
忍无可忍  rěn wú kě rěn








  • 我必须警告你,我已忍无可忍了。
    I must warn you that my patience is almost at an end.

  • 婚姻,忍无可忍,就重新再忍。
    The marriage, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, again endures.

  • 老太太对只拿这么一点养老金感到忍无可忍
    The old lady is fed to the gills with this little pension.

  • 一天,老人终于忍无可忍,决定要杀死圣人!
    One day, he became so irritated and angry that he decided to kill the saintly man.

  • 她的行为教人忍无可忍,她父亲把她大骂了一顿。
    Her conduct was the last straw and her father lashed out at her.

  • 今晚的练习你又迟到,我们已经对此忍无可忍了。
    When you came late for the practice tonight, it was the last straw.

  • 这些都逼得俄罗斯忍无可忍,早就想奋起反击了。
    All these have forced the Russian unbearable, long time ago to counter the rise.

  • 你最近迟到次数太频繁,叫人忍无可忍,你被开除了。
    You've been late for work too often. This is the last straw. You're fired.

  • 办公室里一出差错就让我背黑锅,我已经忍无可忍了。
    I am tired of being used as the whipping-boy for all the mistakes that are made in the office.

  • 告诉你,我实在是忍无可忍了,你刚才的话太岂有此理。
    This is the last straw, l tell you, what you have said is outrageous.

  • 那么,当伴侣的习惯开始让你忍无可忍的时候,你该怎么办?
    So how do you cope when your partner's habits start to push you over the edge?

  • 她自告奋勇看守伊利丹。因为伊利丹对她兄弟的攻击让她忍无可忍
    She offered to watch over Illidan, whose attack on his fellow night elves had been the last straw.

  • 那辆小车的狂奔乱滚使班长忍无可忍,不能再等了,他决定出去巡查。
    The mad rattle of the cart, filled to overflowing the possible measure of waiting, and decided the sergeant to make a reconnaisance.

  • 劳工们忍无可忍,于1903年爆发了震撼世界的“苦力暴动”事件。
    It was beyond what the labourers could bear. Finally in 1903, the Coolie Revolt (Koeli Schandalen) broke out. It was an event that shook the world.

  • 当我对狗已经忍无可忍的时候,我就从床上坐起来――可屋里什么都没有!
    When I can't endure it any longer I sit up in bed -- and nothing is there!

  • 我的心痛恨你们的月朔和你们的庆节,它们为我是种累赘,使我忍无可忍
    My soul hated your new moons, and your solemnities: they are become troublesome to me, I am weary of bearing them.

  • 有两个人彼此相爱,但是他们无法相处,你认为何时才是忍无可忍的时候?
    If two people love each other, but they just can't seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?

  • 对不起骗子先生,我已经忍无可忍,我会告诉大家真相并提供最有力的证据!
    Sorry Mr. Liar, I can't take this anymore, I will tell everyone the truth with strongest evidence!

  • 凯西:我觉得我的论文指导老师对我提出很多不切实际的要求,我已经快忍无可忍了。
    Cassie: I think my thesis advisor is making unrealistic demands of me, and I'm close to breaking point.

  • 她这个重要榜样将使全世界妇女能作出决断,在忍无可忍时,沉默不再是合适的对策。
    Her important example will empower women everywhere to decide that enough is enough and that silence is no longer an appropriate strategy or response.

  • 有些管理员已经忍无可忍,因为你忽视警告,拒绝沟通,继续上载图片,修改说明,不符合规则。
    Some administrators are very upset with you because you ignore all the warnings, fail to communicate, and continue to add inappropriate images and tags.

  • 但傻瓜比尔再次的失误,令上校愤怒地惩罚全队,伙伴们终于忍无可忍,将傻瓜比尔痛揍了一顿。
    But the fool Bill's once more fault, angrily is punished colonel the entire team, the partners finally is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, has punched the fool Billpain.

  • 有一天,爸爸妈妈吵架的很厉害,爸爸气到忍无可忍,把自己的电脑丢在地上,一直踩一直踩,打烂它。
    One day, my mother and my father "chao jia", my father is very very angry, to throw he computer in the floor and to step on the computer.

  • 终于有一天,两人大吵了一架后,她忍无可忍地说出了那两个字:“离婚”,他立即就说“可以,现在就去”。
    Finally one day, two big one, she no longer say that the two words: "porce", he immediately said "Yes, go now.

  • 那通常神采奕奕,留着连鬓胡子,象巨人一样的大个子在与一个以为他用不着花钱就可以走的人争吵中忍无可忍
    Cheerful for the most part, the gigantic figure with mutton chop sideburns brooked no argument from one patron who believed he could depart without paying.

  • 迪斯尼的版本总是要有一个悲剧的开始,伴随着一位让人忍无可忍的坏女人,然后以一个可预测的快乐的结尾作为结束。
    The Disney versions almost always have sad beginning, with an overbearing female villain, and the end is predictably a happy one.

  • 这次革命是前革命者的自作自受,总统任人唯亲,高级官员腐败程度愈演愈烈,比起前政权更为变本加厉,让民众忍无可忍
    That was painful in itself and made the nepotism of President Bakiyev and the increasing scale of corruption by senior officials—worse than under the previous leadership—much harder to bear.

  • 项羽非常气愤,在忍无可忍的情况下,把宋义杀死后,立即派一部军队先去巨鹿援助赵国,随后,他率领所有楚军过河北上。
    In a rage, Xiang Yu killed Song Yi and immediately dispatched a regiment of troops to Julu to aid Zhao. Soon afterwards he led the rest of the army across the river.

  • 主持人们忍无可忍,用手敲击柜台前的玻璃,大声呼叫,让他过来退钱,情急中更有人顺手拿起放在台面上的银行卡密码输入器拍打。
    Presenters have enough hand percussion counter the glass, loud call and let him come refund, some people panic, they more easily Pick up the cards on the table-enter the password to beat.

  • “我们正在不可避免的衰退,”加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的一位天体物理学教授桑德拉•法伯说,她无意中说出了忍无可忍的教员的心声。
    "We are in irreversible decline, " says Sandra Faber, a professor of astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz who has inadvertently become a mouthpiece for a fed-up faculty.

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