
休戚相关  xiū qī xiāng guān








  • 个人成就是与他人的成就休戚相关的。
    The success of each is dependent upon the success of the other.

  • 他的前途跟他所在公司的前途休戚相关
    His future is closely bound up with that of the company he works for.

  • 就算是俩人,却休戚相关
    As stiff twin compasses are two;

  • (你的产能)还与大自然的美丽与神奇休戚相关
    Reconnect to the beauty and magic of Mother Nature.

  • 众所周知,生活质量的好坏与人类健康是休戚相关的。
    It is known to all that the extent of the environmental quality is closely related to the health of man.

  • 平原河网地区的水环境状况与社会、经济及人类健康休戚相关
    Water environment of plain river network area is closely associated with society, economy and health of human beings.

  • 因此,我需要花些时间来说一说为什么华尔街改革与每个美国人休戚相关
    So, I just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about why every American has a stake in Wall Street reform.

  • 我永远不会脱离黑人区。我的一切与黑人区的未来休戚相关。瓦茨是我的家。
    I 'll never escape from the ghetto . I have staked my all on its future . Watts is my home .

  • 社长当选人说道,国际扶轮将继续寻求和接受彼此休戚相关其他组织合作的机会。
    The president-elect said that Rotary International will continue to seek and embrace opportunities to cooperate with other organizations in areas of mutual interest.

  • 这使她感到高兴,同时,这也表明了她与某个人关系密切,她的生活与之休戚相关
    It makes her feel good to know and show that she is involved with someone, that her life is bound up with someone else's.

  • 改革开放以来,我国传媒业得到了飞速发展,与人们的生活日益密不可分、休戚相关
    With the innovation and opening to the outside world, the media develops at very fast speed in China.

  • 他小说中人物的命运与整个历史的命运休戚相关,其作品有着强烈的历史感和沧桑感。
    The characters in his novels share the same fate with the entire history, therefore, his writings show history and time-weather.

  • 战后初期中日贸易关系的发展,与美国的冷战战略以及反映该战略的外交政策休戚相关
    The development of Sino-Japanese trade relations after World War II just ended with close connection with American Cold War strategies and its foreign policy reflecting the strategies.

  • 能否改善其日益恶化的生态环境,实现区域可持续发展与首都北京的生态安全休戚相关
    It is mostly interrelated with the ecological safety of Beijing that whether the degrading environment should be improved or not and whether the region should develop sustainable or not.

  • 尽管也有其他一些动机理由能临时刺激你,与你休戚相关的那些目标能无限期地激发你。
    While other causes could inspire you temporarily, a cause that matters to you can inspire you indefinitely.

  • 这是对别人的体谅表现于关心和帮助的行为、对平等和正义的关切和与人休戚相关的体认。
    It is consideration of others expressed in caring and helpful acts, a concern for equality, justice, and a sense of solidarity.

  • 有关人士认为,珠海、深圳主要是创业者置产,房地产市场与经济形势的整体起伏休戚相关
    According to relevant persons, Zhuhai, Shenzhen mainly venture Purchase off, the real estate market fluctuations together with the overall economic situation.

  • 但是,最受消费者关注的、与自身利益最为休戚相关的房价毕竟没有如一些学者预想的那样降下来。
    However, most consumers concern, solidarity and self-interest is, after all, not, as some scholars in the field foresees reduced.

  • 这些国家没有美国或中国等国所拥有的抗击气候变化的资源,不过却和气候变化解决方案最是休戚相关
    These nations do not have the same resources to combat climate change as countries like the United States or China do, but they have the most immediate stake in a solution.

  • 他认为持积极态度的心理学家所做的提高快乐程度的实验几乎都可以使人们感觉自己与别人更加休戚相关
    Virtually all the happiness exercises being tested by positive psychologists, he says, make people feel more connected to others.

  • 膨胀的自我使我们忽略了一个基本事实,那就是:我们同在生活这条大船上,别人的好坏与我们休戚相关
    An inflated ego blinds us to the fact that we are all living together on the same boat. The fortunes of other affects our well-being.

  • 人们猛然发现以往并不太看重的网络以及网络营销,效果出人意料地好,潜力之大,一下变得和自己休戚相关了。
    People do not suddenly discovered the importance of networking and marketing, unexpectedly good results, the potential for large, and it becomes their property.

  • 首席执行长到公司股东,从金融家到工厂工人,我们每个人都休戚相关,因为美国的民众越富足,美国才会越繁荣。
    From CEOs to shareholders, from financiers to factory workers, we all have a stake in each other's success because the more Americans prosper, the more America prospers.

  • 此外,本文还对与农村信用社改革休戚相关的风险防范、政策扶持、农村信用环境的完善等问题进行了简略的分析。
    At the same time, this article analyses some related issues in order to guarantee the reform of rural cooperatives smoothly.

  • 我国是社会主义国家,人民是国家的主人,广大公民对于维持与自身生存休戚相关的环境品质的改善有着当然的权利。
    China is socialist country, the people are masters of our country, majority citizens maintaining their right to improve the environmental quality of the course.

  • 这一概念与理解教育游戏设计的终极目标以及之前提到的合作小组所面临的挑战休戚相关,因为他们要尽量实现这一目标。
    This concept is particularly relevant for understanding the ultimate goal of educational game design as well as the challenges that collaborative teams face as they try to meet this goal.

  • 此后,从三次美元危机到布雷顿森林体系的崩溃,以及到目前全球经济失衡的出现,经济失衡的产生就一直和美国休戚相关
    Henceforth, from the three Dollar Crisis to the crash of Bretton Woods, and to global imbalances at present, the economic imbalances were often relative to US.

  • 音乐作品中的技术手法并非孤立行事,它既与也与社会-历史的人文环境休戚相关,也与该时期的文化思潮和音乐风格语境密切呼应。
    That the technique method in music work is not only isolated, and it related to both the society-historic humanistic community and the cultural thoughts as well as the music style at the times.

  • 作为购房者,与房价休戚相关的人群,他们对房价走势的判断也是会下跌,市民程先生和鲍先生就坚定地认为房价会在近段时间内下跌。
    As property buyers with real solidarity of the crowd, they will also judge the trend of price decreases, the public and Powell arrived on the firm belief that Mr. Recently, the prices will fall.

  • 天津市地处海河流域的尾闾,特殊的地理位置和自然条件,决定了天津市与水休戚相关,流域75%以上的暴雨洪水均需经天津市泄入渤海。
    Tianjin lies in downstream of Haihe river valley, 75 percent quality of water of whole valley afflux into Bohai ocean by Tianjin, and water is especial relation to Tianjin.

  • 休戚相关造句相关
