
七窍生烟  qī qiào shēng yān







  • 一听说他又要来,她七窍生烟
    translation: when she heard he would come again, she fumed with anger.

  • 他见到厨房一团糟,气得七窍生烟
    He completely flipped when he saw the mess in the kitchen.

  • 一听说他又要来,她七窍生烟
    When she heard he would come again, she fumed with anger.

  • 人在什么情况下会七窍生烟?
    Below what circumstance is the person met foam with rage?

  • 我们晚到了一小时,她正气得七窍生烟
    By the time we arrived an hour late she was fuming (with rage).

  • 我们晚到了一小时, 她正气得七窍生烟
    By the time we arrived an hour late she was fuming (with rage ).

  • 她被触怒了,七窍生烟,仿佛真的要从鼻子下分发纸巾一般。
    Her eyes were squinty and her nostrils were flaring, as though about to dispense tissues through the nose.

  • 一八一五年的条约把他气得七窍生烟,如同受了个人的侮辱。
    The treaties of 1815 removed him as a personal offence.

  • 简直让人七窍生烟,可以想象,我当时的心情是多么沮丧、失望。
    let a person simply foam with rage, can imagine, my mood at that time is how depressed, disappointed.

  • 七窍生烟地在原地站了好久,最后狂怒地转过身,径直走出门去。
    He seethed a long minute, then turned and walked furiously out the door.

  • “我已经打过了,”我按捺住令我七窍生烟的怒火回道,“可他们要我先付工钱。”
    "I already called, " I retorted, suppressing the rage that was choking me, "but they want payment in advance. "

  • 我在公开场合表现得宽容大度,私下里却气得七窍生烟,说了一些对他不友好的话,这令我后悔。
    I was magnanimous in public, but I fumed in private and said some things about Mario I regret.

  • 提姆•盖特纳据说已被不愿配合的监管者气得七窍生烟,以致他最近措辞严厉地对他们进行猛烈炮轰。
    TIM GEITHNER has reportedly grown so exasperated with unco-operative regulators that he recently blasted them with an expletive-filled rant.

  • 故骂人之道,最忌生吞活剥,心浮气躁,骂得人七窍生烟,斩得人刀痕累累,虽是痛快,但总谈不上艺术。
    Therefore, scolded dealing Zuiji Shengtunhuobao, Xinfuqizao, Made Qiqiaoshengyan people, killing people in the Daohen numerous, although Excitement, but the overall art out of the question.

  • 尽管被老虎队在垒上有人时贫打搞得七窍生烟,李兰还是说了些好话,这些话似乎已经在布朗士区传开,传得比地铁还快。
    Despite some frustration fuming over the Tigers' lack of hitting with runners on base, Leyland spoke some words that seem to already be spreading across the Bronx faster than the subways.

  • 股东们因刘易斯的作为气得七窍生烟,认为他为区区瑕疵品付了过高的价格—交易是五百亿美金以美银股票作价,也没在事前把支付美林”明星雇员”红利一事说清。
    Shareholders fumed that Mr Lewis had overpaid for a lemon—the price tag was $50 billion in BofA shares—and had not been upfront about bonuses paid to the acquired firm's "stars".

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