
万不得已  wàn bù dé yǐ







  • 倘若万不得已,他也预备战斗。
    If he must, he is ready to fight.

  • 我同意你的意见。仲裁是万不得已的事。
    I am favor of your opinion. the arbitration is the worst way to resolve the matter.

  • 我同意你的意见。仲裁是万不得已的事。
    i agree with your. arbitration is the last resort.

  • 我同意你的意见。仲裁是万不得已的事。
    i agree with you. arbitration is only the last resort.

  • 相信除非万不得已,不应由政府进行救援。
    Believes a government bailout should only be a last resort.

  • 仲裁只是万不得已的事。
    Arbitration is only the last resort.

  • 禁止某一物种的交易应该是在万不得已时才采取。
    Banning the trade in a species should be a last resort.

  • 平时,不到万不得已他绝不打车,因为她认为太贵了。
    Normally, she seldom takes a taxi unless there is an emergency, as she thinks it's too expensive.

  • 现有的矿物燃料发电站被“封存”,仅在万不得已时使用。
    Existing fossil fuel stations are "mothballed" for use only as a last resort.

  • 如果到了万不得已的时候,你会为了自己的原则而牺牲工作吗?
    if it came to the point, would you sacrifice you job for you principles?

  • 不过布什明确表示,仍然会把军事力量作为最后万不得已的手段。
    But he made clear the use of military force remains a last resort.

  • 以此他将告诉教练,动手术的决定是在万不得已的情况下做出的。
    Ballack will tell his manager that he would never have undergone surgery unless it was necessary.

  • 他说,当然可以,不过你得自己讲话,除非万不得已的时候我再帮你。
    "Sure, " he said. "But you have to talk. I'll step in only when you really need me.

  • 他说:“我当时就想到,你看了那封信,一定非常难受,可是我实在万不得已
    "I knew, " said he, "that what I wrote must give you pain, but it was necessary.

  • 他说:“我当时就想到,你看了那封信,一定非常难受,可是我实在万不得已
    "I knew, " said he, "that what I wrote must give you pain, it was necessary.

  • 至于如何着手,则需要电池驱动的装置,万不得已可以到玩具店购买相关装置。
    As far as where to start: always a battery powered device and use the toy store as a last resort.

  • 第四点、美联储将尽快制定出一项新的规划,以备在万不得已时为那些商业票据埋单。
    Fourth, the Federal Reserve will soon finalize work on a new program to serve as a buyer of last resort for commercial paper.

  • 美国政府万不得已的情况下以放贷者和消费者的身份介入,但是它的口袋再深也不是没有底的。
    The U. S. government has stepped in as lender and spender of last resort, but its deep pockets are not bottomless.

  • 原则上来说,除非万不得已,否则医生是不会使用图片成像法比如CT或核磁共振来做扫描的。
    The guidelines urge doctors not to use other imaging methods like CT or MRI scans scans until they have down done this.

  • 治疗指南极力主张不到万不得已,不要用图片成像的方法,如CT或MRI等来扫描病人的喉部。
    The guidelines urge doctors not to use other imaging methods like CT or MRI scans until they have done this.

  • 万不得已的情况下,迈克和杰瑞只好“重拍”小镇居民想看的录像带,以避免弗莱彻先生发现。
    In the case of a last resort, Mike and Jerry had to "remake" the town residents want to see the video in order to avoid Mr. Fletcher found.

  • 如果他终于让步,也一定要等到万不得已的时候,至于他对不让步的态度,是始终认为有价值的。
    If he had to let go in the end he would when compelled, but his views as to the value of not letting go were quite the same even when he had let go under compulsion.

  • 但是我觉得,无论如何小心擦拭,对镜面镀膜总是有损害的,所以不到万不得已决不要擦拭镜头。
    However, I think, however carefully wipe, there is always damage the mirror coating, so less than a last resort should never wipe the lens.

  • 怎么才能做好呢?不到万不得已你根本不会说英语。我要你向我保证以后我们在一起的时候只说英语。
    What good will it do? You never speak English unless you absolutely have to . I'll make you promise to speak nothing but English when we are together.

  • 45岁的上班族大卫·埃利斯在圣詹姆斯公园站等地铁时说:“除非万不得已,我不会坐地铁,而会坐巴士。
    "I'd rather catch a bus than a tube now unless I'm in a desperate hurry, " said David Ellis, 45, an office worker awaiting a subway train at St. James's Park station.

  • 广州供电分公司有关人士表示,停电是万不得已,但由于开发商一直拒绝报装永久用电,停电也是为了避免损失进一步增加。
    Guangzhou electricity branch concerned that power is the last resort, but because developers have refused to have permanent electricity, power is increased in order to avoid further losses.

  • 睡眠 睡眠太少会使你的皮肤看上去疲劳且无光泽,所以,除非万不得已,别熬夜;这样可让你的皮肤有机会得到松弛和恢复。
    Sleep Too little leaves your skin looking tired and dull, so don't stay up any longer than you have to, and give your skin the chance to relax and recharge.

  • 未参保者往往是“不到万不得已不看医生”,该院院长爱德·贝拉尼克说,“但当他们去到医院的时候,他们的感冒却恶化成肺炎了”。
    The uninsured often "don't seek help until they are really sick, " says Ed Beranek, a director at the hospital. "By the time they arrive, that cold has turned into pneumonia.

  • “免费”和“素食主义者”两个词的组合,这一术语描述的是一种反消费者,他们远离主流的物质享受,只在万不得已的情况下才去购物。
    A combination of the words "free" and "vegan, " the term describes an anti-consumer who shuns mainstream materialism and only makes purchases as a last resort.

  • 丹麦的公车上,除非到万不得已,很少有人会和其他人合坐在一起,基本都是一个人独霸两个座位,在上海地铁里,两个座位可以坐四个人啊…
    I think its impolite to sit next to someone in a bus if there is a bench where I can sit on your own.

  • 万不得已造句相关
