
似是而非  sì shì ér fēi







  • 这些话实际上毫无根据,似是而非的。
    Such talk is actually specious and groundless.

  • 洲大舞台上大猩猩有点象似是而非的隽语。
    The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene.

  • 当较优越的货币消失时,情况便变得有点似是而非了。
    When the superior money has disappeared, the situation becomes very paradoxical.

  • 中间所提出的理由似是而非,有点危言耸听,说法不大成立。
    The reasoning it stated was unfounded and exaggerated, it is a groundless accusation.

  • 我们总先将似是而非的东西视为真理,将貌相异的东西斥为谬误。
    Our first impulse is to accept the plausible as true and to reject the uncongenial as false.

  • 我们本可以建功立业,也只能退求其次地接受似是而非的借口。
    But then you would have to settle for excuses when you could have had accomplishment and fulfillment.

  • 这听起来却似是而非,由于该概念在实际操作中会不断发生变化。
    While this may sound plausible, it is a slippery concept to use in practice.

  • 但他们之间这种似是而非的友谊足以成为他们继续生活下去的理由吗?
    But is their unlikely friendship a good enough reason to carry on living?

  • 他用似是而非的遁词为他的教义作辩护,说政治家必须象世人那样活著。
    He fences his doctrines with the specious plea that statesmen must live as the world lives.

  • 奥普拉利用了这个似是而非的理论,告诫观众改善他们的生活与这个世界。
    Grasping this paradox, Oprah exhorts viewers to improve their lives and the world.

  • 我们得到一个似是而非的结论,正物质和负物质将朝同一方向作不断加速的运动。
    We thus have the expected but paradoxical result that both the positive and negative masses move off in the same direction at a constantly increasing velocity.

  • 似是而非,迦南语的碑铭一些地理名词和源自于阿拉伯的宗教用语连成一体。
    It is plausible that inscriptions in the Canaanite language incorporated some geographic and religious phrases that originated in Arabic.

  • 他要把所谓人生的事实故事颠倒起来,要说些似是而非的话,试试那孩子怎么对答。
    He liked to invert the so-called facts of life, to propound its paradoxes, and watch how the child's budding mind took them.

  • 你觉得似是而非,很困惑的问:“让你替代我什么意思?你做了什么要被处死刑?”
    You´re understandably a bit confused. "What do you mean, let you take my place? What have you done to deserve to die?" you ask.

  • 交易给了我们一个基本的似是而非:如何在持续的不确定性面前保持纪律、专注和自信?
    Trading presents us with a fundamental paradox: How do we remain disciplined, focused, and confident in the face of constant uncertainty?

  • 选民们重视麦凯恩先生,像大部分似是而非的领袖那样,他很早以前就鼓吹进攻伊拉克。
    Voters regard Mr McCain, who advocated the surge in Iraq before it was fashionable, as the more plausible commander-in-chief.

  • 出于自身爱好,在俱乐部会议上我编了一个似是而非的谎言,但所有的成员都不相信我。
    For my own sake, I've told a plausible lie at the club meeting, but the members did not believe me at all.

  • 有这样一个明显的似是而非的论点:造成老年人比率高的实际原因出生人数死亡人数。
    There is the apparent paradox that the effective cause of the high proportion of the old is births rather than deaths.

  • ,这样的想法如何防止“混乱”为了避免让他们接触的资料乎充其量似是而非的推理用户。
    However, the idea that the way to prevent "confusion" is to keep users from getting information about their exposure seems specious reasoning at best.

  • 我发现一个似是而非的事情:如果我爱到伤害的程度时,然后伤害就会消失,流下的却更多的爱。
    I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.

  • 布莱希特对喜剧及史诗剧场的理论:他的期望及其似是而非之处(他否真的影响了你对本剧的体会?
    Brecht's Theories of Comedy and of Epic Theater: What are His Expectations, and How Plausible are They (Do his effects actually work, in your experience of the play?

  • 他们加上受到一些似是而非的言论影响,竟然也受到反战思想感染,开始产生息事宁人、姑息恶人的态度。
    They have also been won over by some plausible arguments supporting anti-war sentiments, and have begun to adopt a conciliatory and condoning attitude towards the evil doers.

  • 这个假设在自由软件运动证明我们能够不必被其束缚制造丰富的有用软件之前,也许看起来象似是而非
    This assumption may have seemed plausible, before the free software movement demonstrated that we can make plenty of useful software without putting chains on it.

  • 他认为他自己“被阉割”了,这一个似是而非的神经质的误解,它这样似是而非以至于它变成了一种神经症的理论。
    He thought of himself as "castrated, " which is a very plausible neurotic misunder¬standing-so plausible that it could even be turned into a theory of neurosis.

  • 成熟的爱指的在保持个人完整独立性的前提下所形成的统一。合二为一,却又一分为二,这就爱中似是而非的矛盾现象。
    Mature love is union under the condition of preserving one's integrity, one's individuality. In love this paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two.

  • 第三个更加似是而非的论断集中在卖淫和其他肮脏下流行为的联系上,比如毒瘾、有组织犯罪、人口走私和与未成年人的性行为。
    A third, more plausible, argument focuses on the association between prostitution and all sorts of other nastinesses, such as drug addiction, organized crime, trafficking and underage sex.

  • 这些似是而非的论点适用于克罗诺基自然保护区,一个位于沿日本北部一千英里的太平洋海岸线上的堪察加半岛东侧的遥远的保护区。
    That paradox applies to Kronotsky Zapovednik, a remote nature reserve on the east side of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, along the Pacific coast a thousand miles north of Japan.

  • 即使摩西被承认为一个历史人物,《圣经》传说的各个不同方面可被重新解释。曼涅托声称摩西一位埃及人的观点相当似是而非的。
    Even if Moses is accepted as a historical figure, various aspects of the Biblical tale can be re-interpreted. Manetho's claim that Moses was an Egyptian is quite plausible.

  • 他们抵挡信仰的理论,不过似是而非的学问」(提前6:20-21),他们只不过在「愚拙无知地问难」(提后2:23、25,新译本)。
    Their opposition to the faith amounts to no more than a "knowledge falsely so called" (1 Tim. 6:20-21), by which they actually "oppose themselves" in ignorance (2 Tim. 2:23, 25).

  • 目前台湾许多个体投资人进行投资动作时凭藉的仍然不专业的投资内涵直觉、道听涂说与似是而非的那些所谓投资专家的电视名嘴所提供的杂讯。
    There are still lots of individual investors making investments decisions on intuitions, rumors, and the so-called "Mentors" who make lives by broadcasting useless information on TV.

  • 似是而非造句相关
