
一挥而就  yī huī ér jiù








  • 我用了半个小时便把文章一挥而就
    I tossed off my article in half an hour.

  • 不要奢望在首次落笔时就一挥而就、完美无缺。
    Do not attempt to compose a perfectly correct draft the first time around.

  • 少年就学时,反应敏捷,数千字文章一挥而就
    Junior on the school, have reacted swiftly and one go several thousand word article.

  • 我给本地的报纸写文章只用半小时就可一挥而就
    off my article for the local newspaper in half an hour.

  • 我给本地的报纸写文章只用半小时就可一挥而就
    I can toss off my article for the local newspaper in half an hour.

  • 我给本地的报纸写文章只用半小时就可一挥而就
    my article for the local newspaper in half an hour.

  • 如若做一份考卷,熟悉相关知识的人可以一挥而就
    Some people can easily produce everything they know on a test.

  • 所以代理商一挥而就的营销策划方案,往往会令发展商心惊胆颤。
    Therefore, the marketing agents go planning programmes, often extremely unpleasant to the developer.

  • 我原以为这建议书要占去我整个周末的时间,但是写起来却一挥而就
    I thought it would take all weekend. But writing it was easy as pie;

  • 不过我总觉得,凡是写起长信来一挥而就的人,无论如何也不会写得不好。
    It is a rule with me, that a person who can write a long letter, with ease, cannot write ill.

  • 这些内容并不是一挥而就的,但它可以帮助你在有组织有整理的路上进一步。
    They're not designed to be quick fixes, but rather suggestions that will help you take baby steps toward becoming a bit more organized than you are now.

  • 他把握了可能引起读者幻思的那一视点,然后画笔一挥而就,既优美,又精致。
    He seized on, and struck off with grace and precision, just that point of view which would be likely to catch the reader's fancy.

  • 在处理人与人之间的问题时,这些原则并不是一些简单和一挥而就的解决方案。
    They are not easy, quick-fix solutions to personal and interpersonal problems.

  • 也正因此,一个片区成熟与否,不是一挥而就的,它需要社区的经年积累和政府的大力营造。
    It is therefore a kilometer mature or not, not go, and it needs in the community by creating a strong accumulation and government.

  • 沐浴着明媚的阳光,踏着绿色的草地,呼吸着新鲜的空气,在大自然的怀抱里“潇洒人生,一挥而就”。
    Taking bath under radiant and enchanting sunlight, walking on green grassplot and breathing fresh air, realize degage life in the embrace of nature.

  • 氧气不足,脑和手居然格外灵敏,在圣乐般的转经声中,在阳光照耀的白天和万物空灵的夜晚,五六个章节一挥而就
    Lack of oxygen, brain and hand even more sensitive in St. to the sound of the music as in the sun shines all day and the night ink, 56 chapters go.

  • 她的哥哥嚷道:“这种恭维话可不能用在达西身上,珈罗琳,因为他并不能够大笔一挥而就,他还得在四个音节的字上面多多推敲。
    "That will not do for a compliment to Darcy, Caroline, " cried her brother —— "because he does not write with ease.

  • 她的哥哥嚷道:“这种恭维话可不能用在达西身上,珈罗琳,因为他并不能够大笔一挥而就,他还得在四个音节的字上面多多推敲。
    "That will not do for a compliment to Darcy, Caroline, " cried her brother —— "because he does not write with ease. He studies too much for words of four syllables.

  • 一挥而就造句相关
