
口是心非  kǒu shì xīn fēi








  • 口是心非的朋友比公开的敌人更坏。
    False friends are worse than open enemies.

  • 选民对他的口是心非逐渐生厌。
    The electorate is growing tired of his posturings .

  • 我也恨那个口是心非的人。
    I also hate the people that speak with a forked tongue.

  • 口是心非的朋友比不共戴天的敌人还坏。
    False friends are worse than bitter enemies.

  • 但我当时怀疑你口是心非
    However I thought you were duplicity.

  • 英国人很少口是心非
    Most British people always mean what they say.

  • “哼!口是心非的家伙,”爱德蒙轻声说道。
    "Ah, lips that say one thing, while the heart thinks another, " murmured Edmond.

  • 他说,“得了,别给我来口是心非的那一套了。”
    "Aw, don't give me that line, " he would say.

  • 义人是一个生活坦荡荡和诚实无伪的人,绝不会口是心非
    A righteous man is one whose life is open and honest. He does not say one thing when he means something else.

  • 那些口是心非的人比那些会开反对你的人对你的威胁更大。
    Those who pay lip service are greater enemies than those who speak openly against you.

  • 有些店主说他们会将消费者视为上帝,但实际上只是口是心非
    Some shop owners say they will treat consumers as God but it's not true.

  • 有点像你在妈妈面前口是心非地夸她漂亮一样,即使她穿得有点可笑?
    Sort like how you tell Mommy she looks good, even when she's wearing something silly?

  • 有点像你在妈妈面前口是心非地夸她漂亮一样,即使她穿得有点可笑?
    Sort of like how you tell Mommy she looks good, even when she's wearing something silly?

  • 你这口是心非、风流好色的小和尚,你倒说说,是姥姥赢了,还是你赢了?
    You are such a two-faced and horny monk! Please tell me, who is the final winner, you or me?

  • 托钵僧劝人勿偷盗,袖子里却藏著一只鹅。监守自盗。(口是心非,言行相悖。)
    The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve.

  • 口是心非进场时,取出你的牌库顶上的五张牌,将它们面朝下的放置于口是心非上。
    When Duplicity comes into play, put the top five cards of your library face down on Duplicity.

  • 这些人说,茱莉亚萝勃玆在友人克里夫欧文怂恿下,大约两年前同意演出《口是心非》。
    She was persuaded to do "Duplicity, " they said, roughly two years ago after being urged to take the role by Mr. Owen, a friend.

  • 女人嘛,总是口是心非,越是清纯的女人,在自己喜欢的人面前。越是不表现她的爱意。
    speak their hearts . The more pure and innocent a girl is . The less she would show her love before the one she loves .

  • 女人嘛总是口是心非。越是清纯的女人,在自己喜欢的人面前。越是不会表现出她的爱意。
    as for women, they never speak their hearts. the more pure and innocent a girl is, the less she would show her love before the one she loves.

  • 请你张开你的耳朵,也请你打开你的心,去听她心里真正的呼唤,而不是她嘴里的口是心非
    Please open your ears, please open your heart, listen to her true calling, rather than the duplicity of her mouth.

  • 请你张开你的耳朵,也请你打开你的心,去听她心里真正的呼唤,而不是她嘴里的口是心非
    Please open your ears, you open your heart and really listen to the call of her heart, her mouth rather than the double.

  • 口是心非》是一部关于一对负责企业保全工作的情侣,试图从公司和彼此身上窃取情报的浪漫故事。
    "Duplicity" is a romantic tale about a couple of corporate security workers looking to steal from the corporations and from each other.

  • 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。(让那些口是心非,满嘴跑火车的人见鬼去吧)
    Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

  • 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。(让那些口是心非,满嘴跑火车的人见鬼去吧)
    Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

  • 茱莉亚萝勃玆不愿多谈决定主演《口是心非》或在票房魅力达到高峰时急流勇退,即使不是全退的原因。
    Ms. Roberts declined to discuss her decision to star in "Duplicity, " or her reasons for stepping aside, if not quite back, at the height of her box office appeal. A number of people close to Ms.

  • 正如影片的片名所展示的,吉尔罗伊表示在影片讲述的这个领域里,盟约和玩弄频频建立在“口是心非”之上。
    As the title of this film indicates, Gilroy says it is about a field in which alliances …and dalliances … that can all too often be built on Duplicity.

  • 谎话连篇、敷衍塞责、口是心非、诡计多端都可说是他的拿手好戏,而李鸿章也一再证明他的确是大师级的人物。
    Falsehood, evasion, double-dealing, and intrigue are his familiar tools, and of all of them he has repeatedly proved himself a master.

  • 在Vedantist说,“所有的'东西'其实只是在'口是心非',因为所有的东西产生和化解到每一个其他的事情。”
    The Vedantist says "All 'things' are really just the 'One Thing' because all things arise from and dissolve into every other thing."

  • 你们之间互相也许还不是很了解,会有误会,会争吵,会赌气,会惴惴不安,会口是心非。但只有他能给你最单纯,最直接的快乐。
    I still have dreams here to realize, still can feel the enthusiasm so strong as before I stand on this land, still enjoy the feeling of struggling by myself.

  • 但是我不是那种口是心非的导演,事先不按自己的计划陈述,等到开拍之后再把说好的一切都推翻,而那个时候想炒他已经太迟了。
    ' But I'm not going to be one of those directors who isn't honest about what he intends to do, and then changes everything when shooting has started and it's too late to fire him.

  • 口是心非造句相关
