
痴男怨女  chī nán yuàn nǚ







  • 痴男怨女,难得有情人终成眷属,总是人生中的一件大事。
    The crazy male unhappy woman, the rare feeling emotion person becomes the family member finally, always in a life important matter.

  • 爱情,一个使多少痴男怨女深情演绎悲欢离合的故事的剧本。
    Love, of a number of men and women are still infatuated with deep feeling sad interpretation joy, parting together the story of the script.

  • 欺骗了多少的痴男怨女的同时,还得到那么多人的敬仰和膜拜。
    Crazy how much cheating men Yuannv, it is also to be so many people's admiration and worship.

  • 两对爱情中的痴男怨女,面对不同的托付对象,需承受怎样的命运感受;
    What kind of fate and feeling to bear for two pares of lovers confronting different parson?

  • 戏里的爱情就像一面心灵的镜子,照出滚滚红尘中所有痴男怨女心底的那粉渴盼;
    Opera in the heart of love is like a mirror that lights up all the stupid Red Dust the bottom of my heart that man ;

  • 人们长说痴男怨女,古人已经解释的很清楚了,痴男,男人对爱的痴情,对感情的专一也只有男人自己才知道。
    People said: Filthy men Yuannv, the ancients have explained very clearly, Filthy men, men love to the Chi Qing, the only specific feelings of the men themselves will know.

  • 人们常说痴男怨女,古人已经解释的很清楚了,痴男,男人对爱的痴情,对感情的专一也只有男人自己才知道。
    It is often said Filthy men Yuannv, the ancients have explained very clearly, Filthy men, men love to the Chi Qing, the only specific feelings of the men themselves will know.

  • 全文模式人们长说痴男怨女,古人已经解释的很清楚了,痴男,男人对爱的痴情,对感情的专一也只有男人自己才知道。
    The people say in common the infatuated man always with a complaining woman, which had already so clear to show from the eld.

  • 当世间的痴男怨女们最终发现,彼此互为对方爱侣,同时亦是作为不同性别的存在,那么婚姻生活中另一个全新的阶段正在等待着他们。
    A new stage of marital love awaits when the couple can finally discover each other, both as lovers and as men and women.

  • 痴男怨女造句相关
