
声色俱厉  shēng sè jù lì








  • 老板声色俱厉的责备把聚集在办公室外的职员们吓坏了。
    The manager's rebukes in loud voice and stern expression have made the clerks gathered in the out office start with alarm.

  • 于是我声色俱厉地问是谁的主意。
    Thus, I asked him seriously whose idea it was.

  • 悟空:妖怪,看我是谁?(声色俱厉
    Wukong:Mounter, look at me, who am I ?

  • 声色俱厉地说。“你这个调皮的小坏蛋!
    he said severely. 'You bad, troublesome little animal!

  • 因为他糟糕的英语,她经常声色俱厉地训斥他。
    She often bites off his nose on his bad English.

  • (不要忘了你是正义之剑的一员!)”莱斯声色俱厉
    Do not forget you are one of the Sword!

  • 老板声色俱厉的责备把聚集在办公室外的职员们吓坏了。
    The manager's rebukes in loud voice and stern expression have made the clerks gathered in the out office start with alarm.

  • 教官怒气冲冲地夺过士兵的枪,声色俱厉地说:“笨蛋!
    V/arc drillmaster has seized the soldier's gun quarrelsomely, ground of stern in voice and countenance says: "Fool!"

  • 我这就告诉你,“他声色俱厉地说,‘我是威廉·卡里斯尔,本庄园的主人。’”
    "I"ll tell you what business it is of mine. " he snapped. "I"m william carlisle and this happens to be my property. "

  • 常有人问及“声色俱厉”的内涵,现在我就将其内涵写出来,以释读者心里的疑惑。
    Sometimes there are some questions referring to the connotation of this salon, to clear about the doubts of readers, now I will write out its meaning plainly.

  • 而房地产商呢,他们的言论看似声色俱厉,其实主要以攻击为主,并没有讲出什么实质道理。
    And the real estate business?Their seemingly stern expression, in fact, mainly attacks on and did not say what the real reason.

  • 他们刚刚在这里声色俱厉地谴责着歹徒,谈论着应该恢复死刑以及总统应该清理整顿这个国家等等。
    They had been talking of stiffer sentences for criminals, of bringing back the death penalty and how the President is going to clean up the country.

  • 还有什么“胆小如鼠”,这还不都是你们给逼的,见到我们就那么声色俱厉、耀武扬威、棍棒伺候,我们能不胆小吗?
    What "as timid as a mouse", this is not to force all of you, we will then see around, sticks to wait, we can not do timid?

  • 史学家们在描述这些过去的历史人物的活动时,往往声色俱厉地谴责他们,因为史学家们认为那些历史人物就是他们所指的反动的祸根。
    In describing the part played by these historical personages, the historians criticise them severely, supposing them to be the cause of what they call the reaction.

  • 要是我有此能力,要是我能让全国都听到我的呼声,今天我就会以滚滚巨流之势发出我尖刻无情的嘲笑、粉碎一切的谴责,摧枯拉朽的讽刺,声色俱厉的训斥。
    had I the ability, and could I reach the nation's ear, I would today pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke.

  • 声色俱厉造句相关
