
一劳永逸  yī láo yǒng yì








  • 我们决定一劳永逸地解决这个问题。
    We decided to solve the problem once and for all.

  • 他希望修理后能一劳永逸不再漏水。
    He hoped that the repairs would stop the leak for good (and all).

  • 两国决定一劳永逸地解决边界纠纷。
    The two countries decided to settle the border dispute for keeps.

  • 这不是件可以一劳永逸的事情。
    This is not a something that can be completed once for all.

  • 看看你能不能把那个小捣乱分子一劳永逸的打发走。
    See if you can handle this young trouble-maker once and for all.

  • 党的执政地位不是与生俱来的,更不是一劳永逸的。
    The party's ruling status is not born in God, also is not being held for ever.

  • 党的先进性不是自封的和与生俱来的,也不是一劳永逸的。
    The party's advanced nature is neither self-given or inherent, nor get easily.

  • 你将有机会提出一个新的解决方法,而且一劳永逸的解决它。
    You will have a chance to come up with a new solution and put that matter to rest once and for all.

  • 虽然戴尔品牌的高知名度会有所助益,但不会让戴尔一劳永逸
    High name-recognition helps, but will get Dell only part of the way.

  • 你可曾晓得,有一个人爱你至深,这爱情无日终止,一劳永逸
    There's someone who loves you far more than you know with a love that kee growing as days come and go.

  • 一劳永逸地制定一个能够自动地适用于每一情况的公式,实不可能。
    No formula can be developed, once and for all, to be applied automatically to each case.

  • 一劳永逸地 制定一个能够自动地适用于每一情况的公式,实不可能。
    No formula can be developed, once and for all, to be applied automatically to each case.

  • 寄望因此而一劳永逸既不切实际,也对寻求一个和平持久的方案没有帮助。
    It is unrealistic to expect unity and stability under such a rule and would therefore not be conducive to finding a peaceful and lasting solution.

  • 他说:“以色列作出了一个基本战略决定,那就是一劳永逸地解决这个问题。
    They [the Israelis] made a basic strategic decision to sort of end it once and for all.

  • 但如果想要一劳永逸的摆平通缩,货币和财政当局需要采取更为大胆的举措。
    But to nail deflation once and for all, bolder steps by monetary and fiscal authorities are needed.

  • 处于对奥卡姆的尊敬,还是让我们一劳永逸地解决掉其他一些顽固的定义问题。
    So in honor of Ockham, let's dispense with a few other stubborn, definitional problems once and for all.

  • 带他们到隧道里去把象瘟疫一样的蛙人从那个被诅咒的地方的一劳永逸的清除干净。
    Take them into the tunnels and cleanse that cursed place of the froglok pestilence once and for all.

  • 在整个企业发展的历史上,企图找到固定模式,一劳永逸当个懒汉,是不会成功的。
    In the evolving history of company, trying to find a fixed pattern or getting things done once and forever has always been doomed by failure.

  • 直到最近,各国央行的官员们还是认为这样通涨这个暴徒已经一劳永逸地被锁住了。
    Until recently, central bankers thought that this thug had been locked up for life .

  • 可是我们终究会认识到人生的旅途中并没有车站,也没有能够“一劳永逸”的地方!
    Sooner or later, we must realize that there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all.

  • “(固定的)模式是无法一劳永逸的,”联邦存款保险公司董事长谢拉•贝尔指出。
    "Models are not infallible, " notes Sheila Bair, head of the FDIC.

  • 达赖喇嘛说他现在想接受中国在西藏的统治。为什么你不直接与他谈判、一劳永逸地解决这个问题?
    The Dalai Lama says now he would accept China ' s rule in Tibet. Why don ' t you negotiate directly with him and solve this issue once and for all?

  • 显然,这两次的合作都基于用户和流量的层面上,在认识到流量并非一劳永逸之后,谷歌开始进行产品层面的合作。
    Clearly, this cooperation is based on two users and the traffic level, the flow is not realize that once and for all, Google started product-level cooperation.

  • 数十年来,科学家梦想著能找出方法,一劳永逸防止流感,特别是针对最严重的A型流感病毒,但这是个令人望而生畏的任务。
    Scientists have dreamed for decades of a one-shot approach to stop the flu—particularly influenza A, the most serious type.

  • 我们深刻认识到,党的先进性和党的执政地位都不是一劳永逸、一成不变的,过去先进不等于现在先进,现在先进不等于永远先进;
    We must be profoundly aware that the Party's vanguard nature and its position of governance are not perpetual and unchangeable.

  • 但政--府出台这个政策就像保姆,意在安抚投资者,他们几年前傻乎乎地把钱投入股市,然后就一劳永逸,以为大好时光会一直持续下去。
    But this is nanny-state action designed to placate investors who naively parked their money in stocks a few years ago and sat back, expecting the good times to keep rolling.

  • 但我想对我的同胞说,也就想一劳永逸地说这一次:只要你是尽可能活得自由和不受拘束,那就不管你生活在农场还是在监狱都没有什么两样。
    But I would say to my fellows, once for all, As long as possible live free and uncommitted. It makes but little difference whether you are committed to a farm or the county jail.

  • 他们的结果还提示治疗疱疹时可能并不为HI的感染提供一劳永逸的保护作用,它可降低性交引起的病毒传播,因为此时的生殖器粘膜的HI的活性不大。
    They also suggested that while treatment for herpes might never gie full protection against HI, it should reduce transmission through sexual intercourse, because it reduces the strength of genital HI.

  • 应因地制宜,根据当地的经济发展水平灵活选择医疗保障模式,不能拘泥于千篇一律的模式,徒劳地寻求一劳永逸的模式,应该建立多层次的农村医疗保障体系。
    We should choose a feasible medical security mode fitting the local economy level. In stead of looking for an identical mode, we should establish a multi\|layer medical security system in rural areas.

  • 为了抑制来自兽族的威胁,国王泰瑞纳斯派来了王国中最强的两位圣骑士——他的儿子,阿尔塞斯王子,以及传奇般的乌瑟尔。光明使者。妄图一劳永逸地解决兽族问题。
    To contain the orcish threat, King Terenas has sent two of the realm's greatest paladins -his son, Prince Arthas, and the legendary Uther the Lightbringer - to deal with the orcs once and for all.

  • 一劳永逸造句相关
