
怨声载道  yuàn shēng zài dào








  • 工人们对糟糕的工作环境怨声载道
    Employees complained bitterly about working conditions.

  • 工人阶级对政府官员怨声载道
    The working class grievances against government officials.

  • “脚都走累了”,女友们开始怨声载道
    "feet are tired, " and his girlfriend were about to begin.

  • 正是这微不足道的缺点让我们怨声载道
    It is the smallest flaw that would make us complain.

  • 可猫屎猫尿奇臭难闻,周围邻居怨声载道
    Cat urine cat feces can offensive, complaining neighbors.

  • 在消费者怨声载道时,其他人开始公开指责。
    While consumers complain, others are pointing fingers.

  • 平日晴天且不说,一下大雨,汕头的交通便怨声载道
    Sunny Day is not to say heavy rainfall, Shantou traffic will be complaining.

  • 市长和其他官员、纳税人和维修工人协会都怨声载道
    Complaints poured in from the Mayor and other officials, from taxpayers and from the maintenance workers"union."

  • 去年夏天,照片库艺术家联盟的在线论坛上怨声载道
    Last summer, there was a flurry of complaints on the Stock Artists Alliance online forum.

  • 怨声载道和理想破灭的现状给共和国造成了极为严重的危机。
    This state of discontent and disillusionment created a real crisis for the Republic.

  • 应当说,小区的绿化不错,但居民谈起小区生活却怨声载道
    It should be said that the small green good, but residents have complained about small lives.

  • 另一起乌龙,士兵误闯了一位女孩的十五岁生日派对而使居民怨声载道
    Another angered residents by barging in on a girl's 15th-birthday party.

  • 再回到的贾拉佐里难民营,在经历了六十年的流亡生活后,难民们怨声载道
    Back in the Jalazone refugee camp the refugees are bitter after 60 years of exile.

  • 如果你能做到这一点,那么它的伟大,你才发现自己怨声载道如何血腥大手机。
    If you can do this, then its great and you'll only find yourself grumbling about how bloody big the phone is.

  • 大量不加分析就被登记在案的信息给追查高危罪犯带来了麻烦,让警察怨声载道
    The police complain that having so many petty sex offenders on registries makes it hard to keep track of the truly dangerous ones.

  • 当结果与市场背道而驰时,就对分析师怨声载道,甚至冠以“黑嘴”或“托”的恶名。
    When the result and the market run counter, to analyst resentful sound everywhere along the road, even crown by "black mouth" or "request" evil reputation.

  • 但是,面临涨价厂家商家买家怨声载道,叫的多笑的少,业务人员的也是牢骚满天飞。
    But, be confronted with price rising manufacturer merchant my buyer Complaints are heard all over, being short that many shouting laugh at, professionals's being also complains rushing everywhere.

  • 结果当然很惨,地上的人们、动物、植物不是热死就是冻死,也乱了时间,弄得天错地暗,怨声载道
    Of course Hencan the earth, the people, animals and plants is not the cold dead heat, chaotic time, make mistakes and dark days, complaints are heard everywhere.

  • 尽管在近两星期内购买该产品的人们会得到返还的差价,但仍有许多iPhone的拥有者怨声载道
    Many i Phone owners are crying foul although people who purchased the (gadget) within the last two weeks are entitled to a refund of the price difference.

  • 而且,尽管来自比利时布鲁塞尔的怨声载道,德国政府依旧不愿废除其基于安全考虑所建立的老掉牙体制。
    And despite the huffing and puffing from Brussels, the government is still reluctant to dismantle its antiquated system on safety grounds.

  • 价持续飙升,有车族怨声载道。在美国许多城市,一种名为“汽车共享”的新模式开始盛行,深受人们追捧。
    Car sharing is racing ahead full-throttle in the US market as Americans look for ways to cope with record fuel costs and be environmentally friendly at the same time.

  • 它们会怨声载道,说这是保护主义,但那又怎么样呢? 如果地球自身变得无法居住,全球化还有什么用处。
    They will complain bitterly that this is protectionism, but so what?Globalization doesn't do much good if the globe itself becomes unlivable.

  • 法航服务员的罢工进行到第四天,航班被迫中断,乘客怨声载道。罢工人员为争取更好的待遇和工作环境而做出反抗。
    Air France flight attendants are striking for a fourth day, disrupting travel and agitating customers. The flight attendants are striking over pay and working conditions.

  • 这使得消费者怨声载道,绝大多数消费者并不喜欢认真思考他们看到的电视节目,也不会认真考虑哪里可以找到这些节目。
    This is unsatisfactory for customers, most of whom would probably prefer not to think too hard about the television programmes they watch, or where to find them.

  • 虽然有50%的人对开会怨声载道,但其中有超过60%的人承认他们要么“并不是那么在意开会”,要么“享受开会”。
    And although 50% said they complained about meetings, more than 60% of these complainers admitted that they either dont mind them that much or enjoy them.

  • “我们在走下坡路了,”加州大学圣克鲁斯分校的一名天体物理学教授无意中成为怨声载道的教职员工的发言人,她如是说道。
    "We are in irreversible decline, " says Sandra Faber, a professor of astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz who has inadvertently become a mouthpiece for a fed-up faculty.

  • 很快,沙漠商旅队往目的地出发。路途的日子非常热,而且很漫长。这些骆驼们怨声载道。“我们不能再忍受下去啦”它们叹息。
    Soon the caravan headed out. The days were hot. The way was long. The camels grew weary. "We can't go on, " they sighed.

  • 在英国,邮政编码和陆军测量局的地图数据目前都无法免费用于商业目的,这一点在企业家和社会活动家中饱受诟病,怨声载道
    In Britain postcodes and Ordnance Survey map data at present cannot be freely used for commercial purposes—a source of loud complaints from businesses and activists.

  • 闷闷不乐的时候,我选择了听歌,听怨声载道的歌,舒缓的让人放松,曲调的柔美让我懒洋洋的享受:有时播放音响,我边看书;
    When I am not happy, I listen to the songs. The songs full of complaints with gentle and comfortable melody relax me greatly.

  • 立法者也因为他们在选举之后无法接触到被逮捕的人而怨声载道,而人们普遍认为这些被逮捕的人正处于伊朗革命卫队的控制之下。
    Lawmakers have complained that they were not given access to the those arrested after the election, who are widely believed to be under the control of the Revolutionary Guards.

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