
玩火自焚  wán huǒ zì fén







  • 神经电路天生有玩火自焚的倾向。
    The natural tendency of neural circuitry is to play games with itself.

  • 神经线路天生就有玩火自焚的倾向。
    The natural tendency of neural circuitry is to play games with itself.

  • 你这是玩火自焚…让我来使你解脱!
    You are trapped by your own efforts…allow me to release you!

  • 文森特:我还是要说,玩火者必自焚
    VINCENT Still I hafta say, play with matches, ya get burned.

  • 玩火的人一定被烧。——玩火者必自焚
    He who plays with fire gets burnt.

  • 我不宜于在玩火自焚
    This is fire we are playing with.

  • 谚】玩火者必自焚
    He who plays with fire gets burnt.

  • 玩火者必自焚一刚。
    People who play with fire must kill himself.

  • 他们应该从这件事中吸取教训:玩火者必自焚
    They should learn a lesson from his incident: he who always plays with fire will surely get hurt.

  • 涐们在玩火自焚
    We are playing fire to die.

  • 玩火者必自焚
    Whoever plays with fire gets burnt.

  • 玩火者必自焚
    He who plays fire gets burned.

  • 玩火自焚
    Don't play with fire.

  • 他们凶暴地同希腊人“贸易”,结果引起干戈,玩火自焚
    They "traded" violently with Greeks, and so brought sword and flame upon themselves.

  • 她一直不知道自己是在玩火自焚,对这种生活无比的沉醉。
    She was ignorant of the potential danger of her deeds, and was totally addicted to the life she was living.

  • 一条是一意孤行,妄图把台湾从中国分割出去,最终玩火自焚
    The other is to keep following their separatist agenda to cut Taiwan from the rest of China and, in the end, meet their own destruction.

  • 但是我们必须杜绝孤立主义和保护主义,闭门造车无异于玩火自焚
    But we must reject isolationism and its companion, protectionism. Retreating behind our borders would only invite danger.

  • 希望你。面对你。我知道这一切都是我自己玩火自焚。如果回到从前。
    Who can help me. tell me why?I wanna go to paradise.

  • 玩火自焚烧得一身伤,并非想成为一只浴火凤凰,只是憨厚的想照亮后面的路。
    She does not mean to be a phoenix but simply tries to light up the road behind.

  • 今天,世界各地仍有无数敬拜撒但或服侍邪灵的人,他们这样做,无异是玩火自焚
    There are millions of people who worship Satan today or who are reaching out to the evil spirits. They do so at their own peril.

  • 今天,世界各地仍有无数敬拜撒但或服侍邪灵的人,他们这样做,无异是玩火自焚
    There are millions of people who worship Satan today or who are reaching out to the evil spirits.

  • 麦凯恩,共和当总统候选人嘲笑“无名桥”,他的网站上甚至还有“玩火自焚”游戏。
    John McCain, the Republican one, derides the "bridge to nowhere"; his website even has a video game, "Pork Invaders".

  • 一些对权证缺乏必要了解的投资者,抱着侥幸心理希望获得巨大收益,这无疑是在“玩火自焚”。
    Some of the warrants is necessary to understand the lack of investors, trusting to luck with great hope that the proceeds, which were, of course, "got burnt from playing fire."

  • 通常说话相当温和的英国大使埃米尔·琼斯·帕里爵士警告发展中国家成员,你们这是在玩火自焚
    The usually softly spoken British Ambassador, Sir Emyr Jones Parry, warned the developing countries they were playing with fire.

  • 如果他继续此路,玩火自焚,那么拉美的民主人士将会思考这个问题——委内瑞拉还站在我们一边么?
    If he continues on the same path, Latin America's democrats will soon have to consider whether he belongs in their clubs.

  • 首先,组织观看了保密教育片《警钟长鸣》,警示教育片《玩火者必自焚》、《贪婪霸道 自掘坟墓》。
    First of all, a secret organization to watch educational "sound the alarm bell", warning education film "plays with fire gets burned", "high-handed greed to dig your own grave.

  • 虽然科学界对全球暖化的影响程度尚有歧见,但若人类对温室效应造成的危险置之不理,无非是玩火自焚
    Although there is disagreement within the scientific community about the extent of global warming, humans would be playing with fire if we were to ignore the danger it poses.

  • 查克: 小镇姑娘,没见过市面,第一次出远门就丧了命--好吧,我就是这样子的,不过这次我真的是玩火自焚的。
    Chuck: The small town girl who never saw the world only to have her first time out be her last - well, that is who I am, but I was hoisted by my own petard !

  • 首先是关于这条路,路面中间铺得有亮晶晶的地板砖,这是一眼就能看得到的,车子走在上面肯定会打滑,但我还是往上骑,这叫逞能,叫玩火自焚
    Firstly, as the road has ceramic tiles in the center, it's obviously the bicycle would skid when in riding. but I still rode on the tiles, which might be described as conceited and playing with fire.

  • 当然欧巴马可以扯开嗓门,全力声援伊朗的反对党,甚至提供物质援助,不过此举恐怕会玩火自焚:伊朗政权就有藉口描述反对党是大魔鬼美国的傀儡。
    He could offer full-throated or even material support to the opposition, but this would probably backfire: the regime would then be able to portray its opponents as stooges of the Great Satan.

  • 玩火自焚造句相关
