
和衷共济  hé zhōng gòng jì








  • 这将需要业内全体同仁和衷共济
    It will require positive action by all in the industry.

  • 这两个企业实在非彼此和衷共济不可。
    Here are two industries that must be in harmony with one another.

  • 我们更要与所有理念相通的国家和衷共济,扩大合作。
    We will expand cooperation with like-minded countries.

  • 伟大的抗战精神,蕴含着中华儿女和衷共济的团结精神。
    The grand spirit of Anti-Japanese implies the solidarity of working with one accord of the Chinese people.

  • 这是中国各民族之间能够长期紧密团结、和衷共济的根本原因。
    This is the fundamental reason that all ethnic groups in China have for a long time united closely, lived in harmony and helped one another.

  • 香港的督导实践是北美概念、英式制度和中华文化和衷共济的结果。
    Supervisory practice in Hong Kong is a combination of, and compromise between, the North American concept, the British system, and the Chinese culture.

  • 自然灾害是人类共同的敌人,国际社会只有和衷共济,才能战胜灾难。
    Natural disasters are the common enemy for human kind, and only joint international efforts could overcome these catastrophes.

  • 鼓励香港、澳门各界人士在爱国爱港、爱国爱澳旗帜下和衷共济,促进社会和睦;
    We encourage people from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macao to work with one accord to promote social amity under the banner of love for the motherland and devotion to their respective regions.

  • 党政之间、干群之间、上下级之间、同级人员之间以诚相待、协调配合、和衷共济
    Between party card, between Gan Qunzhi, between fluctuation class, be honest between the personnel that be the same as class, harmonious cooperate, ;

  • 让我们视他人为至亲,他们期望得到我们的关注和尊重,好使大家和衷共济,守望相助。
    We live it also by recognizing others as people who belong to the same family we belong to and who expect our attention, respect and close solidarity.

  • 在这牛年到来之际送给大家同时也送给自己一个“和”字共勉,因为只有和衷共济才能度尽劫波。
    Year of the Ox in the dawn of this gift we also give ourselves a word "and" encourage each other, because only together can we make robbing the wave degrees.

  • 这说明,国际社会已经认识到,随着经济全球化深入发展,和衷共济、合作共赢是我们的必然选择。
    This shows that the international community has come to recognize that with deepening economic globalization, working together for win-win outcomes is the only option we have.

  • 贸易和商业也与今天的会议十分相像,往往能够促使不同背景的各国人民为了共同的目标和衷共济
    Much like this event today, trade and commerce have always brought together diverse peoples in a common pursuit.

  • 20国集团的官员们说,他们希望各国能够和衷共济,而不是在追求各自国家的目标方面互不相让。
    G-20 officials say they are counting on sense of camaraderie to keep them working together rather than pursuing conflicting national goals.

  • 冷战所带来的发达世界各国间的明确的关系,特别是两大联盟各自内部和衷共济感,已经变得模糊了。
    The clarity that the Cold War imposed upon relations between the countries of the developed world, in particular the sense of solidarity within each of the two main alliances, has become blurred.

  • 在这个时候,我希望香港同胞和衷共济、共谋发展,把香港的各项工作做好,使香港更加繁荣和稳定。
    At this moment, I hope our compatriots in Hong Kong will work together with one accord for better development. They will do an even better job in promoting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong.

  • 他坚信,人们在通往美德的途中,以互相扶持为目的而和衷共济是切实可行的,他想象中的共济会就是如此的。
    He firmly believed in the possibility of the brotherhood of man, united in the aim of supporting one another in the path of virtue. And freemasonry he pictured to himself as such a brotherhood.

  • 就在绝望的黑尘扬起,大萧条席捲全境之际,她目睹一个国家以新政、新的工作机会、新的和衷共济精神克服了恐惧本身。
    When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose.

  • 我厂刚开三个月以来,凭着高超的技术实力、坚固的质量意识、和衷共济吃苦耐劳的团队精神,以加工的方式赢得了众多客户的信赖。
    I plant just three months, with superb technical strength and strong sense of quality, team spirit tradition of hard work together in order to process the way to win the trust of many customers.

  • 在可怕的地震灾难面前,我们相信,只要我们挺起不屈的脊梁,万众一心众志成城,团结互助,和衷共济,我们就一定可以取得抗震救灾的全面胜利。
    Before the terrible earthquake catastrophe, we believe that we can succeed completely in the work of disaster relief as long as we holds together in times of crisis.

  • 和衷共济造句相关
