
岁不我与  suì bù wǒ yǔ







  • 介意别人怎么想”,75的老头在聊到年轻女子约会时如是说。
    "I don't mind that people think of me like that, " the 75-year-old man says of his penchant for dating younger woman.

  • 之相反,那精力旺盛的三宝宝欢快地哭喊着,渴望白天能在呆久些,愿入睡。
    or the opposite, the joyous cry of an exuberant 3-year-old eager to get the day going.

  • 25的贝尔在谈及化妆时说,“发现曾经交往过的男人更喜欢化妆时的样子。”
    "I find that men, in my past, have preferred me without it, " Biel, 25, says of makeup.

  • 25的贝尔在谈及化�时说,“发现曾经交往过的男人更喜欢化�时的样子。”
    "I find that men, in my past, have preferred me without it, " Biel, 25, says of makeup.

  • 赞许10以上的小孩进行商量的决定,10以下的小孩也能,,也应该包括进来。
    I applaud the decision to consult children over the age of 10 — younger children can and should also be involved.

  • 23了,尽管在游泳池中取得了成功,但却做了一件年轻人身份相符的事,辜负了人们对的期望。
    I'm 23 years old and despite the successes I've had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me.

  • 的哥哥知道,妈妈知道,潘卡沙说,他是一个23的学生,当他他迷人的至友约会时会打扮得很有魅力,并被称作蒂娜。
    My brother knows; my mother doesn t, says Pankash, a 23-year-old year-old student who likes to be known as Tina when he goes on dates dressed as his glamorous alter ego.

  • 的哥哥知道,妈妈知道,”潘卡沙说,他是一个23的学生,当他他迷人的至友约会时会打扮得很有魅力,并被称作蒂娜。
    my mother doesn't, " says Pankash, a 23-year-old year-old student who likes to be known as Tina when he goes on dates dressed as his glamorous alter ego."

  • 47的皮尔•卢瑟夫说:“我与交往了五年半的前未婚妻分手了。将她的照片扔进了粉碎机,因为们之间有一些非常愉快的回忆。”
    I got rid of my ex-fiancee after five and a half years, said Pierre Lucien, 47, I shredded her picture, because I have very bad memories.

  • 47的皮尔?卢瑟夫说:“我与交往了五年半的前未婚妻分手了。将她的照片扔进了粉碎机,因为们之间有一些非常愉快的回忆。”
    "I got rid of my ex-fiancee after five and a half years, " said Pierre Lucien, 47, "I shredded her picture, because I have very bad memories. "

  • 47的皮尔“卢瑟夫说:“我与交往了五年半的前未婚妻分手了。将她的照片扔进了粉碎机,因为们之间有一些非常愉快的回忆。”
    "I got rid of my ex-fiancee after five and a half years, " said Pierre Lucien, 47, "I shredded her picture, because I have very bad memories. "

  • 我与的9及11孩子在家时,他们真的喜欢的电视里的任何节目,因此在想,们可以开发一个专门为孩子们及他们的家庭的节目。
    I'm at home with my nine and 11-year-old, and there are really not many things they like to watch on TV, So I thought, this is an opportunity to develop a show for children and their families.

  • 切尔西说她已读完了他的两本书。马尔克斯后来对说,他相信一个14的小姑娘能看懂他的书,于是他切尔西仔细讨论了《百年孤独》。
    He later told me that he didn't believe a fourteen-year-old girl could understand his work, so he launched into an extended discussion with her about One Hundred Years of Solitude.

  • 岁不我与造句相关
