
不时之需  bù shí zhī xū








  • 带个备用轮胎去,以备不时之需
    Take a spare tire along in case of need.

  • 我们必须携带武器,以备不时之需
    In case of need, we must bear arms.

  • 还是藏起来点小钱已被不时之需吧!
    Put a small stash of cash aside for emergencies.

  • 他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需
    He has a little money put aside for a rainy day.

  • 你应该储蓄一些钱,以备不时之需
    You ought to have put aside some amount of money for a rainy day.

  • 你应该存些钱以备不时之需
    Yous should save some money for rainy day.

  • 他积蓄一些钱以备不时之需
    He laid up some money for a rainy day.

  • 我攒了一点钱以备不时之需
    I have little money placed aside for a rainy day.

  • 没让她去睡觉以防不时之需
    She was not allowed to go to bed, lest she might be needed.

  • 他花了一半奖金,剩下的以备不时之需
    Half the prize money he spent, and the rest was laid aside for a rainy day.

  • 为备将来不时之需存有健康细胞的患者。
    The procedure involves finding a bone marrow donor who has a similar genetic makeup to the patient.

  • 母亲总是告诫我们要攒一些钱以备不时之需
    My mother taught us always to save some money for a rainy day.

  • 我把这本书放在手边,仅仅是以备不时之需
    I keep this book handy just in case.

  • 我把这本书放在手边,仅仅是以备不时之需
    I keep the book handy just in case.

  • 许多藻类会生成油,作为食物储存以备不时之需
    Many algae make oil, which they store as a foodstuff against an uncertain future.

  • 狐狸发现了一些食物并埋了起来,以备不时之需
    The fox finds a morsel and buries it, a precaution against an unpredictable future.

  • 我们应该未雨绸缪。/我们应该存钱以备不时之需
    We should save some money for a rainy day.

  • 她拿出两千多英镑放在一旁,未雨绸缪,以备不时之需
    She has a couple of thousand pounds kept aside which she's saving for a rainy day.

  • 随时存上足够的钱,以备打公用电话和上公共厕所的不时之需
    Always save enough money for one phone call and one use of a pay toilet.

  • 贴士:保存文本信息发送者作为您手机的联系人以便不时之需
    Tip: Save the text message sender as a contact in your mobile phone, so you'll have it handy when you need it.

  • 请为幼儿多备衣裤一套,置于写上名字的胶袋内,以备不时之需
    Please bring in an extra set of clothing within a named bag.

  • 能作为躲避海外税务稽查或者特工骚扰以备不时之需的藏身之处。
    Could serve as bolt hole in unlikely case of overseas tax/secret police difficulties.

  • 我想跟太太一起去度假,不过后来我们还是决定存些钱以备将来不时之需
    I'd like to take a vacation with my wife. However, we have decided to save money for a rainy day.

  • 我想和太太去度假,不过后来我们还是决定把钱存起来以备将来不时之需
    I'd like to take a vacation with my wife, however, we have decided to save some money for a rainy day.

  • 解作复制户、后备、以作不时之需,排第一的当然永远都是正选,正选不行?就…
    Back Up–Make a copy of something in case the original is lost or damaged.

  • 看看那些不同的领域。你可以输入你用于支付房租,偿还债务,为应对不时之需而储蓄的金额。
    Take a look at all of these different areas. You can put into your housing payment, your debt, what you have saved for emergencies.

  • 所以,他们突然由资本的目的地变成了资本的来源,政府也开始积累大笔的海外资本以备不时之需
    As a result, they abruptly switched from being destinations for capital to sources of capital, as their governments began accumulating huge precautionary hoards of overseas assets.

  • 积攒点什么以备不时之需,这种老习惯现在几乎荡然无存,因为人们看到由于通货膨胀,这种积攒越来越没有价值了。
    The old habit of saving a little something against a rainy day has almost entirely disappeared as people see the value of such saving continuously eroded by inflation.

  • 金融资产的产生源自人们希望推迟消费的愿望。这样可以储蓄资金,以备不时之需或是用于投资,以便将来能够消费更多的货物,享受更多的服务。
    Financial assets arise from the desire to postpone consumption so that money can be saved, either for precautionary reasons or to invest so that more goods and services can be consumed in the future.

  • 在这个混乱和恐怖的时期,思嘉感到害怕了----虽然害怕,却很坚定,她仍旧像过去一样独自一人赶着车来来去去,并把弗兰克的手枪插在马车缝里,以备不时之需
    In this wild and fearful time, Scarlett was frightened-frightened but determined, and she still made her rounds alone, with Frank's pistol tucked in the upholstery of the buggy.

  • 不时之需造句相关
