

  • 甚至蠕虫也会翻身;狗急跳墙
    Even a worm will turn.

  • 绝望让勇气变成了胆小鬼。狗急跳墙,不对。
    Despair gives courage to a coward.

  • 小偷被抓时的狗急跳墙,而过后再也跳不过了;
    thief was arrested at the time of hasty and impatient, and after the jump is no longer enough;

  • 请勿将歹徒逼入绝境,这样歹徒会狗急跳墙、拼死反抗;
    Do not force the gangster into extremity in case he will gainst.

  • 狗急跳墙吧!。你也许再也见不到她了,但你得抓住机会。
    Desperate times call for desperate measures! You might not see her again, but you have got to take advantage of the opportunity.

  • 俗话说狗急跳墙;在瘟疫肆虐的年代里,许多垂危的患者来到科布利斯,希望变成丧尸度日。
    In desperate times people turn to desperate solutions, during the plague years many of the infected came to Enlil-saduga, hoping to live on as Undead.

  • 虽然这些刺客不会主动伤害无关的人,但是既然他们并没找到刺杀的目标,可能会为了逃命狗急跳墙
    Roy:While they seemed unwilling to deliberately hurt bystanders, now that they've failed to find their target, they'll be desperate to escape.

  • 一些人担心为了挽回局面,狗急跳墙的巫统会制造更大的镇压活动,关押这三个人才仅仅只是一个开始。
    The detentions looked like the start of the wider crackdown that some fear a cornered UMNO might yet launch, to save its skin.

  • 等等。别再走进了。把我逼急了我也会狗急跳墙的啊!我不想伤害你,不过别以为我不会,那可是出于本能的。
    Bruce: Wait. Don't come near me. When I'm backed into a corner, I'm like a wild animal. I don't wanna hurt you, but I will, out of instinct.

  • 在环球市场逆转下,不少投行狗急跳墙,只顾出售更多私人银行资产,结果被富豪们入禀属欺骗行为,要求巨额赔偿。
    Downturn in the global market, many investment banks hasty and impatient, and only the sale of more private banking assets, was rich and filed a fraud, require huge amounts of compensation.

  • 不论从哪方面看,泰森此举也有点忘恩负义甚至狗急跳墙的嫌疑,估计法庭不会同意用这种方式让泰森再次“脱贫致富”。
    S. dollars. Whether money aspect, Inc. This is a bit ungrateful even suspected act out of desperation, it is estimated the court would not agree to use such a method to fight again "off."

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