
偷工减料  tōu gōng jiǎn liào







  • 他们因盖房子偷工减料而受到了批评。
    They were criticized to cut corners in building the house.

  • 房子都卖不动了开发商还敢偷工减料
    Mai Budong house all the developers dare to building practices?

  • 案例――哪些具体环节易被施工队偷工减料
    Case -- what specific link easily jerry-building construction team?

  • 现在他必须住在这座他偷工减料所建造的房子里。
    Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.

  • 偷工减料的营造商建造的大楼是非常不坚固且充满危险的。
    The buildings constructed by jerry builders are very unstable and full of danger.

  • 这样的偷工减料极易造成柜面镜的破碎,成为不安全隐患。
    Such extremely jerry easy those who cause ark face lens is broken, make insecure hidden trouble.

  • 请别告诉你不相信”偷工减料“。它是”优先化“的俗称。
    Please don't tell me you don't believe in cutting corners.

  • 压到一定程度,迫使施工单位偷工减料,最后吃苦头的还是客户。
    Pressure to a certain extent, forcing the construction unit jerry-built, the last bullet or customers.

  • 这些房子是偷工减料建成的,因为他们只盖了两年,几乎要解体了。
    These houses are jerry-built projects, because it only took them two years to dismember.

  • 这些房子是偷工减料建成的,因为他们只盖了两年,几乎要解体了。
    The house is a jerry-built projects, because it built only for two years, but it near to break down.

  • 我正在因偷工减料而投诉装修公司,但已经一个月了,还是无法解决。
    I was due to shoddy work and complaints decoration company, but have a month, or not.

  • 由于许多厂家偷工减料,减少配置,生产出的产品很少能符合环保标准。
    Because a lot of manufacturer are jerry, reduce configuration, the product that production gives can accord with environmental protection standard rarely.

  • 有些房地产公司、建筑公司偷工减料,企图从材料上、施工上减少成本。
    Some real estate companies, construction companies cut corners in an attempt to materials, and reduce construction costs.

  • 国家领导人同时也谴责了造成事故的劣质建筑质量和钢筋数量的偷工减料
    The president of the country is blaming poor construction for the accident, including a lack of steel reinforcement.

  • 建筑施工企业必须按照工程设计图纸和施工技术标准施工,不得偷工减料
    Construction enterprises must carry out construction operation in accordance with design drawings of projects and construction technical standards, and shall not cheat on work and materials.

  • 有的不良商家为获利而偷工减料,省去消毒处理工艺,也会导致疾病传染。
    Some unscrupulous businessmen for profit and cut corners, eliminating disinfection process would lead to the spread of disease.

  • 树枝树干一分为二、二分为四,一路长去,不会偷工减料,也不会画蛇添足
    Tree branches into two, two into four, a long way to go, do not cut corners, nor superfluous.

  • 现在,就以王博士总金额为3万元的装修工程为例,列举可能偷工减料的项目。
    Wang on to the total amount of 3 million renovation project, for example, may be cited jerry-building projects.

  • 造成产品不合格的原因是企业偷工减料,使用质量低下的原材料和检验把关不严。
    The reason is not caused businesses to cut corners products, the use of low-quality raw materials and strict testing standards.

  • 很多父母举行了少有的抗议,要求公证处决造成他们孩子死亡的偷工减料的学校建筑。
    Several parents have staged rare protests, demanding justice over shoddy school construction that they say led to their children's deaths.

  • 在此居住的居民与物业公司人员交涉时了解到,这是开发公司建设时偷工减料造成的。
    Residents living in the property company personnel representations, and that this is caused by the development company building shoddy work.

  • 南部苏丹那些偷工减料建起的城镇多数靠援助机构主持,工作者们常常抱怨私人企业的匮乏。
    South Sudan's jerry-built towns are dominated by aid agencies, whose people often complain about the lack of a private sector.

  • 我们坚决反对一切行贿、偷税漏税、盗窃国家资材、偷工减料、偷窃国家经济情报的不法行为。
    We firmly fight against all illegal acts such as BriBery, tax evasion, theft of state property, jerry Building and stealing economic information from government sources.

  • 小王更发现施工队有偷工减料的行为,但碍于朋友的情面,又不敢当面直说,有气也只能憋在心中。
    Wang came to the construction team has found more shoddy work behaviour, but because of the established friends, and dare not say face to face straight, gas can only move in mind.

  • 他被阿尔赫罗达因推进器公司雇佣后,非常震惊地发现这家唯利是图的公司居然在产品中偷工减料
    He was hired by Alkherrodyne Propulsion, where he was appalled by the corners cut by the profit-hungry corporation.

  • 人们对核工业的安全更担忧的是,如何盯紧日益扩大的的承包商和转包商大军,他们往往偷工减料
    Safety concerns in the nuclear power industry are expected to grow as the pace picks up and more contractors and subcontractors seek to cut costs.

  • 质量问题主要表现为地基下沉、墙体裂缝、漏水、渗水,偷工减料、管道渗漏、材质差、防震性能不达标等。
    Quality issues are mainly manifested in the foundation sink, wall cracks, leakage, seepage, jerry-building, plumbing leaks, poor materials, preventing pollution, not performance.

  • 这样,不但能杜绝家具生产厂商弄虚作假、偷工减料的行为,也能避免消费者因使用、保养不当而造成的问题。
    Such, not only can stop furniture manufacturer practise fraud, jerry action, because use, also can prevent consumer, maintain undeserved and the problem that create.

  • 他们也知道,自己是在青海农村的一所少数民族学校里,这意味着他们很清楚这所建筑在建设时被尽可能的偷工减料
    They also knew they were in a minority school in the Qinghai countryside, which meant that they could be assured that the building was built with as many cut-corners as possible.

  • “去年,我担心成本上涨,担心供应商会偷工减料,特别是在材料方面,”萨拉特卡说道,“但是这已不再是个问题。
    "I was concerned last year about rising costs, and that my suppliers would cut corners, especially with the materials, " says Salatka. "But that is no longer an issue.

  • 偷工减料造句相关
