
一刀两断  yī dāo liǎng duàn







  • 我想,是我们一刀两断的时候了。
    I think it's time we part company.

  • 从今以后,我们之间一刀两断
    From now, make a between us clean break!

  • 约翰与过去彻底一刀两断了。
    John made a clean break with the past.

  • 永远无法一刀两断,这里没有人拯救我。
    Never a clean break, no one here to save me.

  • 这意味着我不得不和我先前的生活一刀两断
    It means I have to cut myself off from my previous life.

  • 这些新校长们和教会一刀两断并起用了一批新的教员。
    The new presidents broke all ties with the churches and brought in a new kind of faculty.

  • 你要是再当着我朋友的面那样做,我就和你一刀两断
    If you behave like that in front of my friends again, I'll disown you!

  • 新观念既不能与传统的旧观念一刀两断,又难以做到…
    New idea both neither can miss make a thorough break with traditional former appearance, accomplish hard again…

  • 我不能与他一刀两断,就像我不能脱离黑人团体一样。
    I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community.

  • 我要和以前学的那些玩艺儿一刀两断,一切从头开始。
    I want to make a clean sweep of everything I've learnt and start afresh .

  • 作为鬼头刀尺寸和份量似乎偏小了点,难以一刀两断啊!
    It seems to be less for a ghost Dao's size and deal. It's hard to make a thorough break!

  • 假如你在这份合约上签字,你就和金钱的劳累一刀两断了 。
    If you sign this contract all of your financial worries will be over!

  • 你是你我是我,以后我们一刀两断,老死不相往来,否则就是王八!
    You are you and me is me, after we clean break, do not Laosi exchanges, or is the bastard!

  • 要把他变成最最规矩懂事的蟾蜍,不然的话,咱们就得跟他一刀两断
    He'll be the most converted Toad that ever was before we've done with him!

  • 咱俩一刀两断了,我要到街上找一个漂亮的法国小姑娘,滚你的蛋吧!
    I'm through with you. I'm going out and find myself a nice little French girl. You can go to hell!

  • 有一条对那些认为到了“一刀两断”的时机到来了的人们的一个好消息。
    Here's the good news for people who think the time may be right to cut the cord.

  • 钱德想和她一刀两断,却一次次的礼节性的对她说,记得打电话给我啊!
    Chandler tells her he'll call even though he doesn't intend to.

  • 我想马上跟艾伦一刀两断,让我的怒火勃发,更突然地跟我自己的生命诀别。
    There came on me all at once the wish to have it out with Alan, let my anger blaze , and be done with my life in a more sudden manner.

  • 所有这一切都让人郁闷不已,让人想与笑话一刀两断而去过些好一点的生活。
    All of which is very depressing, and makes one want to renounce joking and lead a better life.

  • 像那些决定一刀两断的人,也有些人的愿望简单而直接,有时候, 那属于其他人。
    Or the ones who were determined to burn bridges. And then there are those who simply want something, Something that belongs to someone else.

  • 她说出的“一刀两断”正是说出了我们的心声,正是我们所要追求的最完美的结局。
    Her saying "make a clean break" It is out of our mind, is exactly what we want to pursue the perfect ending.

  • 在这个遥远的城市,同任何对朋友的责任或任何形式的礼节一刀两断,是件极容易的事。
    A knife to sever any friendly duty , any form, was easy to his hand in that remote city.

  • 像那些渴望复仇的人,像那些寻觅爱情的人, 像那些决定一刀两断的人,也有些人的愿望简单而直接。
    But some go about it more cruelness than the others.   Like the ones who create vengeance, or the ones who hunger for love, or the ones who were determined to burn bridges.

  • 费莉希蒂不确定她所要的,但如果她非常渴望与你复合的话,她一定会告诉你,并和那个家伙一刀两断
    Felicity isn't sure what she wants, but if she were seriously interested in getting back together, she'd tell you and break it off with the other guy.

  • 您也懂得,必须做出果断的决定:要么跟这个女人一刀两断;要么从此不再多心猜疑,如果她仍然肯接待我的话。
    As you will appreciate, I had to decide one way or the other: to have done either with the woman or my scruples — always assuming, of course, that she would still agree to go on seeing me.

  • 奥巴马向他的选民展示了他理解选民是多么渴望与布什岁月一刀两断,多么期待领袖风采、远见和真正的两党合作。
    He shows voters that he understands how much they hunger for a break with the Bush years, for leadership and vision and true bipartisanship.

  • 可是事儿既出于她的引诱,况且他又不想贪图她的金钱,他以为从此和她一刀两断也就没有什么十分对不住人的地方了。
    However, as she had started the whole thing by seducing him and he wasn't after her money, he saw nothing dishonorable in breaking with her.

  • 他们曾幻想能与西方的经济创伤“一刀两断”,结果却跟世界各国一样,受创严重,更有甚者,伤口比一般国家还要深。
    The rest of East Asia, too, which had hoped that it was somehow "decoupled" from the economic trauma of the West, has found itself hit as hard as anywhere in the world—and in some cases harder.

  • 最主要的担心是其他国家未必像现在表现的那样有弹性:商品出口国称虽然对美国的依赖有所减少,但不能和美国“一刀两断”。
    The main fear is that the rest of the world proves less resilient than now seems likely: commodity exporters, say, may rely on American demand less than they did, but are hardly cut off from it.

  • 这些可怕的问题,当时他是退缩不敢提,这些问题本可能会使他得出一个毫不容情的一刀两断的决定,他此刻几乎埋怨自己没有把它提出来。
    He now almost reproached himself for not having put those formidable questions, before which he had recoiled, and from which an implacable and definitive decision might have sprung.

  • 一刀两断造句相关
