
喷薄欲出  pēn bó yù chū







  • 轮廓鲜明的地平线上,一轮旭日喷薄欲出
    The rim of the sun was blazing up over a sharp horizon.

  • 喷薄欲出的红日云蒸霞蔚,此情此景,十分壮观。
    splendor of the red cloud steaming Xia Wei, a scene that is very spectacular.

  • 但她的女性魔力,主要还不在于身体上那种强烈的喷薄欲出的肉感。
    There was a strong, smoldering sensuality about her, but that was not her magic.

  • 可以预言,中国的社会企业犹如朝阳喷薄欲出,犹如春笋蓄势待发。
    We can predict that social enterprise in China will spread like the morning sun rising.

  • 她长得细而小,可是,她的双乳却大而高,在温和的灯光下,喷薄欲出
    Although she is slim and short, her breasts are full.

  • 已经有迹象表明,一场性革命正在中国酝酿,像一轮初升的太阳,喷薄欲出
    Already there are signs that a sexual revolution is brewing in China, like a rising sun, to a Penbao.

  • 风格:口味浓郁,喷薄欲出,带樱桃及李子味道,口感中有成熟果实香,酒体优雅,带香草味道。
    Style:evocative red tones with hints of cherry and plum, mature fruit notes in the mouth, elegant body and delicate touches of vanilla.

  • 熔岩喷薄欲出的火山喷发在不久的网站在冰岛Eyjafjalla于2010年3月27日火山冰川埃亚菲亚德拉冰盖。
    Lava spurts out of the site of a volcanic eruption at the Eyjafjallajökull volcano near the Eyjafjalla glacier in Iceland on March 27, 2010.

  • 高高的山上云雾缭绕,睡了一夜的小草贪婪地吮吸着甘露,小鸟唱着歌迎接喷薄欲出的太阳。薄薄的雾霭中走出一个人,这就是诗人贾岛…
    On the high mountain the fog wound around, rests a night of grass to suck in the manna greedily, the bird is singing the sun which greeted spurts out.

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