
一丘之貉  yī qiū zhī hè








  • 物以类聚,人以群分。一丘之貉
    Birds of a feather flock together.

  • 爱吹牛的人和骗子都是一丘之貉
    A boaster and a liar are all one.

  • 物以类聚,人以群分。(一丘之貉。)
    Birds of a feather flock together.

  • 他们是一丘之貉,净干些卑鄙的勾当。
    They do the dirty works always, they are birds of a feather.

  • 那两个人真是一丘之貉,总是喜欢搬弄是非。
    Those two are birds of a feather! They love to gossip.

  • 在他看来,所有帝国主义强权都是一丘之貉
    Nakajima said. "All imperialist powers were part of the same gang to him."

  • 他们都有是一丘之貉
    They are birds of a feather.

  • 我们是一丘之貉。(我们是有相同羽毛的鸟。)
    We are birds of a feather.

  • 难道她的丈夫跟格米尼伯爵夫人是一丘之貉吗?
    Did her husband judge only by the Countess Gemini ?

  • 这两个人交上朋友我毫不奇怪,他们是一丘之貉
    I'm not surprised these two are such friends; birds of a feather flock together.

  • 这两个人交上朋友我毫不奇怪,他们是一丘之貉
    I'm not surprised these two are such friends; they are birds of a feather flock together.

  • 那两个人交情这麽好我不惊讶,他们是一丘之貉嘛。
    I'm not surprised those two are such friends; they're birds of a feather.

  • 他和其余的人一样阴谋同我作对,他们是一丘之貉
    He has conspired against me like the rest, and they are but birds of a feather.

  • 带着宗教或政治面具的偏见和轻蔑也都是一丘之貉
    Prejudice and contempt, cloaked in the pretense of religious or political conviction are no different.

  • 那两个人交情这么好我不惊讶,他们是一丘之貉嘛。
    I'm not surprised those two are such friends; they're birds of a feather.

  • 那两个人交情这麽好我不惊讶,他们是一丘之貉嘛。
    I am not surprised those two is such friends; they is birds of a feather.

  • 联邦政府的经济刺激方案与上述政策沦为了一丘之貉
    The federal stimulus package falls into the same category.

  • 他和其余的 人一样阴谋和我作对,他们是一丘之貉
    He has conspired against me like the rest, and they are but birds of a feather.

  • 受贿如同抢劫,人们始终认为,受贿者和与窃贼是一丘之貉
    Venality is like robbery. The one who takes bribe and the one who robs are always considered birds of a feather.

  • 有线电视公司和杂货物流公司是一丘之貉,来推销大企业的广告食品。
    Cable companies are working with grocery delivery services to market targeted food advertising to the giant Agra-conglomerates in the United States.

  • 我是鲍勃的朋友,而他老是惹麻烦。人们都不和我说话,把我与鲍勃视为一丘之貉
    I've been tarred with the same brush since people won't talk to me.

  • 不幸的是,约翰掌握了谴责国王私生活的充足理由。分封王希律跟他父亲乃是一丘之貉
    Unfortunately, John had excellent reason to find fault with the private life of his sovereign. Herod, the Tetrarch, was a chip of the old block.

  • 美国和叙利亚有正式的外交关系,并可以在多边组织如联合国中动用否决票制裁伊朗的一丘之貉们。
    America has formal diplomatic ties with Syria, and its diplomats bump into their Iranian counterparts all the time at multilateral forums such as the UN.

  • 比起去年来他的防守略有进步,这一点我相信,但在分球和打整体球方面,他和其他人是一丘之貉
    I will give him credit that he has been playing defense a little better this year, but as far as sharing the ball and overall team play, Mike is at the bottom just like everyone else.

  • 一些华盛顿的律师甚至推测考克斯与投资者实为一丘之貉,因为他承认己方几乎不会得到法庭的支持。
    Some lawyers in Washington even suggest that Mr Cox only sided with investors because he was convinced that they had almost no chance of support from the Supreme Court.

  • “她们都是一丘之貉,”——他自言自语地说,心里想到,并非他一人遭到与那下流女人结合的悲惨命运。
    "They are all alike, " he said to himself, reflecting he was not the only man whose unhappy fate it was to be bound to a low woman.

  • 卡尔扎伊说,在伦敦、马德里和纽约发动攻击事件的人,和杀害最无辜,最虔诚的穆斯林的凶手是一丘之貉
    Mr. Karzai said the people who carried out the attacks in London, Madrid and New York are the same who are killing the most innocent and the most devout of the Muslim world.

  • 但我想,这一份遗产,还是都让给叭儿狗文艺家去承受罢,我们的作者倘不竭力的抛弃了它,是会和他们成为“一丘之貉”的。
    But to my mind this past if our heritage should be made over to the lapdog writers, for unless our authors strive might and main to do away with it , they may become birds if a feather.

  • 不过我至今仍然暗自庆幸没有丢失善良的人性,没有做那一丘之貉,没有那多余的贪欲,所以无论什么时候我都能微笑着安心度日!
    But I still remind myself how lucky did not lose the good human nature, and did not do that birds of a feather, there's no excess greed, so whenever I can get by with a smile at ease!

  • 印度政府不仅暗自庆幸摆脱了“核威胁二人组”的组员身份,洗清了与巴基斯坦同属“一丘之貉”的不良关系,更一跃构成了“龙象模式”——如中国般新兴经济体的成功史。
    No longer, its politicians gloated, was India "hyphenated" with Pakistan as one half of a potential nuclear maelstrom. Rather it had become part of "Chindia"—a fast-growing success story.

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