
互为表里  hù wéi biǎo lǐ






  • 这两方面原因是互为表里的。
    Each other is exterior and interior reason of this two respects.

  • 文化与媒介永远是互为表里,合而为一的。
    Culture and media are always in a reciprocal relationship.

  • 实质的违法性认识与形式的违法性认识通常互为表里
    Knowledge of essential illegality and knowledge of formal illegality is outside and inside each other.

  • 其书学思想与其书法实践互为表里,是一种“知行合一”的状态。
    His Calligraphy knowledge and practice live together and appeared a combination of knowing and doing.

  • 公司治理两个互为表里的关键性安排,一个是公司控制构架,一个是激励制度。
    The corporate governance is divided into two parts, one is corporate controlling frame, the other is the incentive issue.

  • 它包括两个相互衣存、互为表里的方面:一是对社会生活的观察、体验和审美认识;
    It includes two clothing to survive, the exterior aspects of each other: First, the observation of social life, experience and aesthetic awareness;

  • 论文写作的规范化与研究过程的科学化是互为表里、既有联系又有区别的两个范畴。
    To follow the regulations for academic writing and to follow the scientific research process for academic study are respectively the outward expressivity and the inner productivity of a scholar.

  • 在任长霞身上,法律和道德互为表里、执法的威严和深切的人文关怀内在地结合在一起。
    Renzhangxia possession, the legal and moral mutually exterior and interior, law enforcement authority and deep concern in the humanities together.

  • 在这思想来源、理论来源的两种互为表里的冲突和合中,形成李睟光独特的民族文学批评理论。
    It formed Li Suiguang"s unique national literary criticism theory between the thought origin"s and the theory origin"s conflict and integration.

  • 这双重旋律互为表里,表明了人类的某种悲剧性处境以及作家对这种悲剧性处境的感受和认识。
    Double rhythms, resounding through the lyric depiction and connecting with each other, indicate the thespian place of mankind and the cognition of the writer to this thespian place.

  • 而与外部环境变化互为表里的,正是国家对教育的完全掌控到国民教育权逐渐发扬的转变过程。
    At the same time, the internal factor was the transition from the government's total control over education to the full realization of people's education rights.

  • 同时,依据“宪法一体性”原理,该递进义务的履行与国家权力之分立,互为表里,而彼此制约。
    At the same time, according to "the integral constitution" principle, the obligations should watch with but check and supervise each other.

  • 中秋文化与儒家精神,互为表里,相互影响,逐渐形成了祈求和谐、团圆等永恒不变的民族主旋律。
    Besides, the culture of Mid-Autumn affects the Confucianism with each other and then forms the everlasting theme of harmony, reunion and unification.

  • 集那么多纯真与聪颖于一身,如此的善良与如此的坚毅结合在一起;内在的娴静与外在的活泼互为表里
    So much innocence combined with so much intelligence; such kindness with such firmness; such inner serenity in such an active life.

  • 它是中国人民的政治立场和文化选择,与近代中国法制变革互为表里,并制约着传统法制的现代化变革。
    As a political stand and cultural option of China, the trend of nationalism restricted the change of traditional legality modernization being outside and inside of the modern legality modernization.

  • 两种力量具体作用虽然各不相同,但互为依托,相互作用,互为表里,合力推动土家族社会文化迅速变迁。
    Although the function of these two powers was different, they influenced and contributed to each other, and made the Tujia society and culture change rapidly.

  • 同时,追寻主题与烦恼主题构成了因果关系,相辅相成,互为表里,乃是理解杜拉斯初期小说创作的关键之点。
    At the same time, the two themes form a causal, supplementary relation with each other and play a key role in the un…

  • 克劳福德家族的商标设计充分体现了其悠久的苏格兰传统文化,风格随意的品名和严谨考究的葡萄酒互为表里
    The family's Scottish heritage is represented in the label design, combining light-hearted proprietary names with serious wines.

  • 在儒家的乐舞学说中,强调了礼乐互为表里、相互为用的教化功能,强调了乐舞在人之内心修养方面的陶冶作用。
    The Confucian theories on music and dance stressed that music and rites were indispensable in performing their education role , and that music and dance were vital in purifying people's mind.

  • 它所反映出的十八世纪河南方言词汇,具有鲜明的区域性色彩和突出的时代特征,而这二者又是相互依存、互为表里的。
    The Henan dialect vocabulary in 18th century reflected in this book has sharp regional colour and outstanding feature of times, both of which are inter-dependent and mutually conditional.

  • 广告信用建立的前提和条件是广告诚信的实现及广告信任的获得,同时广告信任又以广告诚信为基础并与广告信用互为表里
    advertising integrity, is the moral codes of conduct that the main campaign activities must have in the ads, is the foundation of gain and achieve advertising credit .

  • “人的全面发展”是马克思关于社会的发展与人的发展互为前提和互为表里的相关性论点,社会的发展最终是为了人的全面发展。
    All-round development of human beings is a core statement Marx argues about the(development) of society and that of human beings, which depend on each other.

  • 这些构成了永州八记游移于风景与焦虑二者之间的特殊书写姿态。亦从而凸显永州八记与永州辞赋二者间互为表里的特殊重要关系。
    These points not only construct the special writing position from scene to anxiety but also reveal the importance of the intertextuality relationship between "Yongzhou eight essays" and Yongzhou cifu.

  • 高薪这一物质激励在保持新加坡政府廉洁的诸多因素中确有一席之地,但它与内嵌于新加坡社会的儒家文化并由之形成的精神激励互为表里
    Though the material spur factors of high salary plays an part in keeping the Singapore's clearance, it has a deep relation with the moral encouragement form the society's Confucianism culture.

  • 目前 ,道德的失落和信仰的迷失实质上互为表里。实施以德治国必须解决社会信仰问题 ,能否发挥党的领导核心作用是解决这一问题的关键。首先 ,应注意体制、政策的道德基础 ;
    Country of solid inflict rule of virtue must solve social belief problem, whether the leadership core effect that produces a party is the key that solves this one problem.

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