
寻花问柳  xún huā wèn liǔ








  • 他总是寻花问柳,生活糜烂。
    He was always whoring after the pleasure of evil living.

  • 男人在接近而立之年时更有可能寻花问柳
    Men are more likely to seek it out in their late twenties.

  • 他总是寻花问柳,生活''。'糜烂'。''。
    He was always whoring after the pleasure of evil living.

  • 他很高兴,她竟认为他曾经是个寻花问柳的人。
    He was pleased that she should think he had been a sad dog .

  • 他可以对妻子不忠,在外面寻花问柳也无关紧要。
    He can is opposite the wife is disloyal, go round singsong houses to also not matter outside.

  • 喜爱智慧的,使父亲喜悦;寻花问柳的,必倾家荡产。
    He who loves wisdom makes his father glad, but he who consorts with harlots squanders his wealth.

  • 其实,这名32岁的妇女早就怀疑丈夫寻花问柳、染病在身。
    In fact, this 32-year-old woman have long suspected her husband Xunhuawenliu, the disease in the body.

  • 我们最后听到有关他的消息时,他还在寻花问柳过著淫荡生活。
    The last we heard of him, he was still whoring after the pleasure of evil living.

  • 有些妇女即使知道丈夫出外寻花问柳,做爱时依然不采取防御措施。
    Some wives continued to have u rotected sex even though they knew their hu andes were having affairs.

  • 有些妇女即使知道丈夫出外寻花问柳,做爱时依然不采取防御措施。
    Some wives continued to have unprotected sex even though they knew their husbands were having affairs.

  • 有些妇女即使知道丈夫出外寻花问柳,**时依然不采取防御措施。
    Some wives continued to have unprotected sex even though they knew their husbands were having affairs.

  • 你不想结婚,直到你老得晚上不能出去为止。想想你现在还可以去寻花问柳呢。
    You don't want to get married, not till you're too old to go out in the evenings. Think of the fun and games you can have yet.

  • 源氏的寻花问柳行为背后深刻的心理动力机制是弗洛伊德的精神分析学说所揭示的恋母情结。
    Analyzing with the achievements of Freud's psychological study, we can find there are profound psychological motivations behind Genji's carnalism.

  • 由于作者没有弄清“寻花问柳”这个词的含义,把它当作寻找美好商品而用错了,成了贬意。
    Because the author did not make clear " go round singsong houses " the meaning of this word, regard it as search good commodity and use a fault, became demote meaning.

  • 男人一生都会不断追求自以为是的爱的真谛,这也无形中符合了他们朝三暮四寻花问柳的天性。
    Men are unceasingly seeking the true love as they considered by themselves which tally with their nature of changeable and variable.

  • 她的丈夫,一个寻花问柳高手,绝大多数时间呆在美国,并且后来成立了一个公司并拥有了一些地产。
    Her husband, a great traveler in perfumes, spent most of his time in America, where eventually he founded a firm and acquired a bit of real estate.

  • 在这个炙手可热的德州英雄故事中,纽曼扮演一位上了年纪的农场主傲慢、爱寻花问柳、没用的的儿子。
    This torrid Texas saga cast the actor as the brash, whoring \no account\ son of a principled old ranch owner (Melvyn Douglas).

  • 如果这时还穿着夏天的衣服在外面寻花问柳,那是不好的,因为这样,正如大家说的一样,会受到批评的。
    It was not the weather for flying about in summer clothes; but fortunately the butterfly was not out in it.

  • 虽然小韩否认之前有“寻花问柳”的经历,医生们还是给小韩做了免疫学检查,结果显示,梅毒螺旋体抗体阳性。
    Although Xiaohan is denied, have " go round singsong houses " experience, doctors still did immunology to check to Xiaohan, the result shows, syphilis helicoid antibody is electropositive.

  • 2007年夏天迈阿密媒体爆料韦德与结发之妻西奥沃恩婚姻亮起红灯,原因是韦德寻花问柳令西奥沃恩难以忍受。
    2007 summer bid Wade and the Miami media made binding marriage Xiaowoen wife raised the alarm because Wade Xunhuawenliu Xiaowoen so unbearable.

  • 是水手,士兵,旅人,郊区居民夜间外出寻花问柳的场所。也是悉尼波希米亚的发源地,艺术家,表演家,作家,音乐家经常出没于此。
    But along with sailors, soldiers, tourists and suburbanites out for a night on the town, it has also been home to Sydney's Bohemia, the haunt of artists, actors, writers and musicians.

  • 应该说我不怀疑他跟以前的那些恋人还有什么男女关系,我们结婚3年了,他也的确非常体贴,也不在外面寻花问柳,可是我仍然不能不困惑。
    I should say that I have no such feelings re his platonic women friendships and that my husband (of 3 years) is truely a caring person ¬ on the prowl.

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